Data Analysis Technique of Pre-Design Activities Data Analysis Technique of Post-Design Activities

31 In the post-design activities, the questionnaire was distributed to one lecturer of the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University, one lecturer of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Sanata Dharma University, and one English Instructor in a private English Course. Two weeks later, the writer met them to take the questionnaire that had been filled in to be analyzed. The results were used to revise and improve the designed materials.

E. Data Analysis Technique

There are two important points that will be discussed in this part. They are data analysis technique of the pre-design activities and data analysis technique of post-design activities.

1. Data Analysis Technique of Pre-Design Activities

In analyzing the data obtained from pre-design activities, the writer identified the needs and interest of the learners gained from Part I of the questionnaire employed in pre-design activities by using the percentage calculation method. The answers in the questionnaire were analyzed in order to understand the students’ needs and interests in learning English. The formula of the percentage calculation method is: 100 N n × n : number of students who choose a certain option N : the total number of the students 32 The data analysis from Part I and Part II of the questionnaire employed in the pre-design activities led the writer to the understanding of the learners’ needs and interest in learning English. Additional data collected from the interview were used to enrich the data from the questionnaire. The results were used as the basis to design the English Instructional Materials for the Mechanical Engineering students of Sanata Dharma University.

2. Data Analysis Technique of Post-Design Activities

In the post-design activities, the writer obtained the evaluation and feedback from one lecturer of the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University, one lecturer of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Sanata Dharma University, and one English Instructor in a private English Course by using the second questionnaire. In the post-design activities, Likert Scale was used in part I to enable the respondents to give their opinions on the designed set of materials. Points of agreement of the Likert Scale were described in Table 3.2. Table 3.2. Points of Agreement of the Respondents’ Opinions Points of Agreement Meaning 1 if the respondents strongly disagree with the statement 2 if the respondents disagree with the statement 3 if the respondents neither disagree agree with the statement 4 if the respondents agree with the statement 5 if the respondents strongly agree with the statement 33 The data obtained in Part I of the questionnaire employed in the post- design activities were analyzed by using the central tendency mean of the respondents’ opinion on the designed materials. The result of the analysis of part I in the post-design activities was presented in Table 3.3. Table 3.3. Descriptive Data of the Respondents’ Opinions Blank Central Tendency No Respondents’ Opinion on N Mean The formula to analyze the points of agreement is written as follows: N x ∑ = Χ Note: Χ = mean x ∑ = the sum of values N = the total number of values In part II the respondents were free to give their opinions and feedback. The data obtained in part II were in the form of comments, criticisms, and suggestions on the designed materials. The data analysis from part I and part II of the questionnaire employed in the post-design activities led the writer to the understanding of the evaluations, criticisms, feedback, and comments from the respondents that were used as the basis to improve the designed materials. 34

F. Research Procedure