Making Request Uraian Materi

63 Bahasa Inggris SMP KK G No. Tahap Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Fasilitator Peserta 3 Production Meminta peserta tampil mempresentasikan penggunaan ungkapan kebahasaannya secara monolog maupun dialog Mempresetasikan monolog atau dialog

E. LatihanTugasKasus

LK 14 Latihan Language Expression The following exercises refer to the previous theory of language expressions given. 1. Write down another kinds of expression which commonly used in conversation. 2. Give example in the form of dialog the language expression you found 3. Answer the following questions based in dialog 1 Dialog 1 Anie : Would you like another piece of cherry pie? Jane : No, thanks. I’m on a diet. Anie : Come on. It has low calories. Budi : I don’t think so. The expressions used on dialog 1 are ... 4. Answer the following questions based in dialog 2 Dialog 2 Asti : Oh no, not again Bimo : What’s wrong? Asti : My PC programme gotanother virus. Bimo : Didn’t you install an anti-virus yesterday? Asti : No. I didn’t have time to do it yesterday. Bimo : You’d better do it soon. The expressions used on dialog 2 are ... 64 Kegiatan Pembelajaran 4 5. Answer the following questions based in dialog 3 Dialog 3 Son : Dad, could you sign this form? Father : What is it? Son : It’s the application form for freelance job at a restaurant.. Father : Well, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to take a job now, son. Son : But, why dad? I have too much free time this semester. Father : I know that. But you are in the last grade now. You should make use of your free time to prepare for the final examination. Son : Well, you’re right. I’m sorry dad. Father : It’s okay. The expressions used in dialog 3 are ... LK 15. Penilaian Berbasis Kelas Prosedur Kerja 1. Bacalah Uraian Materi pada Modul KK H, Pengembangan Penilaian, khususnya Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1 tentang penyusunan soal. 2. Pelajari kisi-kisi yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan seperti pada tabel berikut. Tabel 9 Kisi-kisi Ujian Nasional SMPMTs – Bahasa Inggris