Biographical Theory Sociological Theory

16 Discussing further in the physical characteristic of fiddle, the writer finds that the fiddle is unique and rich of philosophical value. It is illustrated with the strings of fiddle which has no frets or dividing part among the position of tone. Unlike guitar, piano, flute, harmonica or any other musical melody instrument in which the tone are vividly separated, fiddle similar with violin has no physical separator. On the consequence, it is stated in the writing About the Violin, Belknap 2011, ―the player must achieve the correct position from skill alone, or else the instrument will sound out of tune. Violin players practice long hours partly to train their fingers to land in the right places as it is played.‖

2.4 Biographical Theory

The most influencing aspect of work of art is its creator. Hence, explanations of the personality and the life of the creator or author are so important. The explanation of the creator is what usually called by biography. Biography is a material to support systematic study of the poetic process. Biography can be taken from series of public documentation, birth registers, the evidence of work, marriage and so on Wellek and Warren, 1956, p. 75-76. According to Theory of Literature written by Wellek and Warren 1956, ―Only by a perversion of the biographical method could the most inmate and frequently the most casual documents of an author‘s life become the central study while the actual poem were interpreted in the light of the document‖ p.78. Nevertheless, Wellek and Warren 1956 emphasize that biographical interpretation PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 17 and use of every work of art needs careful examination. It is all because the work of art is not a document for biography p. 78-79.

2.5 Sociological Theory

Literature represents life and life is in broad measure; in some case, a social reality becomes objects of literary imitation. The connection of literature and society becomes the analysis of works of literature as social document; then, it is considered to be the pictures of social reality Wellek and Warren, 1956, p. 94, 102. It is informed by Wellek and Warren 1956, ―the author should express the life of a given time completely. It becomes the representation of the author‘s age society. Therefore, the author should be aware of specific social situations‖ p. 95. Furthermore, one of literary approaches which employ sociological theory is Marxism. Marxism does not only study the relations between literature and society, but it also has concept of what these relations should be, both in present society and in future classless society p. 94-95.

2.6 Theory of Class Consciousness