Language Focus Let’s Conclude Act Up

27 English for Mechanical Engineering Students of Sanata Dharma University Give brief explanation to the students about how to apologize politely. Give the chance for the students to practice the expression. Forgive me. I’m terribly sorry about …... Please excuse ….. l r What will you do if you are the mechanic?

E. Language Focus

APOLOGY Usually you apologize if you have violated a social rule or have done something that hurts or inconveniences other people. The function of the apology is to show regret for the wrongdoing and to offer an explanation or a remedy. Apologies vary, depending on the formality of the situation, the relationship between the two people, and the seriousness of the mistake. In general, the more serious the error, the more elaborate the apology should be. There are five possible parts to be apology: 1. Formal expression of regret. This mat be explicit, as in “I’m sorry.” Or implied as in “I didn’t mean to.” 2. Explanation excuse which shows why the mistake occurred. 3. Offer to remedy the situation, if some damage has been done. 4. Assurance that the mistake will not be repeated. 5. Admission of guilt, which shows that the person apologizing accepts the blame. There are many different situations that require an apology, but they all have something in common: something undesirable or uncomfortable has happened. Almost always, it is the person who has made the mistake who apologizes. Please accept my apologies for ….. I apologize for ….. I would like to apologize for ….. Sorry about that. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ….. Oh Sorry Oh no Did I do that? I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Taken from Speaking Naturally: Communication Skil s in Ame ican English Ask this question to the students. If I am the mechanic I will apologize to Mrs. Perry because I cannot finish the job on time. 28 English for Mechanical Engineering Students of Sanata Dharma University

G. Let’s Conclude


F. Act Up

Ask the students to find a partner. Ask them to practice the dialogue and present it in front of the class. Ask the students to mention the expressions that they use to apologize politely. Source: • Blundell, Lesley and Stokes, Jackie. 1990. Task Listening . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. • Tillit, Bruce and Newton Bruder, Mary. 1985. Speaking Naturally: Communication Skills in Ame ican English . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. UNIT 7 HYBRID CAR

A. Let’s Review