Experimenting Collecting data LITERATURE REVIEW 1. English in SMK

12 recommendation, it is necessary to apply the principles of English for Specific Purposes in this research.

2. English for Specific Purposes a. Definition of ESP

ESP was born since English became the accepted international language of technology and commerce. Many people want to learn English with various reasons. Some of them want to learn English to support their work done successfully, some of them need it to understand textbooks and journals in school which the language were available in English. At the same time as the demand for English learning was growing, a revolution in linguistic occurred. There was a new idea which changed the perspectives of linguistics toward English usage. Traditionally, the aim of linguistics was to describe the rules of grammar. The perspective changed as the new study revealed the ways in which language is used in a real communication. Educational psychology development also gave a contribution to the growth of ESP. It emphasized the central point of ‘the learners and their attitudes to learning’. Needs and interests of the learners toward English would influence their motivation to learn English and therefore on the effectiveness of the learning process. There are some definitions of ESP according to some experts. According to Hutchinson and Waters 1987:19, ESP is an approach to language teaching in which learners’ needs become the base to decide anything related to the learning and teaching process, including the learning contents and the methodology. 13 In addition, Dudley Evans and St. John in Basturkmen 2010: 13 say that ESP is designed to meet the learners’ needs. They also stated that ESP has absolute and variable characteristics. Absolute characteristics of ESP:  ESP is designed to meet the specific needs of learner  ESP makes use of the underlying methodology and the activities of the discipline it serves  ESP is centered on the language, skills, discourse, and genres appropriate to this activities Variable characteristics of ESP:  ESP may be related to or designed for specific discipline;  ESP may use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from that of general English  ESP is likely designed for adult learners  ESP is generally used for intermediate or advance learners. Most ESP courses assume basic knowledge of the language system, but it can be used with beginners. An ESP course begins with the learner’s needs. It is understood to be about “preparing learners to use English within academic, professional, or workplace environments” Basturkmen: 2010:17. Hutchinson and Waters 1987 propose two basic needs of ESP students; target needs and learning needs. Target needs are divided into several terms; necessities, lacks, and wants.  Necessities It is determined by the demands of the target situation that is what the learner has to know in order to function effectively in the target situation.  Lacks