Theory of Class Consciousness Marxist Literary Criticism

17 and use of every work of art needs careful examination. It is all because the work of art is not a document for biography p. 78-79.

2.5 Sociological Theory

Literature represents life and life is in broad measure; in some case, a social reality becomes objects of literary imitation. The connection of literature and society becomes the analysis of works of literature as social document; then, it is considered to be the pictures of social reality Wellek and Warren, 1956, p. 94, 102. It is informed by Wellek and Warren 1956, ―the author should express the life of a given time completely. It becomes the representation of the author‘s age society. Therefore, the author should be aware of specific social situations‖ p. 95. Furthermore, one of literary approaches which employ sociological theory is Marxism. Marxism does not only study the relations between literature and society, but it also has concept of what these relations should be, both in present society and in future classless society p. 94-95.

2.6 Theory of Class Consciousness

According to Dictionary of Modern Sociology, Hoult 1974, ―class consciousness is special awareness, on the part of members of a given social stratum, of their membership in the stratum and consequently of the interest and problems they share with their fellow stratum members ‖ p. 63-64. Further, Marx‘s view on class PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 18 consciousness is elaborated in Changing the World: The relevance of Marxism in the 21st Century, Blunden 2006 Marx was won to communism because he was convinced that capital was at the root of all the social problems of his time and only the proletariat, which hardly existed then, was capable of overcoming capitalism. The issue then was the question of the proletariat becoming a subject, a player on the historical stage. A class is not an employment or income category; a class is only really a class, a class ‗for itself‘ when it is also a social movement, when it has a consciousness of its mission and the organization to express that and bring it about. Then, it is mentioned in History Class Consciousness that class consciousness of the proletariat is able to bring society from the impasse of capitalism. According to Lukacs 1967, In order to limit the class consciousness of the bourgeoisie, the capitalist production must be limited first. In this way, only the consciousnesses of the proletariat can lead them get out from capitalism. The class struggle must be maintained from the level of economic necessity to the level of consciousness aim. Therefore, effective class consciousness can be raised.

2.7 Marxist Literary Criticism

According to the book Literary Criticism an Introduction to Theory and Practice, it is explained about the flourish of Marxism. Bressler 1999, stated ―Marxist literary theory and criticism study the relationship between a text and the society that reads it. At the core of all these diverse approaches is Karl Marx and his philosophical assumptions of the nature of reality itself ‖ p. 211. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 19 Another expert also supports that theory. According to a Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, fourth edition, Guerin 2011, The Marxism approach focuses on seeing literature to be connected with social power, and thus the analysis of the text is linked to larger social questions. As it is mentioned in The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms, Murfin and Ray 1998, Marxism approach is an approach in which literary works are viewed as the product of work. In this literary work, role of class ideology, and social order are reflected within it. Marxism approach views texts as material products which must be understood in broadly historical terms. In addition, according to the book entitled Pramoedya Ananta Toer dan Sastra Realisme Sosialis Kurniawan 2002, ―Marxist philosophy refuses to see the phenomenon in isolation. Because of that Marxist would not occur without involving the relationships with the state of society ‖ p. 48. Afterwards, Bressler 1999 in simple emphasizes the basic principle of Marxism The core principle of Marxist: reality itself can be defined and understood, society shapes our consciousness, social and economic conditions directly influence how and what we believe and value, and Marxism details a plan for changing the world from a place of bigotry, hatred, and conflict due to class struggle to a classless society where wealth, opportunity and education are accessible for all people p. 211. Bressler points out the strength of Marxism approach. It is mentioned by Bressler 1999, ―With its concerns for the working classes, Marxism provides the most PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 20 workable framework for understanding our world. It enables us to understand how we as individuals relate to and are affected by our society ‖ p. 220.

2.8 Context of the Poem