Simile Personification Intrinsic Aspects of Poem

10 short syllables in lines of a set length. ‖ Furthermore, Kennedy and Giona 2002 add, in order to be aware of meter in a poem, reader must read it aloud and listen to the poem. Then, scan the line by analyzing the stress and making sense of it. The stressed syllables are the part where the poet put emphasis on p. 202. In details, there are some types of meters, one of them is accentual meter. It is define d by Kennedy and Giona 2002, ―In accentual meter, the poet does not write in feet, as in other meter, but counts stressed syllable. The point of accentual meter is to have the same number of stresses in every line ‖ p. 203. Then, Kennedy and Giona also make emphasis that old English poetry was written in accentual meter 2002, p.203. Simile

A poet may create two types of writing: literal and figurative. According to Frederick 1988 in the book entitled English Poetry an Introduction to Indonesian Language, ―literal statements mean exactly what they say; while, figurative statements, in contrast, always have different meaning from the literal one ‖ p. 36. Poets usually insert a figurative statement within their poem. Frederick 1988 adds, Utterance becomes figurative when it contains at least one of the figures of speech. The most familiar types of figures of speech is simile p. 37. Murphy 1972 also informs in his book entitled Understanding Unseen, ―When the poet uses simile he makes it plain to the reader that he is using a conscious comparison. He does this by drawing the reader‘s attention to the comparison by PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 11 using certain words: like, as, as though, as if, etc ‖ p. 22-23. Then, it is supported by Frederick 1988, a simile employs the words like, as, or to illustrate a resemblance between two unlike object p. 37. Personification

Personification is one of comparison devices. It is another form of metaphor. Based on Frederick 1988, ―Personification is a figure that bestows human traits on anything non-human. In personification, an inanimate object is described as having human attributes, powers or feelings ‖ p. 48. In personification, the inmate object is considered to be able to perform as what human does. It gives sense of living to the object addressed by the personification. In addition, it is defined by Harmon and Holman 2009, personification represents imaginary creatures or things as having human personalities, intelligence and emotions p. 412. Accordingly, by the occurrence of personification within the poem, the poet tries to presents the object in the poem to be livelier so that the reader can grasp the description of the images more vivid. It is all important, due to the fact that poem is mostly dealing with images described by the poet. Apostrophe