Based on the passage, guide the students to write the instruction to be given to someone who is taking a job as a navigator for the first time. Tell them that they can use the keywords to help them. e.g. stand look-out position Stand above the motor car in the look out position. 1. see litter direct car When you see litter, direct the car towards it. 2. turn right upper level To direct the driver to turn right, pull the upper lever. 3. turn left lower level To direct the driver to turn left, pull the lower lever.

E. Language Focus

In describing a process the students will deal mainly with Simple Present Tense and Preposition. Give brief explanation to them about those patterns.

1. Simple Present Tense

a. Simple Present Tense with Verbs Subject

Verb + : S + V 1 –s -es + O I A barrel of gum drips slowly onto a large wooden wheel. You V 1 -- : S + do not does not + V 1 + O We A barrel of gum does not drip slowly onto a large They wooden wheel. He ? : Do Does + S + V 1 + O She V 1 -s -es Does a barrel of gum drip slowly onto a large wooden It wheel?

b. Simple Present Tense with Be Subject To

Be I am + : S + to be + O You The mechanism is simple. We are -- : S + to be + not + O They The mechanism is not simple. He ? : to be + S + O She is Is the mechanism simple? It Now ask the students to underline all verbs and circle all be. eg: The mechanism is simple. A barrel of gum drips slowly onto large wooden wheel and a brush evenly distributes the sticky substance over the wheel. 3 English for Mechanical Engineering Students of Sanata Dharma University 2. Preposition in in front of under onto on beside next to over above at between towards behind opposite near Observe the passage and draw a box around the preposition that you can find in the passage . e.g.: A barrel of gum drips slowly onto large wooden wheel and a brush evenly distributes the sticky substance over the wheel. The Anti-Litter Machine The mechanism is simple. A barrel of gum drips slowly onto large wooden wheel and a brush evenly distributes the sticky substance over the wheel. Cigarette ends and other litter stick to the wheel as the motor car drives it over the road. Behind the wheel sits one of the operators who picks the litter off with fork and deposits it behind him in a dustbin. The dustbin is replaced by one of the other three when full. Above the motor car is a look-out position where the two navigators stand. They look for litter and direct the car towards it. This is done via a system of levers and bells. The upper lever rings the bell on the left of the driver which directs him to the right, and the lower lever rings the bell on the right which directs him to the left. Taken from Task Listening

F. Act Up