Setting of the Research Subjects of the Research

2. Coding the Data The purpose of coding is to reduce the data and break them into manageable categories of concepts, themes, or types. The data, then, were divided into some categories to simplify the analysis of the data. 3. Comparing the Data This step is used to see whether there are repetitions and development among the data which are collected through various techniques. The comparison aims mainly to describe and display the data rather than explain or interpret them. 4. Building Interpretation The data interpretation was built together with other research members. This interpretation was based on the data description, data categorization, data coding, and data comparison. In doing this step, the concepts and theories were employed to explain why such changes happened. 5. Reporting the Outcomes After the researcher and the collaborator analyzing the data, the outcomes were presented to the audience clearly by describing the process of the research implementation and that the finding and outcomes were well supported by the collected data. Not only reporting the process of implementations, the descriptions of the original issue of the research, the contexts, the methods, the data, the findings were also described to come to the finding itself. Data analysis techniques in this research also cover the validity and triangulation. The researcher uses some validity kinds offered by Andersen in Burns 1999: 161- 163. These kinds of validity are presented below. 1. Democratic Validity It is related to the extent to which the research is truly collaborative. This kind of validity was gained by involving some research collaborators. In this research, the researcher cooperated with the English teacher and a student from English Education Program of UNY as the collaborators. 2. Outcome Validity It is related to the notion of actions leading outcomes that are ‘successful’. This kind of validity was presented by the data which had been gained after the implementation of the planned actions. 3. Process Validity It focuses on the process of conducting the research. This research aimed mainly at improving the teaching learning process not only in how to produce good outcomes but also how to make the students understand and take part in all the teaching learning activities. This validity was reached by preparing and providing supporting teaching method, media, and also classroom management. 4. Catalytic Validity It is related to how the stakeholders responded to the changes occurring to themselves. This validity was presented by the result of the interview with the related stakeholders such as the students, the English teachers and the headmaster. 5. Dialogic Validity It is a reflective dialogue with ‘critical friends’ or other practitioners. This kind of validity was met by doing regular discussions with the two collaborators about the result of the treatment.