Actions Plan Table 2: The list of action plans which are going to be implemented

the English words. However after using the same expressions more than twice, the researcher did not translate them into Indonesian language. Translating English into Indonesian language was aimed at drilling the students to be familiar with the expressions and be able to use them in the class. b. Drilling Pronunciation Drilling students how to pronounce a set of vocabularies and giving direct feedback when students made mistakes in pronunciation attempted to improve students’ pronunciation. The drilling was done because in a pre-test the researcher found that the students still made error in pronouncing certain words. In the beginning, after the researcher presented the materials, the researcher wrote a set of vocabularies and gave examples of how to pronounce the words. After that, the students imitated the sound. The researcher gave direct feedback if the students still made mistakes in pronunciation. Otherwise, the researcher asked the students whether the pronunciation was correct or not. Giving direct feedback was assumed to reinforce the students’ pronunciation. c. Drilling Vocabularies Similar with drilling pronunciation, drilling vocabularies was done at the beginning of presenting materials. The researcher firstly introduced several vocabularies that would be learnt in teaching and learning activities. Instead of introducing the vocabularies, the researcher also gave tasks to reinforce students’ vocabulary mastery. Drilling vocabularies was also done orally by asking the meaning of certain words when the researcher presented the materials. d. Encouraging Students to Speak English Using Group Work Activities Interactive group work activities were planned to improve students’ confidence to speak in English. The tasks were based on a set of pictures of signs and symbols from which the students had to ask the meaning of the sign and symbols. It was aimed at encouraging automaticity in speaking after they knew the expression. In this activity, the researcher monitored the use of language since the students probably would use their mother tongue instead of English. e. Using Live Listening This plan was aimed at improving students’ comprehension in understanding what the other speaker said instead of using classroom English. The live listening was about a person having a trip in Yogyakarta. Besides improving the students’ comprehension, this activity was used to check the students’ understanding in learning signs and symbols. f. Giving Rewards to Motivate the Students Doing the Task The researcher planned to give rewards in the form of points for the students who were willing to speak English. This action was planned based on the findings in the questionnaires and interviews with the English teacher revealing that the students were still shy and reluctant to perform English. Therefore, by giving rewards, the researcher hoped that the students would be more enthusiastic to come in front of the class to performing.

2. Action and Observation in Cycle I

Before the actions were done, the researcher conducted the pre test which was held on 14 th November 2013. After that, the researcher conducted the actions