Task Components LITERATURE REVIEW 1. English in SMK

37 - Problem-solving tasks: the students are given a problem and a set of information and they have to arrive with the solution, - Opinion exchange tasks: learners engage in a discussion and exchange ideas and opinion.

8. Materials Evaluation

After the materials are developed, it is necessary to evaluate the materials to find out the appropriateness of the materials for the learners. Tomlinson 1998:222 proposes several steps to conduct materials evaluation. Those steps are: 1. Specify the contents input, procedures, language activity, outcome and objectives of tasks 2. Planning the evaluation designing a prior checklist of evaluation questions 3. Collecting information how the task was performed, what learning took place as a result of performing the task, the information about the teachers’ and the learners’ opinions about the task 4. Analysis of the information collectedwhether to provide a quantitative or qualitative analysis of the data or both 5. Conclusion and recommendations conclude the result of the data analysis and predict recommendation for future teaching In Indonesia students’ textbook is evaluated and standardized by Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan BSNP. BSNP released the criteria to evaluate textbook which cover four aspects; they are:

1. The appropriateness of the contents of the materials

38 The appropriateness of the content is determined by the completeness, the depth and the accuracy of the materials. In addition, the materials should refer to the most up to dated sources.

2. The appropriateness of the language used in the materials

The language used should be appropriate to learners’ proficiency levels, understandable, and acceptable. Moreover, the text within the materials should be coherent and represent the integration of the ideas.

3. The appropriateness of the methodology presentation technique

This item refers to the presentation of the materials. It includes grading and sequencing the tasks within the materials.

4. The appropriateness of the layout of the materials

The layout covers the description of the fonts, text size and the consistency of the illustration.

B. Relevant Studies

There are some studies conducted earlier in some study programs of SMK. Some of the results are presented as follows: 1. Dian Safitri 04202244092 wrote a thesis entitled “Developing English Learning Materials for Grade X Students of Painting Department”. The results of the research shows the appropriate input for the English learning materials are in the forms of dialogues, pictures, authentic texts brochures, memos, catalogues, etc. The learning materials should contain technical terms to help the students enrich their vocabulary. Since the students’ motivation in learning 39 English was to have good English skills and to use spoken and written English in their future occupation, the learning materials should be integrated to improve the students’ language skills listening, speaking, reading, writing. 2. Hidayatul Muanifah 06202244136 conducted a research to develop English learning materials for grade XI students of Computer Networking Study Program. It identified that the appropriate English learning materials for grade XI students of Computer Networking Study Program should contain pictures, dialogs, advertisements, articles, pronunciation transcripts, and exercises to be the input in the materials. The learning activities in the materials should improve the students’ language skills namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

C. Conceptual Framework

English teaching in SMK is under the issue of English for Specific Purposes ESP. ESP is an approach to language teaching in which learners’ needs become the basis to decide anything related to the teaching and learning process Hutchinson and Waters, 1987. Thus, developing English learning materials for grade X students of Marketing Study Program is started by conducting needs analysis. Needs analysis is carried out to identify the target needs and the learning needs of the students. Needs analysis can be done by distributing questionnaire to the students. Then, the result of the needs analysis would be used to develop the syllabus and the first draft of the learning materials.