Creating LITERATURE REVIEW 1. English in SMK

13 In addition, Dudley Evans and St. John in Basturkmen 2010: 13 say that ESP is designed to meet the learners’ needs. They also stated that ESP has absolute and variable characteristics. Absolute characteristics of ESP:  ESP is designed to meet the specific needs of learner  ESP makes use of the underlying methodology and the activities of the discipline it serves  ESP is centered on the language, skills, discourse, and genres appropriate to this activities Variable characteristics of ESP:  ESP may be related to or designed for specific discipline;  ESP may use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from that of general English  ESP is likely designed for adult learners  ESP is generally used for intermediate or advance learners. Most ESP courses assume basic knowledge of the language system, but it can be used with beginners. An ESP course begins with the learner’s needs. It is understood to be about “preparing learners to use English within academic, professional, or workplace environments” Basturkmen: 2010:17. Hutchinson and Waters 1987 propose two basic needs of ESP students; target needs and learning needs. Target needs are divided into several terms; necessities, lacks, and wants.  Necessities It is determined by the demands of the target situation that is what the learner has to know in order to function effectively in the target situation.  Lacks 14 Lacks is the gap between what the learners know already and the target proficiency that the learners should achieve.  Wants It is the perspective of the learners towards the language they are going to learn, the goal they want to achieve after learning the language. If Hutchinson and Waters 1987 define lacks as the starting point, necessities as the destination and wants as the destination should be, then the learning needs has function as the route or way that is needed to passed through from the starting point to the destination. There are several steps to develop English learning materials for SMK students. As SMK’s students are categorized into ESP students, it is necessary to identify their target and learning needs by conducting needs analysis. Then, the syllabus is design based on the needs analysis result. After the syllabus designed, the tasks and unit materials are developed. The last step is evaluating the materials.

b. Needs Analysis

There are several definitions of needs analysis from some experts. Basturkmen 2010:17 say that needs analysis is an identification process of skills and language use to determine the content of a course. Meanwhile, Graves 2000: 98 defines needs analysis as a systematic and ongoing process to gather information about students’ needs, interpret the information, and then make teaching decision to meet the students’ needs.