Determining the Actions to Solve the Field Problems

5. Actions Plan Table 2: The list of action plans which are going to be implemented

No Problems Actions 1. The teaching techniques and activities - Using group work activities to improve students’ speaking ability - Drilling pronunciation to the students - Using classroom English - Teaching using English and translating into Indonesian language - Applying games 2. The materials - Using the school course book with the additional materials from the other books and materials from the internet - Using specific speaking materials 3. Media - Using the LCD since it is available in the classroom - Creating media to support teaching and learning materials like flash cards - Using the other appropriate media based on the materials Based on the table above, there were several problems found during the observations which were related to the teaching and learning activities, the materials, and the media. To solve those problems, the researcher did several steps. The researcher, at first, created course grid which covers the basic competency, the materials, the activities, the vocabularies, the examples of the language, the media, the tasks, and the language skills that the students should master. Cycle I was conducted in two meetings in which the basic competence was to understand simple menu, public transportation schedules, and traffic light signs and symbols with the standard competency doing communication in novice level. Meanwhile the basic competence of cycle II was to understand words, terms, and simple sentences based on the grammar rules. Cycle II was conducted in three meetings. Both of the cycles used materials based on the basic competency. Therefore, the materials, the media, the vocabularies, the games, and the interactive group work activities were planned to achieve the goals in the basic competencies. In cycle I, the materials were delivered based on traffic light symbols, and public transportation schedules. In terms of media, the researcher used the LCD, pictures, flash cards, and a map. The flash cards consisted of pictures for learning about signs and symbols, and name of countries for flight schedules. A big map was also used for learning about flight schedules. The games and interactive group work activities applies in cycle I were “finding objects in the classroom”, “giving clues” and “interview”. Those games were done in a group.,

B. The Implementations of the Actions and Discussions in Cycle I 1. Plans of Cycle I

In this planning session, the researcher determined the form of the pre-test and the group works which would be applied in the first cycle. The researcher with the help of a research collaborator also determined the syllabus to design the materials and the activities to be applied. The pre-test was applied to assess the students’ speaking ability so that the researcher team could design the suitable materials and activities to improve students’ speaking ability. Based on the pre-test result and the discussion with the research team as well as considered the result of the observations and interviews, the actions which would be applied included using classroom English, drilling pronunciation, drilling vocabularies, and encouraging students to speak English using group work activities, giving rewards to motivate students, and using live listening. The actions which conducted in the first cycle were based on signs and symbols materials. The researcher used signs and symbols pictures and also implemented a story telling after presenting the materials as media to identify the signs and symbols that the students often found on the street. a. Using Classroom English In the action, the researcher acted as the teacher in the class. The researcher planned to use classroom English in the teaching learning process in order to make the students familiar with the English words. He also gave every student the opportunity to speak English during the teaching learning process. The classroom English was used in several functions such as to greet the students at the beginning of the lesson, to elicit the materials that would be learnt, to explain the materials, to give the instruction of the tasks or activities, to give feedback, and also to end the lesson. Based on the observation, the students said that they did not understand when the researcher spoke English. Therefore, during this cycle, the researcher spoke English and translated it into Indonesian language, so they could understand the English words. However after using the same expressions more than twice, the researcher did not translate them into Indonesian language. Translating English into Indonesian language was aimed at drilling the students to be familiar with the expressions and be able to use them in the class. b. Drilling Pronunciation Drilling students how to pronounce a set of vocabularies and giving direct feedback when students made mistakes in pronunciation attempted to improve students’ pronunciation. The drilling was done because in a pre-test the researcher found that the students still made error in pronouncing certain words. In the beginning, after the researcher presented the materials, the researcher wrote a set of vocabularies and gave examples of how to pronounce the words. After that, the students imitated the sound. The researcher gave direct feedback if the students still made mistakes in pronunciation. Otherwise, the researcher asked the students whether the pronunciation was correct or not. Giving direct feedback was assumed to reinforce the students’ pronunciation. c. Drilling Vocabularies Similar with drilling pronunciation, drilling vocabularies was done at the beginning of presenting materials. The researcher firstly introduced several vocabularies that would be learnt in teaching and learning activities. Instead of introducing the vocabularies, the researcher also gave tasks to reinforce students’ vocabulary mastery. Drilling vocabularies was also done orally by asking the meaning of certain words when the researcher presented the materials.