Would George be able to take his money back? Part 2: Reading

303 2. What was the boy doing? Part 2: Reading Read the second part of the text below. On his way to the sweet shop, George dropped his sixpence and it rolled along the pavement and then disappeared down a drain. George took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and pushed his right arm through the drain cover. Part 3: Confirming Predictions 1. Do you find your prediction accurate, less accurate or inaccurate? 2. If your prediction is accurate, what do you find in the text to prove your prediction? 3. If your prediction is less accurate or inaccurate, what do you find in the text that cause you to modify your prediction? Slide 3 Part 1: Predicting Look at the picture again. 1. Would George be able to take his money back? Part 2: Reading Read the fourth part of the text below. He could not find his sixpence anywhere, and what was more, he could not get his arm out. A crowd of people gathered round him. Part 3: Confirming Predictions 1. Do you find your prediction accurate, less accurate or inaccurate? 2. If your prediction is accurate, what do you find in the text to prove your prediction? 3. If your prediction is less accurate or inaccurate, what do you find in the text that cause you to modify your prediction? Slide 4 Part 1: Predicting Look at the picture again. 304 1. What would the men possibly do? Would they arrest George because he made a mess? Or would they help George? Part 2: Reading A lady rubbed his arm with soap and butter, but George was firmly stuck. The fire-brigade was called and two firemen finally freed George after they rubbed his arm with oil. Part 3: Confirming Predictions 1. Do you find your prediction accurate, less accurate or inaccurate? 2. If your prediction is accurate, what do you find in the text to prove your prediction? 3. If your prediction is less accurate or inaccurate, what do you find in the text that cause you to modify your prediction? Slide 5: Part 1: Predicting 1. Do you think George would be upset after failing taking back his money? Part 2: Reading Read the first part of the text below. George was not very upset by his experience because the lady who owned the sweet shop heard about his troubles and gave him a large box of chocolates. Part 3: Confirming Predictions 1. Do you find your prediction accurate, less accurate or inaccurate? 2. If your prediction is accurate, what do you find in the text to prove your prediction? 3. If your prediction is less accurate or inaccurate, what do you find in the text that cause you to modify your prediction? The text was adapted from: Alexander, L.G. 1975. Developing Skills: An Integrated Course for Intermediate Students. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius 305 Task 6 Before reading the text in Task 5, record your predictions about the content of the text in this Prediction Verification Checklist. After you read, put a thic k √ in the appropriate column to indicate if the prediction was Accurate, Less Accurate or Inaccurate. Work in a group of four or five. Group Members : Text Title : “Sixpence Worth of Trouble” Prediction Verification Checklist No. Prediction Ac cu rat e L ess Ac cu rat e In ac cu rate 1. 1. According to the title of the text above, what do you think the story will be about? Prediction: Correction after Prediction:

2. Look at the picture on the slide.