Research Subjects Research Procedure

46 No. Criteria of the questions The purpose of the questions Item number Reference 1. to find the information about the students’ profile Part A Hutchinson and Waters 1987: 63 2. Target needs to identify the goal of the students to learn English, the students’ English proficiency, and the materials that the students want to learn 1, 2,3,5,6,7 Nunan 2004: 41- 42 3. Topic to find the information about students’ preference of the materials topic 4 Nunan 2004 4. Input to find the information about kinds of input that students want need 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Nunan 2004s: 47- 49 5. Procedures to find the information about students’ preference of learning activities 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Nunan 2004: 52- 63 6. Teacher role to find the information about teachers role in teaching and learning process 20 Nunan 2004: 64 7. Learner role to find the information about learner role in teaching and learning process 21 Nunan 2004: 64 8. Setting to find the setting of the materials 22 Nunan 2004: 70

2. Expert Judgment Questionnaire

The expert judgment questionnaire aimed at gaining data from an expert in English teaching about the appropriateness of the materials. The questionnaire 47 contained several points of evaluation taken from SMK’s English Learning Textbook Assessment from Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, DEPDIKNAS 2007. The points were involved the appropriateness of the contents, the appropriateness of the presentation, the appropriateness of the language, and the appropriateness of the graphic design. The data, then, were analyzed to find whether the materials were appropriate for the students or not, and did they meet the students’ needs. The table below shows the framework of the expert judgment questionnaire. Table 3.2: The Organization of the Expert Judgment Questionnaire No. Aspects The purpose of The Question Item Number Reference 1 Contents to validate the appropriateness of the materials to the curriculum, to validate the depth of the materials, and to validate the accuracy 1-13 BSNP 2007 2 Language to validate the appropriateness of the language with the students’ cognitive development, to validate whether the language use is communicative, and to validate the cohesiveness and the coherences 14-20 BSNP 2007 3 Presentation to validate the presentation technique and the learning presentation 21-26 BSNP 2007 48 4 Graphic Design to validate the appropriateness of the materials’ lay out and the content design, to validate the illustration to validate the typography of the materials 27-32 BSNP 2007

F. Data Analysis Technique

There were two kinds of data from the research; quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were gained from the questionnaires of the needs analysis and the experts judgments, while the qualitative data were from the comments and opinions from the expert related to their assessments of the materials. There were two techniques used in this study to analyze the data from the instruments. First, the questionnaire in the stage of needs analysis was analyzed using frequency and percentage. The highest frequency and percentage from the options of the questionnaire determined what kind of materials should be. The data were calculated using the following formula: P : f N100 where P: percentage N: total respondents f: frequency The expert judgment questionnaire consisted of statements and responses in the form of Likert scale. It asked the respondent to indicate the strength of