Tariff Grids Management of Carriers

346 • a Name for the list, • a Type of list: Sale for customers or Purchase for suppliers, • the Currency in which the prices are expressed. Price List Versions Once the list is defined you must provide it with at least one version. To do that use the menu Sales → Configuration → Pricelists → Pricelist Versions. The version contains all of the rules that enable you to calculate a price for a product and a given quantity. So set the Name of this associated version. If the list only has a single version you can use the same name for the pricelist and the version. In the Price List field select the pricelist you created. Then set the Start Date and End Date of this version. The fields are both optional: if you do not set any dates the version will be permanently active. Only one version may be active at any one point, so bear this in mind when creating them. Use the Active field in the versions to activate or disable a pricelist version. Note: Automatically updating the sale pricelist You can make any sale pricelist depend on one of the other pricelists. So you could make your sale pricelist depend on your supplier’s purchase pricelist, to which you add a margin. The prices are automatically calculated as a function of the purchase price and need no further manual adjustment. Calculation Rules A pricelist version is made up of a set of rules that apply to the product base prices. Figure 22.16: Detail of a rule in a pricelist version You define the conditions for a rule in the first part of the definition screen labelled Rules Test Match. The rule applies to the Product or Product Template andor the named Product Category. If a rule is applied to a category then it is automatically applied to all of its subcategories too using the tree structure for product categories. If you set a minimum quantity in Min. Quantity, the rule will only apply to a quantity the same as or larger than that set. This lets you set reduced rates in steps that depend on the quantities ordered. Several rules can be applied to an order. OpenERP evaluates these rules in sequence to select which to apply to the specified price calculation. If several rules are valid, only the first in sequence is used for the calculation. The Sequence field determines the order, starting with the lowest number and working up. Once a rule has been selected, the system has to determine how to calculate the price from the rule. This operation is based on the criteria set out in the lower part of the form, labelled Price Computation. The first field you have to complete is labelled Based on. Set the mode for partner price calculation, choosing between: • the Public Price set in the product file, • the Cost Price set in the product file, 347 • an Other Pricelist given in the field If Other Pricelist, • the price that varies as a function of a supplier defined in the Partner section of the product form. Several other criteria can be considered and added to the list, as you will see in the following section. Next, various operations can be applied to the base price to calculate the sales or purchase price for the partner at the specified quantities. To calculate it you apply the formula shown on the form: Price = Base Price x 1 + Field1 + Field2 . The first field, Field1, defines a discount. Set it to 0.20 for a discount of 20 from the base price. If your price is based on standard cost, you can set -0.15 to get a 15 price uplift compared with the standard costs. Field2 sets a fixed supplement to the price, expressed in the currency of the pricelist. This amount is just added or subtracted, if negative to the amount calculated with the Field1 discount. Then you can specify a rounding method. The rounding calculation is carried out to the nearest number. For example if you set 0.05 in this example, a price of 45.66 will be rounded to 45.65, and 14,567 rounded to 100 will give a price of 14,600. Note: Swiss special situation In Switzerland, the smallest monetary unit is 5 cents. There are not any 1 or 2 cent coins. So you set OpenERP’s rounding to 0.05 to round everything in a Swiss franc pricelist. The supplement from Field2 is applied before the rounding calculation, which enables some interesting effects. For example, if you want all your prices to end in 9.99, set your rounding to 10 and your supplement to -0.01 in Field2 . Minimum and Maximum margins enable you to guarantee a given margin over the base price. A margin of 10 USD enables you to stop the discount from returning less than that margin. If you put 0 into this field, no effect is taken into account. Once the pricelist is defined, you can assign it to a partner. To do this, find a Partner and select its Sales Purchases tab. You can then change the Purchase Pricelist and the Sale Pricelist that is loaded by default for the partner.

22.7.2 Example

Take the case of an IT systems trading company, for which the following product categories have been configured: All products 1. Accessories • Printers • Scanners • Keyboards and Mice 2. Computers • Portables • Large-screen portables • Computers • Office Computers • Professional Computers In addition, the products presented in the table below are defined in the currency of the installed chart of accounts. TABLE