Rangkuman Umpan Balik dan Tindak Lanjut

59 Bahasa Inggris SMP KK G

b. Making Request

Bila seseorang hendak meminta sesuatu maka kalimat permintaannya sebaiknya diawali dengan ungkapan berikut ini: • CanCould you …? • WillWould you ?… • Would you mind Ving …? • Is it alright if …? Contoh dialog: Waiter : May I take your order, Sir? Mr.X : Haddock and chips for me, please. Waiter : Very well. Anything else, Sir? Mr. X : Yes. Could you give me extra dipping for the chip? Waiter : Certainly, Sir. Please wait for a moment. c. Apologizing Ungkapan ini digunakan saat seseorang mengungkapkan permohonan maaf. • I am sorry. • Please forgive me. • We apologize for … Request Dalam hal request perlu diperhatikan siapa yang melakukan tindakan atas suatu permohonan. • May I close the door? • Can I close the door? The speaker closes the door • Is it alright if I close the door? • Can you close the door? • Could you close the door? The listener closes the door • Would you close the door? • Would you mind closing the door? 60 Kegiatan Pembelajaran 4 Contoh dialog: A : What happen to my computer? B : I accidentally press the wrong button. I’m truly sorry. A : Well, it’s alright. Next time just stay away from it. B : OK. Thank you.

d. AgreeingDisagreeing • Agreeing

Ungkapan ini digunakan saat seseorang menyatakan persetujuan terhadap suatu pendapat. Contoh ungkapan : - I agree with you. - You’re right. • Disagreeing Ungkapan ini digunakan saat seseorang menyatakan TIDAK setuju terhadap suatu pendapat. . Contoh ungkapan : - I disagree with you. - I don’t think so. Contoh dialog: A : Brazil has many great football player. B : Yes, you’re right. Agree A : I’m sure the next world cup will be very easy for them. B : Well…I don’t think so. disagree

e. Offering

Ungkapan ini digunakan saat seseorang menawarkan sesuatu pada lawan bicaranya. - Would you like … - May I … - Can I … Contoh dialog: A : May I take you coat, sir? B : No. It’s fine. A : Would you like something to drink? B : Yes, please . Thank you. 61 Bahasa Inggris SMP KK G

f. Asking forGiving Opinion • Asking for Opinion

Ungkapan ini digunakan saat seseorang memintamenanya pendapat orang lain. - What do you think about … - What is your opinion about … • Giving Opinion Ungkapan ini digunakan saat seseorang menyatakan TIDAK setuju terhadap suatu pendapat. - In my opinion … - I think … Contoh dialog: A : What do you think about our new manager? B : Well, in my opinion he is capable in handling his duty.