Identification of the Problems

problem, the problems of this research were focused on the investigation to find out the use of interactive group work activities to improve the students’ speaking ability in that school.

D. Formulation of the Problems

Based on the limitation of the problems, the problems of this research were formulated as follow: 1. How are interactive group work activities implemented to improve the teaching of speaking skills of grade X PM 1 students of SMKN 1 Depok? 2. How the improvement of the students’ speaking ability is described due to the improvement of the process?

E. Objectives of the Study

Related to the formulation of the problem, this research was aimed at describing how the interactive group work activities were implemented to improve the teaching of speaking skills of grade X PM 1 students of SMKN 1 Depok and described the improvement of the students’ speaking skills due to the improvement of the process.

F. Significances of the Study

The significances of the study covers several parties enlisted as follows: 1. For the English teachers of SMK N 1 Depok This research can be used to improve the process of teaching speaking so that the teaching learning process is successful and gives a great positive impact to the tenth-grade students’ speaking ability. 2. For other English teachers. This research can be a reference or model to improve the teaching speaking ability. 3. For the students of SMK N 1 Depok Students of SMK N 1 Depok can improve their speaking ability through interactive group work activities with their friend. 9


A. Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Brown 2000: 193 explains that foreign language learning is a leaning a non native language in one’s own culture with immediate and widespread opportunities to use the language within the environmental of one’s culture. The contexts of foreign language are those in which students do not have ready-made context for communication beyond their classroom Brown, 2001: 116. It is taught in school but not essentially used in national or social life Broughton, 1980:6; Mambu, 2010:1. Brown also adds that people attempt to learn foreign language in order to communicate with people from other countries. In this case, since English is an international language, language learners are prepared to be able to communicate with people across the country. The communication is not merely spoken but also written. Similar with Brown, Uso-Juan 2006:151 says that the final target of learning foreign or second language is to do communication. Therefore, even spoken language is not the only way to do communication with people, mastering speaking ability plays a key role in learners’ success in accomplishing this goal. Bygates in Uso-Juan 2006: 161 says that learning a foreign language involves internalizing and mastering a new linguistic system which is a complex and time- consuming task. In this case, the students learn a new language which can be accomplished step by step regarding to their proficiency level. Therefore, new