Object of the Study Approach of the Study



This chapter provides the methods employed in this study aiming to achieve the objective which is exploring Karl M arx‘s aberration on class consciousness as seen in his poem ―The Fiddler‖. There are three sections presented in this chapter: object of the study, approach of the study and method of the study.

3.1 Object of the Study

This study focused on literary work, poem in the specific. The primary data was taken from Karl Marx‘s poems entitled ―The Fiddler‖. This poem was written in Britain, 1837. The source of this poem was Marx and Engels, Collected Works, Vol. 1, International Publishers, 1975. Formerly, the language of this poem was in German, but then it was translated by Alex Miller in consultation with Diana Miller and Victor Schnittke. ―The Fiddler‖ became Marx‘s literary writing, portraying the poet‘s personal experience in Berlin in 18 th century. This poem was talking about Karl Marx‘s aberration on class consciousness. Then, the secondary data was taken from the books of Karl Marx‘s biography. Furthermore, the writer used supporting theories concerning literary theory focusing on poetry, review of literal meaning theory, theory of class consciousness, biographical theory and socio-historical theory. These PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26 theories were used to help the writer get sufficient data to explore Karl Marx‘s aberration on class consciousness.

3.2 Approach of the Study

The approach used in this study was Marxism approach. This approach enabled the writer to analyze the poem through study relationship between the text and state of society, broadly historical term, and larger social questions. Class struggle of the society is what Marxism approach focused on. The writer decided to use Marxism approach since it was the best approach for exploring Karl Marx‘s aberration on class consciousness. It is all according to Bressler 1999, ―With its concerns for the working classes, Marxism provides the most workable framework for understanding our world. It enables us to understand how we as individuals relate to and are affected by our society ‖ p. 220. Thus, it provoked the writer to employ Marxism approach throughout this study. Moreover, Marxism approach played a great role in this study. Steps on Marxism method were implemented in this study analysis. The modifications of the methods were listed below, Barry 2009 1. Make division between the overt manifest or surface and covert latent or hidden content of literary work and then relate the covert subject matter of the literary work to basic Marxist theme, such as class struggle or the progression of society through various historical struggle. 2. Marxist critic is to relate the context of a work to the social-class status of the author. 3. A third Marxist method is to explain the nature of a whole literary genre in terms of the social periods which produces it p. 161. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 27 Marxism approach was such a holistic approach which cannot stand alone. Thus, it must be supported by information dealing with context of the poem which covered review of biography of the poet and socio historical background during 18 th century in details. Besides, the writer also used other theories such as literary theory focusing on poetry, review of literal meaning theory, theory of class consciousness, biographical theory and sociological theory so that it enriches the analysis of this poem ―The Fiddler‖.

3.3 Method of the Study