Background of the Study



This chapter points out four parts; Background of the Study, Objective of the Study, Problem Formulation, Benefit of the Study and Definition of Term. The first part, Background of the Study elaborates the reasons why the writer chooses this topic to be discussed in this study. Next, Objective of the Study explains what aspect that the writer wants to achieve. Third, Problem Formulation explicitly states two major issues analyzed in this study. Then, the discussion on how beneficial this study for the public is explained in the following part, namely Benefit of the Study. The last part of this chapter is Definition of Term. It gives clear definition of several terms so that misconception of terms could be avoided.

1.1 Background of the Study

Literature seems to be so unique for it is able to record life in the medium of language. It is according to Frederick 1988, ―Literature is a vital record of what men have seen in life, what they have experience of it, what they have thought and felt about those aspects of it which have the most enduring interest of human beings ‖ p. 4. That reason then makes the writer interested in discussing literature in this study. This study focuses on poetry. It is all due to the enjoyment and impression of senses that it carries from the unusual words within it. As it is mentioned by Perrine 1969, ―People have read poetry or listen to it, because it gave them PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2 enjoyment. It carries practical use of language to bring us a sense and perception of life, to widen and sharpen our contacts with existence ‖ p. 3-4. Moreover, poetry becomes a medium of language which says more than ordinary language does. In this study, Karl Marx‘s poem entitled ―The Fiddler‖ attracts the writer‘s attention. Further, i t triggers the writer to conduct a study on it. Marx‘s poem ―The Fiddler‖ pictures Marx‘s aberration on his class consciousness. Marx makes his poem be more passionate to be read since he writes his poem in the form of dialogue of two opposing personalities. It becomes reflection of Karl Marx who is protesting against his class consciousness. The poem is served in emotional dialogue so that the reader can get the passion. In details, this poem illustrates Karl Marx‘s class consciousness as a bourgeoisie which puts him to be superior towards proletariat. Nevertheless, Marx commits aberration to his class consciousness by helping the proletariat and bringing them into classless society. Furthermore, the writer also has another reason on choosing Karl Marx‘s p oem ―The Fiddler‖ as her subject of study. It is all due to the condition of world today which is almost similar to the reality depicted in the poem. Nowadays, the power takes control on most aspect of life, while the powerless becomes the object of exploitation. There are only few of the power who puts concern on the powerless. In this case, the writer proudly says that Karl Marx becomes one of the few, in that period of time. Although Marx was born as a bourgeoisie, it does not make him to be an egoistic and greedy man. In fact, he concerns on the proletariat who becomes the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 3 casualty of the bourgeoisie‘s rule. In his poem ―The Fiddler‖, Karl Marx does not only tell his personal experience, but it also becomes his device to trigger the readers, particularly critical thinkers, to contribute themselves for making classless society.

1.2 Objective of the Study