Analyze Design Evaluate Theoretical Framework

20 Kemp’s model. The model is simplified into three steps. They are analyze, design, and evaluate. The explanation of each step is as follows.

1. Analyze

In this first step the designer analyze the Mechanical Engineering students’ characteristics.

2. Design

In the second step, goals and learning objectives are developed by choosing an instructional approach, considering and then listing topics, and stating the general purposes for teaching each topic. Learning objectives are specified in this step. In this step, teaching learning activities and instructional resources that will help the students to accomplish the objectives are also selected.

3. Evaluate

In the last step, evaluation is conducted. However, evaluation in this study refers to the evaluation of the instructional materials to determine the suitability of the materials towards the students’ needs. The result of the evaluation will be used to revise any phases of the plan that need improvement. Analyze Design Evaluate Revise Figure 2.4. The Writer’s Instructional Model Adapted from Kemp’s Model 21 Considering the theory on ESP that has been discussed, it is necessary to discuss whether English for the Mechanical Engineering students is considered as ESP or General English. As it has been mentioned above, the important difference between ESP and General English lies in the learners and their purposes for learning English. They wish to communicate a set of professional skills and to perform particular job-related functions. It clearly shows the evidence that English for Mechanical Engineering students is ESP in the way that the students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program are learners that will need to communicate a set of skill and perform the skills that are related to their job, Mechanical world. Another feature of ESP that brings the conclusion of the researcher that English for Mechanical students belongs to ESP is the unity of the subject that cannot be separated from the students real world and its integration into a subject matter area important to the learners; in which students are able to apply what they learn in their English classes to their main field of study. Subject matter knowledge, in this case is Mechanical Engineering, provides the students with the context that will improve their ability in learning English. This is because students are able to apply what they learn in English classes to their main field of study, Mechanical Engineering field. From the discussion above it is clear that English for Mechanical Engineering students belongs to ESP. It belongs to one of the branches of ESP which is called as EOP or English for Occupational Purposes. Based on the previous theoretical description, it is important for the students of Mechanical Engineering of Sanata Dharma University to be equipped 22 with English proficiency. They need to be provided with English course that will enable them to learn and practice English. As it has been mentioned above, English for the Mechanical Engineering students belongs to the branch of ESP. Therefore, it is urgent to design the instructional materials that do not only enable the students to develop their English but also enable them to develop it in their specific area, especially in the Mechanical Engineering area. Thus, it can be achieved by designing English Instructional Materials for them. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 23


This chapter discusses the method that was employed in the study. The discussion of this chapter includes research method, research participants, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

To answer the two questions stated in the problem formulation, educational research and development R D was employed in this study. According to Cates 1985: 117, “development is usually viewed as a reiterative process in which the new product is tested and revised until it is deemed ready to be marketed”. Cates suggests eleven steps in R D. The first step is identifying the product to be developed. Reviewing the literature needs to be done after doing the first step. In the third step planning the development program is conducted. The fourth step is developing a prototype of the product. After developing the prototype, a preliminary field test is conducted. Revision on the product is done in the sixth step. The seventh step is conducting a main field test. In the eighth step revision on the product is done to keep with the findings of the main field test. Next step is conducting an operational field test. After conducting the operational field test, revision on the product in keeping with the findings of the operational field test is done. The last step is disseminating information on the product and setting up a distribution apparatus for making it available to potential users. 23