Subali Anoman Third ExaminerFirst Advisor

60 Sugriwa is figured as a wise king who helps Rama and Laksmana on their journey to find Shinta by sending his commander in chief, Anoman. As the king of apes, the cast of Sugriwa, Dinar Budi Rustanto had to wear a mask like beard and teeth as an ape snout. This mask sometimes gave him some difficulties in delivering the dialogs. He has to produce voice which is twice louder than others. In his attempt to produce voice in proper volume, he made some errors. r-sandhi is the error that is generally found. Below, an example of the r-sandhi errors found in his dialogs in Scene 2 Univalry Unity and Rivalry. …that I can get this honor [. . . ðæ t a k ən et ð s .n ] It should be pronounced [. . . ðæ t a k ən et ð s .n ], with intrusive [r] between ‘that’ and ‘I’. His errors are suspected because of his lack of proper pronunciation treasury. From his video recordings, it can be conclude that he has a tendency to pronounce a sentence word by word and pronounce a word the way it is spelled. Moreover, his mask must have given him extra difficulties in delivering his dialogs properly.

f. Subali

Subali in this drama is figured as a sacred hermit. In the past, he had been fooled by Rahwana so that he had a fight with his brother, Sugriwa. After making peace with Sugriwa, together with him, Subali ruled Goa Kiskenda Kingdom which is 61 pleased his people. In this drama, it is told that he also helps Rama and Laksmana in fighting against Rahwana to take back Shinta. As an ape, the cast of Subali, Abu Huda had to wear a mask like beard and teeth as an ape snout. This mask sometimes gave him some difficulties in delivering the dialogs. He has to produce voice which is twice louder than others. In his attempt to produce voice in proper volume, he made some errors. Assimilation is the error that is generally found. Below, an example of the assimilation errors found in his dialogs in Scene 2 Univalry Unity and Rivalry. …and I have no right to take Tara from you. [. . . ən d a hæv no ra t t ə te k tær. fr m j .] It should be pronounced [. . . ən d a hæv no ra t t ə te k tær. fr m j .], with assimilation [d] between ‘and’ and ‘I’. From his video recordings, it can be summed up that he has a tendency not to pronounce a word completely. In some cases, it is allowed to do that. However, in the case like the one above, the cast should pronounce the word ‘and’ completely. Moreover, his mask must have given him extra difficulties in delivering his dialogs well.

g. Anoman

Anoman in this drama is figured as the commander in chief of Goa Kiskenda Kingdom. He is a sacred god creature. As a commander in chief, he has to hold his dignity, wary, strong and firm. Anoman is determine in helping Rama Laksmana in taking back Shinta. He fought against Rahwana as a true knight. 62 As an ape, the cast of Anoman, Satriadi Basuki had to wear a mask like beard and teeth as an ape snout. This mask sometimes gave him some difficulties in delivering the dialogs. He has to produce voice which is twice louder than others. In his attempt to produce voice in proper volume, he made some errors. Assimilation is the error that is generally found. Below, an example of the assimilation errors found in his dialogs in Scene 3 Faithonor Faith and Honor. This ring shows that Rama is still alive and all right. [ð s r ŋ o z ðæt r m. z st l ə la v ən d l ra t.] It should be pronounced [ð s r ŋ o z ðæt r m. z st l ə la v ən d l ra t.] with assimilation [d] between ‘and’ and ‘allright’. From his video recordings, it can be summed up that he has a tendency not to pronounce a word completely. In some cases, it is allowed to do that. However, in the case like the one above, the cast should pronounce the word ‘and’ completely. Moreover, he got stuttering. Stuttering alalia syllabaris, also known as stammering alalia literalis or anarthria literalis, is a speech disorder in which the flow of speech is disrupted by involuntary repetitions and prolongations of sounds, syllables, words or phrases, and involuntary silent pauses or blocks in which the stutterer is unable to produce sounds Jablonicky, 2011. In his case prolong the sound [s] every time he speaks. Furthermore, as wearing a mask, he must have got extra difficulties in delivering his dialogs well.

h. Jomblo