Problem Formulation Problem Limitation

4 world without having English proficiency. Thus, it is highly important for the students to be equipped with English proficiency that will be useful both during their study and in their future working world. The writer’s focus is on designing the English instructional materials for the third semester students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. Hopefully, the English instructional materials can give contribution to the study program in developing English course which can facilitate the students in developing their English. Therefore the Study Program will be able to measure the students’ English ability by observing the progress they made in the English course.

B. Problem Formulation

Considering the previous explanation, there are two problems to be solved in the research: 1. How are the English Instructional Materials for the students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Sanata Dharma University designed? 2. What do the designed English Instructional Materials for the students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Sanata Dharma University look like?

C. Problem Limitation

Considering the limited time, resources, and in order to avoid too broad discussion, the research was limited to designing English instructional materials. The designed English Instructional Materials is intended only for the third PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 5 semester students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The writer chose Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Sanata Dharma University because she wanted to give contribution to that study program. The unsuccessful situation in which TOEFL was required to replace the English subject motivated the writer to design English Instructional Materials for the Mechanical Engineering students of Sanata Dharma University. It is known that students cannot develop their English in Mechanical Engineering area through TOEFL. Moreover, the establishment of an English subject needs to be supported by instructional materials which can develop the students’ needs of English. The third semester students were chosen due to the reason that the students still remember Basic English, which is very important to develop English around the Mechanical Engineering area. Another reason was to help the students in conducting their study by giving English in their early year. Therefore, the students will be able to read books and journals that are written in English. Besides, students will be ready to face the working world since they are already equipped with English from the beginning of their study. It is hoped that through this English Instructional Materials students can be facilitated in developing their English. However, this study focuses only on designing the materials and is not intended to be an experimental study.

D. Objectives of the Study