English for Specific Purposes a. Definition of ESP

15 Furthermore, Hutchinson and Waters 1987:58 explain there are number of ways to gather information about learners needs, the most popular to be used are questionnaires, interviews, observation, data collection, and informal consultation with sponsors, learners and others. Among those ways, questionnaire is the most appropriate way to get sufficient and accurate data of the needs of SMK students. Through questionnaires, it is expexted that the students will feel free and give real answer that the information of those questionnaires are accurate. Hutchinson and Waters also propose a framework for analyzing learning needs 1987: 62. The checklist is presented below: Why are the learners taking the course? - Compulsory or optional; - Apparent need or not; - Are status, money, promotion involved? - What do learners think they will achieve? - What is their attitude toward the ESP course? Do they want to improve their English or they resent the time they have spent on it? How do the learners learn? - What is their learning background? - What is their concept of teaching and learning? - What methodology will appeal to them? - What sort of techniques are likely to bore alienate them? - What resources are available? - Number and professional competence of teachers; - Attitude of teachers to ESP; - Teacher’s knowledge of and attitude to the subject content; - Materials; - Aids; - Opportunities for out-of-class activities Who are the learners? 16 - Ages sex nationality; - What do they know already about English? - What subject knowledge do they have? - What are their in socio-cultural background - What teaching styles are they used to? - What is their attitude to English or to the culture of the English- speaking world? Where will the ESP course take place? - Are the surrounding pleasant, dull, noisy, cold, etc? - Time of day; - Everyday once a week; - Full-time part-time; - Concurrent with need or pre-need

c. Syllabus Design

Syllabus is a document which contains the planned topics that will be learnt Hutchinson and Waters 1987:80. This draft of planned topics will be developed to be the teaching contents or course design. Richards and Rodgers 2001:231 say that syllabus specifies content and learning outcome, it is a document that can be used as the basis for the classroom teaching and the design of teaching materials. Based on The Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation No. 652013, syllabus is a frame to arrange learning activities and materials for every subject. A syllabus covers some aspects, at least; mata pelajaran subject, identitas sekolah name of the school, Kompetensi Inti Core competence, Kompetensi Dasar Basic Competence, Kegiatan Pembelajaran Learning Activities, Penilaian Assessment, Alokasi Waktu Time Allocation, and Sumber Belajar Sources. 17 In spite of making the course manageable, syllabus shows clearly the route from the objectives to the goal. The teacher can evaluate what progress that the students have achieved to reach the goals. Through syllabus the students and the teacher can see not only what will be learned, but also why it is necessary to be learned. It makes the learning process worthy and meaningful.

3. Content- Based Instruction a. Definition

As the materials for SMK students are developed based on their specific needs, the best approach to deal with the materials development is Content-Based Instruction CBI. There are several definitions of CBI proposed by some experts. According to Richards and Rodgers 2001, CBI is an approach to second language teaching in which teaching is organized around the content or information that students will acquire. Richard and Rodgers 2001:204 also claim that CBI draws on the principles of Communicative Language Teaching in which real communication, the exchange of information, and experiential content become the subject matter of language teaching. Meanwhile, Brinton in Nunan 2004:132 emphasizes the characteristic feature of CBI which is the teaching of language through exposure to content that is interesting and relevant to learners. In addition, Murphy and Stoller in Nunan 2004:131-132 explain that the strengths of CBI are its syllabus design and materials development which are generated from students’ interest and needs, it also can raise students’ motivation and heighten their own learning process