23 population which ended with the industrial workers in the majority ‖ p. 178-179. The ironic condition of the working class in the past is obviously described by Brians 1998, Past society is divided into two great hostile groups, bourgeoisie and proletariat. The bourgeoisie got the upper place with their heavenly ecstasies and egoistical manner. The bourgeoisie commits shameless, direct and brutal exploitation to the proletariat. The gaps between bourgeoisie and proletariat were seen in every single part of life. It is illustrated by Eidson 2011, ―Social class in Germany is not only a matter of training, employment, and income but also a style of life, self-understanding, and self- display.‖ Moreover, it is stated in the website of German Hosiery Museum that the way people wore during that periods indicated what class they belong to, ―long, loose garments were only worn as a sign of dignity and graveness by scholars, clergy, judges and magistrates - ranks which stood up for continuity and preservation.‖

2.9 Theoretical Framework

Each theory provided in this chapter contributes on revealing Karl Marx‘s aberr ation on class consciousness in his poem ―The Fiddler‖. Marxism approach is utilized as the major approach throughout this study. Other theories are also applied, such as: literary theory especially that of poetry, review of literal meaning theory, theory of class consciousness, biographical theory, sociological theory. These are all PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24 provided in order to dig out further about Karl Marx‘s aberration on class consciousness depicted in the poem. In this study, literal meaning theory especially that of poetry and review of literal meaning theory are employed to answer the first problem formulation on analyzing literal meaning of Karl Marx‘s poem ―The Fiddler‖. Theory of poetry is used to analyze the technique of poem which subsequently supports the literal meaning of the poem. Then, review of literal meaning theory guides the writer on examining the literal meaning of the poem. This literal meaning is supported with the definition of words taken from related dictionaries. Next, the following theories such as: Marxist literary criticism, theory of class consciousness, biographical theory and sociological theory are used to answer second problem formulation. Marxist literary criticism becomes the basic guideline to explore Karl Marx‘s aberration on class consciousness. It is used as the approach throughout this study. This Marxism approach is supported with theory of class consciousness since this study is dealing with social class. Moreover, biographical theory, which is supported by biography of the poet, becomes one of the steps of Marxism approach. In addition, sociological theory, which is supported by socio- historical of the poem, takes a role as a part to complete Marxism approach. Thus, this holistic Marxism approach which is strengthened by theory of class consciousness, biographical theory and sociological theory becomes adequate foundation to analyze this poem. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25


This chapter provides the methods employed in this study aiming to achieve the objective which is exploring Karl M arx‘s aberration on class consciousness as seen in his poem ―The Fiddler‖. There are three sections presented in this chapter: object of the study, approach of the study and method of the study.

3.1 Object of the Study

This study focused on literary work, poem in the specific. The primary data was taken from Karl Marx‘s poems entitled ―The Fiddler‖. This poem was written in Britain, 1837. The source of this poem was Marx and Engels, Collected Works, Vol. 1, International Publishers, 1975. Formerly, the language of this poem was in German, but then it was translated by Alex Miller in consultation with Diana Miller and Victor Schnittke. ―The Fiddler‖ became Marx‘s literary writing, portraying the poet‘s personal experience in Berlin in 18 th century. This poem was talking about Karl Marx‘s aberration on class consciousness. Then, the secondary data was taken from the books of Karl Marx‘s biography. Furthermore, the writer used supporting theories concerning literary theory focusing on poetry, review of literal meaning theory, theory of class consciousness, biographical theory and socio-historical theory. These PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI