Analyze The Steps of Designing Instructional Materials for Mechanical



This chapter consists of two parts. The first part is the steps of designing English instructional materials for Mechanical Engineering Students of Sanata Dharma University. This part answers the first question in the problem formulation. The second part is the presentation of the designed instructional materials for Mechanical Engineering Students of Sanata Dharma University. It answers the second question in the problem formulation.

A. The Steps of Designing Instructional Materials for Mechanical

Engineering Students of Sanata Dharma University Based on the data found from the questionnaire and the interview in the post-design activities, the writer designed English Instructional Materials for the students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. This activity was in accordance with the second step of R D cycle, design. In designing the instructional materials for Mechanical Engineering Students of Sanata Dharma University, the writer applied three instructional design steps. The steps were analyze, design, and evaluate. Each of the steps will be discussed as follows.

1. Analyze

In this step, the writer analyzed the learner characteristics, needs, lacks, and wants by conducting pre-design activities. The pre-design activities were 36 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 37 conducted by distributing questionnaire to the third semester students and the seventh semester students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The questionnaire was distributed on 31 August 2007 and 4 September 2007. On 31 August 2007, the writer distributed the questionnaire to the third semester students in Material class group A. Then on 4 September 2007, the questionnaire was distributed to the seventh semester students in Tenaga Surya class group A. In order to obtain additional information about the learner characteristics, needs, lacks, and wants the writer conducted an interview with the Chair Person of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program on 24 August 2007. There were eleven questions that should be answered by the students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Sanata Dharma University in the questionnaire of the pre-design activities. In the first section of the questionnaire, the students gave their answer by crossing the choices based on their opinions. For the second section, the students wrote their answer in short sentences. Data from the first section were analyzed using percentage method. The detailed results of the questionnaire are presented in Appendix F but the general results are as follows. Based on the data from the questionnaire and the interview, the writer identified the learner characteristics, needs, lacks, and wants. From the analysis, the writer found out that the participants of this survey were 55 students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Santa Dharma University, consisting of 30 third semester students 55, 20 seventh semester students 36, and 5 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 38 ninth semester students 9. Almost all of the students in this study program were male. The fact that most of the students in the Mechanical Engineering Study Program were male influenced the formality of the language they choose for daily speaking. They normally used informal language when they spoke to their peers. They sometimes used Indonesian while most of the time they used Javanese. Most of the participants 96 learned English during their SMU only. Only two respondents 4 had once learned English during their study in the University. Therefore, it could be concluded that their level of English was still in the beginner level. Considering on the importance of English, 37 participants 67 also stated that English was very important to support their future job. Therefore, they felt that they need to improve their English. There were 53 participants 96 who wanted to improve their English. The rest, which was two students 4, felt that they did not need to improve their English. From the questionnaire it was found that the participants were enthusiastic in joining an English class. Thirty-one of them 56 claimed that thay joined an English lecture because they wanted to improve their English. The participants wanted to improve their English because they need English proficiency that would enable them to read English textbooks. The writer found that there were 41 participants 76 who often learned English materials from the textbooks. In the questionnaire the participants also gave their suggestion on the activities that they wanted to do in the English class. Twenty-one participants 38 suggested discussion as the activity for the English class. Twelve PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 39 participants 22 chose role play, ten participants 18 suggested presentation, eight participants 15 preferred drama, and four participants 7 chose lecture as the activity in the English class. The participants also gave their ideas on the media that they wanted to use in the English class. They wanted to use media such as TV, Radio, and Tape Recorder in learning English. The participants also gave a list of the subjects that they wanted to learn. They were: explaining how a machine works, describing a chart, English conversation, writing job application letter, grammar, the latest technology, and verb formation. In the interview guideline, the writer prepared seven questions to be answered by the respondent. The writer obtained some additional data. They were: 1 The background why the study program is going to establish English subject was due to the ineffectiveness of TOEFL. So far, the study program obliged the students to reach certain TOEFL score for them to able to conduct the Final Examination thesis with the expectation that the students would be willing to conduct independent learning to improve their TOEFL score. Unfortunately, the students were not initiative enough. They neither joined TOEFL preparation course held by the university nor conducted independent learning. As a result, the students could pass the TOEFL but with a very low score. 2 The goal that wanted to be achieved in the English subject was to enable the students to speak and write in English. Therefore, it was necessary to provide activities that could develop the students’ speaking and writing. 40 3 English was very important for the students since they needed it for reading references that were available in English. Moreover, in their future job they would be dealing with manuals which were mostly written in English. 4 So far the methods that were employed in Mechanical Engineering classes were lecture, presentation, and discussion. Too often, there were only some students who actively participate during the discussion. Seeing the facts, the students really needed to be facilitated in developing their English. The necessities, wants, and lacks obtained from the pre-design activities were analyzed using the target needs analysis by Hutchison and Waters to give clear information. It is presented in Table 4.1.

2. Design