Handing a tissue equal-status, low-imposition, high-familiarity Lending a book high-status, high-imposition, low-familiarity

6. Handing a tissue equal-status, low-imposition, high-familiarity

After the class, you and some best friends, who are in the same class, have lunch at a restaurant. While all of you are enjoying the food, you ask Sally, one of your best friend, to hand a tissue nearby. After she gives it to you, you would say Note: This situation is adapted from a situation in a DCT developed by Eisenstein and Bodman in 1986: You are sharing an apartment with a friend. Youre both sitting and relaxing in the living room. You ask your friend to hand you the newspaper which is nearby. Your friend gives you the newspaper. 150 In adapting Eisenstein and Bodman‘s situation, the things which are followed by situation 6 in the present study are the theme of low-imposition favor of handing something, interlocutor social status, and interlocutor familiarity. But, in Eisenstein and Bodma n‘s, the favor is handing a newspaper. In situation 6 in the present study, the favor is adapted and changed into the favor of handing a tissue.

7. Lending a book high-status, high-imposition, low-familiarity

You are a mentor to freshmen in your university. One day, you really need a book as a main reference to your paper, but the book is difficult to find. Chris, a freshman who you just met a few days ago, has the book. After mentoring class, you try to borrow the book. At first, he refuses to lend it because he also needs the book. But then, he agrees to lend the book for a few days. After you return the book, you would say 150 Miriam Eisenstein and Jean W. Bodman 1986, op.cit. p. 180. Note: This situation is adapted from a situation in a DCT developed by Cheng in 2005 for her pilot study: You are writing a term paper for one of your courses. There is a book you need to read to complete the paper. You go to the library, but the book has been checked out. Fortunately, a friend of yours, whom you know very well, has a copy of the book and offers to lend it to you for a few days. When you return the book, what do you say to your friend? 151 In adapting Cheng ‘s situation, the things which are followed are the theme of high-imposition favor of lending a book. But, in situation 7 in the present study, the social status and the familiarity of the favor giver are adapted and changed. In Cheng‘s situation, the thanker and the favor giver have equal social status and high-familiarity since they are friends who know each other very well. But, in the present study, the favor giver is a freshman whose lower-social status than the thanker who is situated as a mentor or senior student; and then the thanker and the favor giver have low familiarity since they are situated to just met a few days ago.

8. Recommending