A. Conclusion

This study had quasi-experimental design which was intended to get empirical evidence of the effectiveness of using picture series to improve students’ reading comprehension of procedure text at SMAN 22 Kab. Tangerang. Based on the statistical analysis, the scores of experimental group in pre-test were lower than the control group. The data showed that the mean score of pre test in experimental group was 72.27, while the mean score of pre-test in control group was 72.73. From the scores of both groups, it means that there was a difference between the students’ achievement of scores in pre-test experimental group and control group. Moreover, there is also a significant difference between the experimental group and control group scores in post-test. Meanwhile, the mean score of post-test in experimental group was 81.97, and the mean score of post- test in control group was 76.52. It means that, in the post-test session, the experimental group got the higher score than the pre-test, and also higher than the control group. The statistical analysis showed that the minimum gained score of experimental group was -5 and the minimum gained score of control group was - 15. While, the highest gained score of experimental group was 30 and control group was 20. The average gained score of experimental group was 9.7, and for control group was 3.8. It can be concluded that teaching using picture series is effective for students to comprehend the procedure text.

B. Suggestions Based on the research, it can be delivered some suggestions go to:

 For teachers The teacher should use more creative and various media in teaching reading in class. The teachers should master the material that will be taught to the class so that they can choose the best media to teach the material. One of media that is widely available but often to be used is picture. In addition, teacher should encourage the students to imagine what they are reading. The teacher should give more chance to their students in order to make them more creative and active in the class activity. So, by using pictures, students will not be burdened with the text they are going to read.  For students Students should look for unfamiliar words contextually and should not be depend on the dictionary while reading text because it hinders them in comprehending text.  For further research This study, of course, is needed to be completed. It is only one of study that proves that pictures can be a useful media in reading text. In addition, the writer hopes that this study can be added and completed from different perspective, ideas and views in order to give more contribution in different perspective. Moreover, the title of this study is the effectiveness of picture series on students’ reading comprehension of procedure text, but unfortunately kinds of reading used in this study, due to several reasons, is procedure text. The further research perhaps can conduct the research with other varied genres of text. 43 REFERENCES Ahuja, Pramila and G.C Ahuja. How to Increase Your Reading Speed. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Ltd., 2007. Anderson, Mark and Kathy Anderson. Text Types in English 3. South Yarra: Mc Millan Education, Ltd., 2003. Daiek, Deborah B and Nancy M. Anter. Critical Reading for College and Beyond. New York: McGraw Hill, 2004. Elka, Bayyini Rosyada. “The Effect of Using Picture Series on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text”, a thesis at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015, unpublished. Flynn, Naomi and Rhona Staintrop. The Learning and Teaching of Reading and Writing. West Sussex: Whurr Publisher Limited, 2006. Grellet, Francoise. Developing Reading Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Knapp, Peter and Megan Watkins. Genre, Text, Grammar – Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing. Australia: University of New South Wales Press Ltd., 2005. Lems, Kristin, Leah D Miller, and Tenena M Soro. Teaching Reading to English Language Learner. New York: The Guilford Press, 2010. McDonough, Jo and Christopher Shaw. Materials and Methods in ELT. Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2003. Mikulecky, Beatrice S. and Linda Jeffries. More Reading Power Second Edition. New York: Pearson Education, Inc., 2004. Nunan, David. Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2005. Sudijono, Anas. Pengantar Statistika Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. 2006. Susetyo, Budi. Statistika untuk Analisis Data Penelitian. Bandung: PT Refika Aditama, 2010. Wright, Andrew. Pictures for Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Militansina, Zainal Ikhsanudin. “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension of Procedur e Text Through Picture Word Inductive Model Strategy”, a thesis at UNTAN, 2014, unpublished. 44 Subekti, Allen. “The Effectiveness of Using Pictures in Teaching Reading of Procedure Text”, a thesis at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014, unpublished. Standar Isi Untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Jakarta: Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, 2006. Reading Definition, retrieved on http:lrs.ed.uiuc.edustudentsjblantonreadreadingdef.htm September 24 th , 2016. Reading for Information, retrieved on http:www.anderson5.netcmslib02sc01001931centricitydomain2136key train_reading_student_intro.pdf December, 12 th 2016. Text Types, retrieved on https:bahanajar.wordpress.comtextspeechjenis-jenis-text- ing January, 21 st 2016.

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