Apostrophe Tone Intrinsic Aspects of Poem

11 using certain words: like, as, as though, as if, etc ‖ p. 22-23. Then, it is supported by Frederick 1988, a simile employs the words like, as, or to illustrate a resemblance between two unlike object p. 37. Personification

Personification is one of comparison devices. It is another form of metaphor. Based on Frederick 1988, ―Personification is a figure that bestows human traits on anything non-human. In personification, an inanimate object is described as having human attributes, powers or feelings ‖ p. 48. In personification, the inmate object is considered to be able to perform as what human does. It gives sense of living to the object addressed by the personification. In addition, it is defined by Harmon and Holman 2009, personification represents imaginary creatures or things as having human personalities, intelligence and emotions p. 412. Accordingly, by the occurrence of personification within the poem, the poet tries to presents the object in the poem to be livelier so that the reader can grasp the description of the images more vivid. It is all important, due to the fact that poem is mostly dealing with images described by the poet. Apostrophe

According to Reuben 2011, ―Apostrophe addresses someone absent or something non human as if it was alive and present and could reply to what is being said. ‖ It is also mentioned by Kennedy and Giona 2002, apostrophe is a way of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 12 addressing someone or something which is invisible or not commonly spoken to. In an apostrophe, a poet may address on dead or absent person, an abstract person or a spirit. The poet uses apostrophe to express a lofty and serious tone p. 131. Moreover, Harmon and Holman 2009, state that apostrophe is a figure of speech in which some abstract quality or nonexistent object is directly addressed as if it was present. It is described that apostrophe associated with deep emotional expression p.40. Thus, it can be seen that the existence of apostrophe within the poem gives deeper emotional sense for the readers. In addition, it expresses more serious tone since in certain case it addresses spirit, dead and absent person who are not commonly spoken to. Tone

Brooks and Warren 1960, state ―the tone of a poem indicates the speaker‘s attitude toward his subject and toward his audience, and sometimes toward him self‖ p. 181-182. Nevertheless, Kennedy and Giona 2002, give emphasis that the readers may never know exactly what the poet feels. All the readers need to know is how to feel when they read the poem. The tone is expressed in the choice of certain words instead of others, the illustration of certain details p. 21. According to Harmon and Holman 2009 in their book A Handbook of Literature, it is explained several kinds of tone such as formal, informal, intimate, solemn, somber, playful, serious, ironic, condescending or many other possible attitude p. 553. The way the reader feel about the poem is what is known with tone. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 13 The one who knows exactly the intention attitude of the poem is the poet himself. Nevertheless, the readers are still being able to enjoy the tone of the poem through the sense of feeling that they possess. Symbolism