Rebates at the End of a Campaign

357 • The Description of the product in the supplier’s language, • Scheduled Date, calculated from the order date and the lead time • Unit Price, provided by the supplier pricelist, • Taxes, taken from the information on the product form and partner form, depending on the rules seen in Financial Analysis . Tip: Product wording and code When you enter supplier names on the product form, you can set a name and a product code for each individual supplier. If you do that, OpenERP will then use those details in place of your own internal product names for that selected supplier. If you work with management by case, you can also set the analytic account that should be used to report all the purchase costs. The costs will then be reported at the receipt of the supplier invoice. Tip: Management by Case Analytic accounts can be very useful for all companies that manage costs by case, by site, by project or by folder. To work with several analytic axes, you should install the module purchase_analytic_plans, by selecting Purchase Analytic Plans in the Reconfigure wizard and clicking Configure. So that the analytic account is automatically selected as a function of the partner, the date, the products or the user, you can install the module account_analytic_default which is installed automatically as a dependency of purchase_analytic_plans, since the latter depends on it. In the Notes tab of the product line, you can enter a note that will be attached when the order confirmation or price quotation is printed. This note can be predefined on the product form to automatically appear on each order for that product. For example, you can enter “Do not forget to send by express delivery as specified in our contract reference 1234.” Once the document has been completed, you can print it as a price estimate to send to the supplier. You can set a note for the attention of the supplier in the form’s third tab. 358 Figure 23.3: Printing the supplier price quotation Then leave the document in the Request for Quotation state. When you receive a response from the supplier, use the menu Purchases → Purchase Management → Requests for Quotation. Select the order and complete its details. When you want to approve the order, use the button Convert to Purchase Order. The price request then passes into the Approved state. No further changes are possible.