Research Problems The Sharpening of the Problem

explaining the materials by translating the words in Indonesian language. The use of English in the class was not merely based on the low ability of students’ comprehension perceived by the researcher but it implemented based on the interview with the students. In an interview, a student of X PM 1 named Desi was willing to be taught English through English with translation. Her statement was supported by Diah, the other student of X PM 1, she said that by listening to English, she could gradually improve her English proficiency. In terms of applying the English language in English class, Diah suggested that the researcher should speak loudly and not too fast so that the students could understand what the researcher said. In short, the problems that found in the class were: the lack of using classroom English, the lack of students’ comprehension in understanding spoken English, the lack of students’ confidence to speak in English, the lack of classroom interaction, the lack of using media, and the lack of applying interesting activities. After applying the actions, it was expected that the researcher used classroom English, the students achieved spoken English comprehension, the students were confident to use English, the students could interact and practice the target language in the teaching and learning activities, the various media were used to support English class, and interactive group work activities were applied to encourage students in using English.

5. Actions Plan Table 2: The list of action plans which are going to be implemented

No Problems Actions 1. The teaching techniques and activities - Using group work activities to improve students’ speaking ability - Drilling pronunciation to the students - Using classroom English - Teaching using English and translating into Indonesian language - Applying games 2. The materials - Using the school course book with the additional materials from the other books and materials from the internet - Using specific speaking materials 3. Media - Using the LCD since it is available in the classroom - Creating media to support teaching and learning materials like flash cards - Using the other appropriate media based on the materials Based on the table above, there were several problems found during the observations which were related to the teaching and learning activities, the materials, and the media. To solve those problems, the researcher did several steps. The researcher, at first, created course grid which covers the basic competency, the materials, the activities, the vocabularies, the examples of the language, the media, the tasks, and the language skills that the students should master.