Biography of the Poet

20 workable framework for understanding our world. It enables us to understand how we as individuals relate to and are affected by our society ‖ p. 220.

2.8 Context of the Poem

This section provides clear information which is dealing with Karl Marx‘s poem ―The Fiddler‖. It is divided into two parts, the first is biography of the poet and the second part is review of socio-historical of the poem. In the first part, biography of the poet explains who the poet is. It describes Karl Marx with detail information of his life, his personality and his works. Next, the second part, review of socio-historical of the poem gives vivid description about the situation in which the poem was written.

2.8.1 Biography of the Poet

Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in Trier, Rhenish Prussia, in present day it is Germany. According to Cohen 2008, ―Karl Marx was the third child and eldest son of Heinrich Marx, a lawyer of local distinction and moderate wealth who was appo inted magistrate a year after formal in1817.‖ Secchi 2000 adds that Marx came from a pretty-bourgeois family. Further, it is stated by Berlin 1963, ―In Karl, he had an unusual and difficult son; with sharp and lucid intelligence he combined a stubborn and domineering temper, exceptional emotional restraint, and over all colossal, ungovernable intellectual appetite ‖ p. 23-24. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 Marx was born as a Jew which later on affects his personalities as a harsh and aggressive boy. It is informed by Heilbroner 1963, ―The sense of living in a hostile and vulgar world, intensified perhaps by his latent dislike of the fact that he was born a Jew, increased his natural harshness and aggressiveness ‖ p. 1, 3. Besides, Encyclopedia of World Biography informs that Marx goes on the spree like what the bourgeoisie does by partying and drinking a lot. Moreover, he also piled up heavy debts. Nevertheless, his nature of being a bourgeoisie ends when he started to concern about politics. And so, Marx joined this group of radical extreme in opinion thinkers wholeheartedly which subsequently triggers him on fighting for the proletariat. Accordingly, that action becomes denial on Marx‘s class consciousness. Moreover, Flippo adds that because of his rebellious tendencies, Marx spent most of his adult life in exile 1997. In spite of it all, Heilbroner 1963 adds, ―Marx was a sensitive or tender hearted man, or concerned about feelings of those with whom he came into contact; but mostly, he behaved with open suspicion or contempt to the majority of the men he met ‖ p.3. Furthermore, Heilbroner 1963 gives explanation, ―Marx is one of the rare revolutionaries who were persecuted in their early life. Consequently, in spite of his aggressiveness and his arrogance, it is a singularly unbroken, positive figure that faces us during forty years of unceasing welfare ‖ p. 26-27. Based on Cohen 2008, ―Marx was influenced chiefly by the history teacher. But greater encouragement came from his father‘s interest which introduce young Ma rx as an advanced political thinkers.‖ On his adult young year, in October 1835, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 22 Marx continued his study in Bonn University in Bonn, Germany. According to Tenbrock 1968, ―He became the founder of a movement which has not only won the support of the proletariat of many nations but has continued to grow in significance ‖ p. 181. Marx‘s view was then known as Marxism which points out on bringing classless society. In the book Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx describes his determination on bringing world into classless society. Tenbrock 1968 restates Karl Marx‘s declaration, ―Let the ruling classes tremble before the communist revolution. The workers have the whole world to win . Workers of the world, unite‖ p.184.

2.8.2 Review Socio-Historical of the Poem