Laksmana Sugriwa Third ExaminerFirst Advisor

58 It should be pronounced [. . . ma ne m z r m. ən ð s z l ksm n ], with assimilation [m] between ‘name’ and ‘is’ and assimilation [s] between ‘this’ and ‘is’. Shinta, I always want you. [ nt , a l.we z w nt j ] It should be pronounced [ nt , a l.we z w nt j ], with assimilation [j] between ‘I’ and ‘always’. His errors are caused by his tendency in pronouncing a sentence per word. This tendency is triggered by a necessity to deliver the dialogs clearly and properly. Furthermore, he got a speech impediment called lisp, or historically also known as stigmatism. ‘Stereotypically, people with a lisp are unable to pronounce sibilants like the sound [s], and replace them with interdentals. The result is that the speech is unclear’ Bowen, 1999. In his case, he got a lateral lisp, where the [s] sound is produced with air escaping over the sides of the tongue, is also called slushy ess or a slushy lisp due to the wet, spitty sound. He replaced the sound of [s] into [ θ] like in Arabic ‘tsa’ ث .

d. Laksmana

Laksmana in drama this drama is documented as a loyal devoted brother of Rama. His devotion is shown by being satria brahmacari unmarried. He is a charismatic, gentle and brave knight. In portraying Laksmana’s character well, Tegar Andika Prasetyawan should combine he as himself with he as Laksmana and his characteristics. He 59 made some stressing in some parts of the dialogs. Even so, this stressing made him forget to link some words within the dialogs. The most common connected speech he forget to add is r-sandhi. For example, in his dialogs in scene 5 Pati Obong. You depend more on your greatness as hero. [j d pend m r n j r re t.n əs æz h r.o ] It should be pronounced [j d pend m r n j r re t.n əs æz h r.o ] with linking [r] between ‘more’ and ‘on’. Though you have to realize that even a hero cannot be free from frailty. [ðo j h əv tə ri .ə.la z ðæ t i .v ən ə h r.o kæn. t bi fri fr m fre l.t i] It should be pronounced [ðo j h əv tə ri .ə.la z ðæ t i .v ən ə h r.o kæn. t bi fri fr m fre l.t i] with intrusive [r] between ‘that’ and ‘even’. From the video recording analysis, the r-sandhi errors can be seen. Again, duality is to blame for the r-sandhi errors had explained above.

e. Sugriwa

Sugriwa in this drama is illustrated as the king of Goa Kiskenda Kingdom, the kingdom of apes. He has a sibling named Subali, he is a hermit. In this drama, it is said that in the beginning that Sugriwa had a fight with Subali, but it had been managed to be solved in the end and both of them can rule the kingdom well. 60 Sugriwa is figured as a wise king who helps Rama and Laksmana on their journey to find Shinta by sending his commander in chief, Anoman. As the king of apes, the cast of Sugriwa, Dinar Budi Rustanto had to wear a mask like beard and teeth as an ape snout. This mask sometimes gave him some difficulties in delivering the dialogs. He has to produce voice which is twice louder than others. In his attempt to produce voice in proper volume, he made some errors. r-sandhi is the error that is generally found. Below, an example of the r-sandhi errors found in his dialogs in Scene 2 Univalry Unity and Rivalry. …that I can get this honor [. . . ðæ t a k ən et ð s .n ] It should be pronounced [. . . ðæ t a k ən et ð s .n ], with intrusive [r] between ‘that’ and ‘I’. His errors are suspected because of his lack of proper pronunciation treasury. From his video recordings, it can be conclude that he has a tendency to pronounce a sentence word by word and pronounce a word the way it is spelled. Moreover, his mask must have given him extra difficulties in delivering his dialogs properly.

f. Subali