This research study has three main goals: 1 to identify the target needs of the grade X students of Marketing Study Program at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bantul, 2 to identify the learning needs of the grade X students of Marketing Study Program at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bantul, 3 to develop appropriate English learning materials for grade X students of Marketing Study Program. In this chapter, research findings are summarized, the conclusions are drawn, and the suggestions are proposed.

A. Conclusions 1. The Target Needs

Needs analysis was done in this research to identify the target needs and the learning needs of the grade X students of Marketing Study Program at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bantul. Based on the needs analysis results, the target needs of the grade X students of Marketing Study Program at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bantul are described as follows. In terms of goals, most of the students 78 have motivation to learn English in order to get work after they finish their vocational school. Related to English proficiency, most of the students 91 were early intermediate. Therefore, the students need English learning materials which support their future job. The materials may contain English expressions and the responses to communicate with others, technical terms, and also simple business letters. The topic of the learning materials should be related to communication in a workplace. 91 Besides the aspects above, the target needs of the students are also represented by the English curriculum of SMK Core competence Basic Competences.

2. The Learning Needs

The learning needs were identified from the aspects of task components proposed by Nunan 2004 which cover input, procedures, teacher role, learner role, and setting. In terms of input, most of the students preferred short dialogues, a medium text which contains several technical terms, short functional texts simple business letters, genre texts such as recount, descriptive, and narrative. In terms of procedure, most of the students preferred listening to a dialogue and answering the questions, listening to a dialogue and completing the blank spaces, doing role play and practicing a dialogue and monologue, reading a text and answering the comprehension questions based on the text, completing gaps in the sentences and arranging jumbled sentences to be a text, and matching English words with the meanings. Related to teacher role, the students preferred a teacher who could teach communicatively and encourage them to improve their English skills. While for the learner role, most the students admitted that they were active participants and pleased to be involved and engaged in classroom activities. In term of setting, most of the students preferred to do the learning tasks in pairs and in groups. In addition, more than fifty percents of the students preferred to do the tasks in the classroom. 92

3. Appropriate English Learning Materials for Grade X Students of Marketing Study Program

Based on the English curriculum of SMK, the target needs, and also the learning needs above, appropriate English learning materials for Grade X Marketing Study Program can be concluded as follows. First, English learning materials are based on the core competence and basic competences of English curriculum for grade X students. Considering the basic competences and the needs analysis results, the appropriate topic of the learning materials for grade X students of Marketing Study Program is related to communication in a workplace. In addition, the learning input for listening, speaking, reading, and writing are in the forms of dialogues, a text which contains several technical terms, short functional texts, and genre texts such as recount, descriptive, and narrative. The length of the dialogue for listening activity should be short less or equal to 150 words, while the length of the text for reading activity should be medium 200-250 words. In addition, the learning materials provide input in terms of vocabulary, explanation about grammar, and pronunciation phonetic transcriptions to improve the students’ micro-skills. Meanwhile, the learning activities are listening to a dialogue and then answering questions, having a role play, reading a text and answering comprehension questions, completing gaps and arranging jumbled sentences to be a good text. Related to the setting, pair-work and in small group work are preferable and good to promote interactions among the students. 93 Second, the tasks in the unit materials are integrated. The unit materials consist of introduction Starting Up, main lesson Listening Speaking, Reading Writing, and reinforcement Evaluation, Learning Journal, Summary, Glossary. “Starting Up” provides one or more tasks to give students opportunity to activate their present knowledge. In this task, the students are introduced to the topic and the materials that they are going to learn. Main lesson consist of two cycles; spoken cycle Listening Speaking and written cycle Reading Writing. As Curriculum 2013 recommends deductive learning in the learning process, scientific approach is implemented during the main lesson, both in spoken cycle and in written cycle. The steps involve observing, questioning, collecting data, analyzing data, communicating findings, and creating. In observing, the students observe a language phenomenon by listening or reading a text, and then they tick things they want to know. In questioning, the students formulate some questions referring to the items they just ticked in the step observing. In collecting, analyzing, and communicating findings, the students collect data and information to answer the questions that they formulated in the step questioning by following the instruction of the task. Besides, the students have to communicate their answers and findings in every task. In creating step, the students create their own text. The tasks in creating step start from guided production to free production. The third part of the materials is reinforcement. This part aims to give the students opportunity to review what they have learned in the unit by doing some tasks in “evaluation”. Besides, they can make reflection on how much they have