The Effectiveness Of Blog On Students’ Writing Of Narrative Text (A Pre-Experimental Study At Tenth Year Students Of Sman 3 Tangerang Selatan)











A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) In the Department of English Education














In the name of Allah, The Beneficent and The Merciful

All praises be to Allah S. W. T., Lord of the world, for the blessing, the guidance and the strength given to the writer in completion this research. Peace and blessing be upon to prophet Muhammad S.A. W., his family, his companion, his adherence.

It is an honor the writer could finally accomplish a skripsi entitled “The

Effectiveness of Peer Feedback to Enhance Students’ Writing Skill through

Blogging (A Pre-Experimental Study at the TenthYear Students of SMAN 3 South Tangerang City).This paper is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. at the Department of English Education of Faculty of Tarbiyah

and Teachers’ Training, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

She is dedicated this skripsi to her beloved parents and brother, Azhari, Kastati and Hardiansyah Putra Azhari for eternal love, great support and patience. Furthermore, the writer would particularly thank to her wonderful and excellent advisors, Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd. and Teguh Khaerudin, M.App.Ling., and her examiners, Dr. Alek, M.Pd and Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. for the guidance, knowledge, patience, and motivation in helping the writer to accomplish this

skripsi. In this occasion, the writer would like to give her deepest gratitude and salute to:

1. The lectures of English Education Department for the knowledge, dedication, patience and motivation.

2. The Head of Department of English Education and the secretary of Department of English Education, Dr. Alek, M.Pd. And Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

3. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

4. All lectures in Department of English Education for the precious

knowledge,motivation, and patience during the writer’s study.

5. The Headmaster of SMAN 3 South Tangerang City who has given permission of doing research at the school, Drs. H. P. A. Sopandy, M.Pd.Mrs. Siti Umayah, S.Pd. as the English teacher who has given permission and helped to the writer in conducting a research in her classes, and the students of X IPA 5 as the objects of research who have been very brilliant and excellent.

6. Mr. Azhari (beloved father) and Mrs. Kastati (beloved mother) who always give their best motivation, everlasting love, wonderful patience, great trust to the writer.



Rury Gamal Paci, the writer’s partner in crime. Thanks for nothing and

everything ever had. Her 2 last years of university would have been miserable without his laughs.

10. English Education B Class family, for the greatest and bittererst moments ever

of writer’s university life.

11. The big family of UKM Bahasa-FLAT of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, especially for La Flamme (member of year 2011), who have been being the second family for the writer.

12. The writer’s special warm for those one who have given such great help, thank you.

Jakarta, April, 11th 2016 The Writer



Writing of Narrative Text(A Pre-experimental Study at the TenthYear Students of SMAN 3 Tangerang Selatan). Skripsi, the Department of English Education,

Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic

University, 2015.This research aims to see the effectiveness of blog to enhance students writing skill in narrative text. The sample was 37 of the tenth year students of SMAN 3 South Tangerang City. The samples class is X MIA 5 which is consisted of 13 males and 24 females. The effectiveness of blog can be seen from students’ writing scores. The writer used a quantitative method and pre experimental design as the research methodology with a convenience sampling technique. The research instrument was a written test assessed using analytic rubric that was adapted from Testing ESL Composition: A practical approach in Assessing Writing. From the result of statistics calculation, it was obtained that the value of Tvalue was 3.989 and degree of freedom (df) is 35. In the table of

significance 5% the value of the significance was 1.690 (Ttable). Comparing those

values, the result was 3.989 >1.690 which means Tvalue score was higher than Ttable

score. In conclusion, the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the Null

Hypothesis (H0) was rejected. Therefore, there is effectiveness of blog to on

students’ writing of narrative text at tenth year of SMAN 3 Tangerang Selatan.



Siswa (Penelitian Pre eksperimen terhadap Siswa Kelas Sepuluh di SMA Negeri 3 Kota Tangerang Selatan).Skripsi jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat keefektifan blog untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis teks naratif oleh siswa. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 37 siswa kelas X dari SMA Negeri 3 Kota Tangerang Selatan. Kelas sampel adalah kelas Sepuluh MIA 5 yang terdiri dari 13 laki-laki dan 24 perempuan. Keefektifan siswa dapat dilihat berdasarkan nilai kompetensi menulis Bahasa Inggris siswa.Penulis menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan desain pre eksperimen sebagai metode penelitiannya dengan menggunakan teknik convenience sampling. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah tes tertulis dengan menggunakan rubrik yang diadaptasi dari Testing ESL Composition: A practical approach in Assessing Writing untuk menilai kompetensi menulis Bahasa Inggris siswa. Berdasarkan hasil dari hitungan statistik diperoleh hasil Tvalue yaitu 3.989

dan degree of freedom (df)adalah 35. Dimana pada signifikansi 5% nilainya adalah 1.690 (Ttable). Dibandingkan dengan skornya, hasilnya adalah 3.989 >1.690

yang berarti Tvalue lebih besar daripada Ttable. Kesimpulannya, alternative hipotesis

(Ha) diterima dan Null Hypothesis (H0) ditolak. Maka dari itu, ada keefektifitasan

dalam penggunaan blog di teks narasi siswa di SMAN 3 Kota Tangerang Selatan.







ABSTRAK ... vii






A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 3

C. Significance of the Study ... 4

D. Formulation of the Problem ... 4

E. Objective of the Study ... 4


A. Blog ... 5

1. Definition of Blog ... 5

2. Features of Blog ... 7

3. Kinds of Blog ... 8


Blog in Language Teaching ... 9


Sampleof Blogs ... 11

B. Writing ... 14

1. The Nature of Writing ... 14

2. Purposes of Writing ... 14



E. Research Hypothesis ... 20


A. Place and Time of the Study ... 21

B. Method and Design of the Research ... 21

C. Population and Sample of the Research ... 23

D. Instrument of the Research... 23

1. Validity ... 27

2. Reliability ... 28

E. The Technique of Data Collecting ... 29

1. Pretest ... 29

2. Posttest ... 29

F. The Technique of Data Analysis ... 30

1. Test of Normality ... 30

2. Test of Homogeneity ... 31

3. Statistical T-test Formulation ... 32

4. Statistical Hypothesis ... 32


A. Data Description... 33

1. The Score of Posttest and Pretest ... 33

2. The Distribution of Students’ Comments ... 34

B. Data Analysis ... 36

1. Normality Test ... 36

a. The Normality Test of Pretest ... 36

b. The Normality Test of Postest ... 37

2. Homogeneity Test ... 38




A. Conclusion ... 48

B. Suggestion ... 49




Table 2.2 . Generic Structure of Narrative Text ... 18

Table 3.1 . Blue Print of the Research Instrument ... 25

Table 4.1 . Frequency Distribution, Mean Range, Variance, and Standard Deviation of Pretest ... 34

Table 4.2 . Frequency Distribution, Mean Range, Variance, and Standard Deviation of Postest ... 34

Table 4.3 . Distribution of Pretest and Postest Comments ... 35

Table 4.4The Normality Test Calculation of Pretest ... 36

Table 4.5 . The Normality Test Calculation of Postest... 37

Table 4.6 . Homogeneity Test of Pretest ... 38

Table 4.7Homogeneity Test of Postest ... 39

Table 4.8Students’ Gained Scores ... 40



Figure 2.2Sample of Blogs Blogger ... 11

Figure 2.3 Sample of Blogs Tumblr ... 12

Figure 2.4 Sample of Blogs Wordpress ... 12

Figure 2.5Sample of Blogs Classchatter ... 13



Appendix 2 Students’ Writing and Comments ... 109

Appendix 3 Students’ Score ... 123

Appendix 4 Distribution of Students’ Comments ... 127





This chapter discusses about the background of the study, identification of the problem, significance of the study, formulation of the problem and objective of the study.

A. Background of the Study

Among macro language skills, writing appears to be the most difficult one for some learners to acquire. Writing is different from speaking although both of them are considered as productive skills. Raimes cites on her book, Technique in Teaching Writing, “Many adult native speakers of a language find writing

difficult. The two processes, speaking and writing, are not identical.1

Writing comes to be one of difficult skills to master, so there are some problems appear among learners. First, some learners assume writing is more complicated than speaking because they need to pay attention in writing processes. In addition, sometimes students find more difficulties writing using target language rather than in their mother tongue. Other learners also believe that the use of language learning media will affect their writing performance.

The aims of teaching writing in the Curriculum of 2013 are students must be able to observe, to ask, to explore, to associate and to communicate properly in written forms. To observe refers to the way students identify the information of topic they learn about. To ask is defined as the ability to distinguish the differences of the materials they talking about with another. To explore refers to students’ abilities to examine the materials from the very general to specific details. To associate means that student should be able to discuss and give feedback towards other students about what they learn. The last one is the ability to communicate or in other words to apply and correlate the materials in real life.

One of writing genres taught in senior high school is Narrative. In the syllabus of the Curriculum of 2013, Narrative text is taught at tenth to


Ann Raimes, Techniques in Teaching Writing, (New York: 1983, Oxford University Press), p. 4.


twelfthgrade of senior high school. Based on the Curriculum of 2013 syllabus, portfolio assessment becomes one of instruments to assess students’ competence especially in assessing Narrative text. Students need to collect their note taking, paper and peer-assessment in the end of the class. This activity is considered as portfolio which some people define it as a traditional method for grading.

In writing, several processes must be overcome to produce good writing. The first step is prewriting and the next steps are drafting, peer/adult revising, editing and publishing. Some people simplified the peer/adult revising as proof reading.

For some students, facing writing task is somehow frustrated. In fact, some students are good in writing on their mother tongue. Besides, the others are better write in target language. But sometimes, students are good to write in both mother tongue and target languages. These facts lead to the asumption that translation from mother tongue to target language or target language to mother tongue is

affected students’ performance in writing skill. In addition, the issues of cross

culture understanding are also believed that it will affect their writing using target language.

Traditionally, writing is performed in pieces of papers. For some people, this media claimed to be non-efficient, complicated and ineffective ways. Unfortunately, some people somehow do less effort to master writing skill. So, they conclude that writing considered as boring and uninteresting activities.

Today, especially in English learning, many teachers use ICT for language learning. For some reasons, the use of ICT is preffered than others. Firstly, it provides an innovation in teaching English instead of conventional method like face to face class meeting, the use of paper based book and many more. Moreover, its efficiency is also fascinating for some teachers to save their energy and time.

The use of ICT in language learning will raise students’ interest so it will be more effective especially in learning Narrative. It leads to the fact that portfolio is no longer effective in the middle of the expansion of technology because the lack of teacher-student and student-student feedback. This is becoming one of the disadvantages of using portfolio. In contrast, learning writing skill needs


appropriate language learning media and feedback opportunity because students need to reflect what they have done with.

Having deal with the writing issues, an appropriate approach in teaching writing is obviously needed. In order to bridge the problems in developing writing skill, the researcher offers blog as a language learning media to enhance students’ writing skill. The existence of blog becomes very useful in developing students writing skill because it has many features, efficiency, and effectivity to be conducted as language learning media to enhance students writing skill.

The expansion of technology drives people to use it as an alternative way in learning writing skill. Blog is becoming familiar because of its features. Blog allows people to access it everywhere in anytime which makes more efficient.

That’s why the use of blog as one of alternative language learning media has been

practicing around in education sector nowadays. Bull states in his article that blog will challenge teacher and students to develop writing in authentic ways.2

Moreover, the use of blog as an online tool will be more efficient to be accessed by everyone rather than hard tool as a conventional one. Usually, the traditional one is lack in giving peer feedback because it merely read by the teacher. Blog also offers an advantage which it can be an e-portfolio instead the conventional portfolio. Beyond this reason, peer feedback through blogging will simultaneously create an efficient and effective learning environment. In conclusion, the use of blog as one of language learning media is affordable to think writing in different way

B.Identification of Problems

There are three problems identified in this research, they are:

1. First, students find writing is more difficult than speaking especially in target language writing.

2. Second, conventional portfolio does not provide sufficient feedback. 3. Third, the use of blog promises more feedbacks.


Glen Bull, Gina Bull and Sara Kajder, Writing with Weblogs: Reinventing Student Journals, International Society for Technology in Education, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2003, p.35.


C. Significance of the Study

The researcher conducted this “The Effectiveness of Blogon Students’ Writing of Narrative Text at Tenth Year Students of SMAN 3 Tangerang Selatan

research because she considers that the result of this study will be fairly useful for English teacher to choose and conduct blog as language learning media. This research also will be useful to students in using language learning media effectively. In addition, the researcher hopes that this study will be a useful reference for the next study.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The researcher composes the research question as following: “Was there any effectiveness of blog on students’ writing of narrative text at tenth year students of

SMAN 3 Tangerang Selatan?”

E. Objective of the Study

The purpose of the study was to obtain the empirical evidence aboutthe effectiveness ofblogon students’ writing of narrative text at tenth year students of





This chapter explains about the description the theory that related to the research. It consists of theoretical description of blog, writing, narrative text, previous relevant study, conceptual framework and research hypothesis.

A. Blog

1. Definition of Blog

The World Wide Web also widely known as the web can be defined as a techno-social system to make humans communicate based on technological networks which are different from internet but the most remarkable part of it.1 The term of the techno-social system refers to a system that increases human cognition, communication and cooperation: the necessary prerequisite to communicate and the pre condition to cooperate cognition. Cooperations needs communication and communication need cognition.

There are four generations of web which consist of Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, and Web 4.0. “Web 1.0 as a web of cognition, web 2.0 as a web of communication, web 3.0 as a web of co-operation and web 4.0 as a web of integration are introduced such as four generation of the web since the advent of


The development shows that the web is moving forward to become intelligent interaction in close future.

Blogs are included in the main technologies and services of web 2.0. There are some outlines that characterize the Web 2.0 including a massively connected world which most Web 2.0 software application rely on there being a vast number of people connected to each other via internet. Other character is the role of users as cocreator which people are no longer readers but also writers and creators. One of the outlines is openness. It means that people are available to access data and software in a little or no cost. Rich experience is also characterize the Web 2.0


Sareh Aghaei, Mohammad Ali Nematbakhash and Hadi Khosravi Farsani, Evolution of the World Wide Web: From Web 1.0 to Web 4.0, International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology (IJWesT), Vol. 3, No. 1, 2012, p. 1.



which people can closely take and share videos, photos, audios via internet to approximating real-life experience.

One of main technologies and service of Web 2.0 is called blog. The term of blog comes from a blend of the words web and log. It is a web consisted of entries called posts which published chronologically with the most recent first, in journal style. The posts are automatically dated, archived and displayed in reverse chronological order. The latest post is displayed at the top of the page and the older one gets further down. Visitors of the blogs also can add comment below post entries and link to other webs. Most blogs are textual but there are other sorts such as photoblogs or photologs, videoblogs or vlogs and podcasts.

A source described that blogs are basic website allows users to post text, upload pictures, videos and provide links on the internet.3 These features are commonly ones provided in many blogs platform such as Blogger, Tumblr, Wordpress and so on. Bloggers with unique and creative texts, pictures, videos or links usually will be commonly visited by other bloggers.

Musburger defines blog as s diary of a person’s thoughts, opinions, and

activities with Web links accessible to certain people setup by the blogger.4 The information people share may various from less informative one to reliable information. Usually, the more interesting information, opinions, activities and thoughts the more people visit the blog to add comments or merely read.

Furthermore, Ahluwalia concluded in her research that blog facilitates people to interact and comment in other posts which make blog as an effective approach, highly productive and meaningful tool.5 In addition, based on McBride research, he cited that positive comments and reaction caused by global audience will be a large scale of writing evaluation.6 The theory and result of research led to the fact


Carol D. Rinke et. al., Using Blogs to Foster Inquiry, Collaboration, and Feedback in Pre-Service Teacher Education, (New York: IGI Global, 2009), p. 306.


Robert B. Musburger, An Introduction to Writing for Electronic Media, (Burlington: Elsevier Inc., 2007), p. 259.


Gurleen Ahluwalia, Deepti Gupta, and Deepak Aggarwal, The Use of Blogs in English Language Learning: A Study of Student Perceptions, PROFILE, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2011, p. 33.


Ronald McBride, Ph.D. and Valerie King, Ed. S., Improving Writing Skills Using Blogging in the Elementary Classroom: Choosing Tools They Use, 2010, p. 3.


that blog can facilitate students to do their peer feedback in evaluating their writing.

2. The Features of Blog

Blog provides many features to facilitate the reader and writer. Usually, novel blogger will choose easy managing hosted blog rather than premium one. But professional blogger tends to upgrade their blog features in order to get additional and premium features. Here some of main features of blog which easily found in many hosted blogs: posts, archives, comments and templates.

Blog post includes a subject tittle and a body messages. Post length can be relatively short or long such as one to dozens of paragraphs. It can comprise a variety of media objects, including text, pictures, graphics, or multimedia. Entry post will show a time stamp to make the author easier find the post she or he has written.

Archives usually sorted in chronologically, alphabet and label of post (custom). This feature helps author to manage their post to be easily found by their reader. Moreover, the author can set the archives as they want. This feature is a must feature provided in almost hosted blog.

The next feature of blog is comment box in the below of every post. This feature facilitates the author and the reader to give comments about the post the author has posted. In order to serve best service to the blogger, the hosted blog allows other blog platform users to give comments as they want. In other words, the authors will instantly receive feedback from the readers about their blog entries. This blog feature gives the opportunity to build active interaction between the authors and the readers. That’s why this feature give opportunities to people who wants to enhance their productive skills especially writing skill to receive and provide feedback related to their writing.

Another service provides by blog is templates. The blogger can choose many layouts, typography and so on to customize their blog. This way will give a feeling of personal to blogger without any technical expertise needed. In addition, the hosted blogs allow user to customize their blog using their own code.


3. Kinds of Blog

People today use blogs in many ways and for some purposes. So, there are a number of kinds of blogs in internet that can be distinguished as personal blogs, community blogs, journalism blogs, education and research blogs and also knowledge blogs.

Blog authorized by individuals is calledpersonal blogs. Mostly, it is also can be lined to other websites or web logs. This personal looked blog usually contains posts of daily activities, experiences, ideas, knowledge, feelings, personal information and so on.

Unlike personal blogs, community blogs managed and authorized by some people included in particular community they belong. This blog supports individual to be involved in higher level community participation. Usually, this blog facilitated people of non-member to access information, news and many things related to the community.

Another kind of blog is journalism which provides community critiques and commentary on current journalism and news. People not only share the news but also give their opinions. This blog shows many perspectives of subject matters which critically discussed.

Education and research blogs also known as edublog are present advance tools to user as learners. This media, students are allowed to publish their own writing and develop a social network to collaborate. In this blog both students and teacher elaborate to create effective language class.

The last is called knowledge blog which is can be used to store and codify knowledge into a virtual online storage. It is usually maintained by personal or community. Today, many people voluntarily run this blog to share knowledge and relate their experiences.


4. Blogs in Language Teaching

For a long time, blogs were seen as nothing more than an online journal or diary where people could share their opinions, post anything interesting or merely post their activities. But today is a very different world for blogging. Many people involve blog in many aspects of their life, for instance, blogging for business, education, self-promoted, passions and many others.

Nowadays, internet is widely use in a variety of ways for students to develop their writing skill. Blogs can be used by students to develop their writing skills in many ways. For instance, Boas states, blogs and ning networks are commonly used online platform that can be researched and adapted to all stages of the process approach easily.7 The process approach that Boas means is the use of blog to conduct the series of writing process like pre-writing, drafting, peer review, and proof reading.

Blogs used in education are known as edublogs. Edublogs cover a wide range of topics related to education, from teaching materials, curricula, teaching method, educational policy and many more. An edublog can be used and set up by teachers, individual learners or a group of learning class. Dudeney and Hockly mention that there are 3 kinds of edublogs including tutor, students and class blogs.8

A blog set up and maintained by a teacher or tutor is known as tutor blog. The teacher may allow students to comment on that blog. Moreover, some blog hosts

allow students’ parent see students’ activity. Today, there are plenty of hosted

blog that elaborate teacher, students and class blog in a blog. The using can be easily set up based on its necessity. Teacher can manage a class blog which students allow to sign in and contribute in an account. This way believed to create effective and efficient learning through blogging.


Isabela Villas Boas, Process Writing and the Internet: Blogs and Ning Networks in the Classroom, No. 2, English Teaching Forum, 2011, p.27.


Gavin Dudeney and Nicky Hockly, How to Teach English with Technology, (Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 2007), p.87.


There are plenty of advantages using blog as one of media language learning. The availability in providing feedback, adaptation of authentic materials, and

autonomous learning are believed can boost students’ writing skill.

One of the advantages of blog, it is facilitated people to contribute by providing feedback which is related to background of this research. In learning English, the role of feedback especially from teacher and peer are needed. In particular, blog contains a feature to give feedback for those who access it. It means that people who are registered on that platform or not will be able to read and give comment.

Secondly, authentic materials include anything that is used to communicate. Nepomuceno argued that authentic text is provided by blog for students to observe and analyze, making them aware of the convention of writing, for instance, grammar, mechanics, unity, coherence, etc.9 It can be concluded that the authentic

material may affect students’ performance. In addition, using authentic material

will increase students’ anxiety and motivation to develop their learning ways. In addition, blogging stimulate students to be autonomous learners. The notion of autonomous learners has widely known within the language learning context. Autonomous learner refers to the learners who take responsibility of their own learning. This term also can be defined as learners willingness to do reflection, take risk, involve in independent action, make decision and do self-directed towards their own learning direction.The learners are demanded to reflect and to enrich different point of views from other learners’ entries. They are simultaneouslystimulated todo review and do correction on their own writing. In addition, autonomous learning will createreinforcement to the learners to be responsible and be brave to take risk towards blog contents they have written. The learners will be absolutely involved in independent action which they have to make decision and do self-directed while composing their blog contents.


Matthew M. Nepomuceno, Writing Online: Using Blogs as an Alternative Writing Activity in Tertiary ESL Classes, Vol. 5, TESOL Journal, 2011, pp. 92-105.


5. Sample of Blogs

These following pictures are the sample of blog in various hosted blog: Kidblog, Blogger, Tumblr, Wordpress, Classchatter and Edublogs.

Figure 2.1 Kidblog


Figure 2.3 Tumblr


Figure 2.5 Classchatter


B. Writing

1. The Nature of Writing

Coulmas distinguished at least 6 meanings of the term of writing on his book

Writing Systems: An Introduction to their Linguistics Analysis which are

mentioned that writing is “(1) system of recording language by means of visible

or tactile marks; (2) the activity of putting such a system to use; (3) the result of such activity, a text; (4) the particular form of such a result, a script style such as a

block letter writing; (5) artistic composition; (6) a professional occupation.”10

Nunan divides two different views on the nature of writing. The first is called the product approach and the second can call the process approach.11 The product focuses on the result and the product of the act of composing writing. Teacher have to make sure that the product obeys the convention rules, appropriate grammar, have good cohesion and coherence and also readable. The examples of the products are essay, letter, poetry, and so on.

Unlike the product approach, the process approach emphasized on the steps of a writing product is being composed. This approach focused on how the author produces their writing product from the very first stage to the end. It means that every single steps is being observed to develop the writing become the finest product.

2. Purposes of Writing

Angle is a word that describes the author’s purpose for writing. To produce one to another writing appropriate approach is required. Writing poetry may different from writing essay in newspaper columns. The differences may vary: on its purposes, conceptual processes and the products.

Boas stated that the main goal of ESL/EFL is in order to make students become interactive and social, rather than individual. Moreover, processes of planning, drafting and revising writing of different genres that will serve authentic


Florian Coulmas, Writing Systems:An Introduction to their Linguistics Analysis,

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), p. 1.


David Nunan, Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), p. 36.


communicative purposes.12 The authenticity will stimulate students to apply what they have learned and associate it with numerous purposes outside class.

Traditionally, writing has four common purposes: to inform, to persuade, to express and to entertain.13Basically, people write to provide and share information they had. But people today are not merely doing that but also in persuading people. This way is important to think in particular way and or to convince that the writing is reliable and factual. Writing may tend to be expressive by stating the

authors’ opinions, ideas, feelings and experiences. People also use writing to

entertain, for instance, short stories, romance novels and humorous newspaper columns.14

3. Approaches to Writing

In order to produce a masterpiece of writing, some steps are required. Dietsch mentions that there are four steps of writing process including prewriting, drafting, revising and editing/proofreading.15 Prewriting is the first stage of writing the purpose of which is to generate ideas. While drafting the process of developing, expanding, and forming connection is required. This is the step when you can rethink, refine and develop ideas which drastically reorganize the draft. The final steps are aimed to examine ideas, check the organization, mechanics, and language use.

Moreover, other sources explain stages of writing that may involve planning, prewriting, drafting, revising your content, revising for structure and revising for grammar and mechanics.16Planning is focusing on consideration of generating ideas, purposes and audiences. Prewriting is generating ideas for instance, brainstorming, free writing, looping, clustering, and chart making. While drafting,


Boas, op. cit., p. 27.


Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning and Writing Well: A Rethoric, Research Guide, Reader, and Handbook, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006), fourth edition, p. 7.


Barbara Fine Clouse, A Troubleshooting Guide for Writer: Strategies and Process, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008), fifth edition, p. 7.


Dietsch, op. cit., p. 11.


Donald Pharr and Santi V. Buscemi, Writing Today: Contexts and Options for the Real Word, (New York: McGraw-Hill,2005), p. 22.


author starts to compose a whole writing from the very first to end. The next steps arerevising the content, structure, grammar and mechanics.

Another source also mentions 3 stages of writing process; prewriting, drafting and refision.17 In prewriting stage, there are 2 activities included generating ideas and planning. Drafting activity refers to the actual writing of the paragraph or essay. The last step is Revision which is consisted of two parts: revising and editing. During revising, author rethinks to evaluate the whole paper. Editing is the final stage of writing process to recheck sentence ambiguity, mechanic and grammar.

4. Narrative Text

Narrative is one of writing genres that is taught in first grade of junior high school to third grade of senior high school. It is a text used to entertain, amuse and tell past stories. There are some forms of Narrative text such ballad, poetry, fable, story, anecdote, legend, fantasy, myth, science fiction, fairy tales, and many more. The generic structure of a Narrative text includesorientation, complication and

resolution. Orientation usually introduces the participants involved on the text. Complication describesa series of crisis. Resolution reveals how the crisis is solved.

The language features included in Narrative text are direct and indirect speech action verbs, thinking verbs, connections, past tense, adjective and many more. Here the example of Narrative text and the description of the generic structure.18


Regina L. Smalley, Mary K. Ruetten and Joann Rishel Kozyrev, Refining Composition Skills: Academic Writing and Grammar, (Boston, Heinle: Cengage Learning, 2012) sixth edition, p. 4.



Table 2.1 Example of Narrative Text

Myth Story of Aji Saka and Dewata Cengkar

Many, many years ago, the kingdom of Medangkamulan was ruled by a king named Dewata-chengkar. This king had a strange and frightening habit. He liked to eat human beings.

One day, a young traveler arrived in the kingdom.He was called Ajisaka. Ajisaka took shelter in the house of a widow who quickly came to look upon the young man as her own son. When he heard

of the king’s strange appetite, Ajisaka sympathized with the villagers’ plight and immediately volunteered to become the

king’s next meal.

Ajisaka went directly to the king’s palace.“I am willing to

be your next meal. Your Highnees. However, I have a request“

said Aji Saka to the king. “Whatever you please, young man, I will grant your request,“ the king replied. “Before you eat me, grant me some land. Just enough length of my own headcloth.“ continued Aji Saka. “Come, Young Man. Let’s measure your

headcloth so that I can have my meal and you can have your

land“ agreed the king.

Ajisaka began to unwrap the cloth tied around his head. The king got down from his throne and hold one end of the

headcloth. He stepped backward. What he didn’t know was that

this headcloth was much longer. The king kept going backward, step by step, as the cloth kept unraveling. He stepped backward through the palace square, backward across the village, holding

the end of Ajisaka’s headcloth. The king kept stepping backward

until reached the sea cliftts of the sea.

A great crowd of people had gathered. They held their breath as their king took his final step backward over the cliff’s edge and plunged into the waves crashing againts the rocks at the foot of the sea wall.


Table 2.2 Generic Structure of Narrative Text Generic

Structure Contents

Orientation The story introduces the participants. Those are main charracters, Aji Saka and the king Dewata Cengkar. They lived in once time


The problem began when the king wanted to eat his people. That

king’s strange habit made Aji Saka face a major complication, how to solve the problem. Aji Saka tried to stop the king frighting habit.

Resolution The story has a happy ending as Aji Saka Successfully beats the king. The king fell into the sea.

C. Previous Relevant Study

The first relevant study was a journal entitled Use of Peer Feedback to

Enhance Elementary Students’ Writing through Blogging written by Yu Liang Chen, Eric Zhi Feng Liu, Ru Chu Shih, Chin Tsung Wu and Shyan Ming Yuan, a journal of British Journal of Educational Technology, which was published on 2010, Volume 42 and Number 1. The objective of the research was to investigate

the effectiveness of using peer feedback to enhance elementary students’ writing

through blogging. A series of quantitative and qualitative techniques were employed to analyze the data, including inter-rater reliability, content analysis, T -test, analysis of covariance, observations and interviews. The result showed that

“The statistical results reached a significant level (t = 2.07, p < 0.05), indicating that the posttest performance was higher than that of the pretest. As a result, the use of peer feedback through the blogging model is effective for improving the

quality of writing.”19

The difference between this previous relevant study and the

researcher’s study are in the method which this study adopted a series of

quantitative and qualitative techniques. In addition, this study investigated the


Yu Liang Chen et al., Use of Peer Feedback to Enhance Elementary Students’ Writing through Blogging, No. 1 Vol. 42, British Journal of Educational Technology, 2011, pp. EI--E4.


effectiveness of using peer feedback whereas the study researcher conducted is investigated the effectiveness of blog.

A journal entitled The Effectivenes of Internet-Based Peer Feedback Training

on Chinese EFL College Students’ Writing Proficiency which published on 2014 was selected by the researcher to be the next related study. The aim of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of the internet-based PFT on Chinese EFL students writing proficiency.20The results indicate that the progress of the more-proficient group made in writing was rather slight because the mean scores only rose from 79.64 on the pre-test to 81.76 on the post-test. But, this slight difference has statistical significance (t= -2.14, p < .05). In contrast, the

less-proficient group’s mean scores had a significant increase, that is, from 63.85 on the pre-test to 76.42 on the post-test. This difference also had statistical significance (t= -6.18, p < .01).From the results of the study, it is clearly seen that the internet-based PFT was positively effective on the improvement of EFL

students’ writing error correction quality. In this previous relevant study, the CACL platform is constructed whereas in the researcher study, Blogger platform is applied. Moreover, the effectiveness of internet based feedback is the concern of this study. This study also applied mix method in conducting research.

D. Conceptual Framework

Some people assume that writing through paper based is a conventional way. They speculate that writing is a boring, unchallenging, and underrated activity. Moreover, in this technology expansion, there are many ways to enhance writing skill in innovatively effective ways. The researcher offers blog as one of language learning media because of many reasons.

Firstly, blog facilitates learners to provide feedback. In writing, feedback is important to boost and monitor the work of writing during teaching and learning process. In this research the researcher emphasized providing feedback through blogging as a way to enhance students writing. The effectiveness of blogging can


Jiahong Jiang and Yibing Yu, The Effectiveness of Internet-Based Peer Feedback Training on Chinese EFL College Students’ Writing Proficiency, No. 10 Vol 3, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 2014, pp. 34--36.


be seen by assessing students’ writing in pre and posttest. Using blog as one of online portfolio can simply facilitate students to receive feedback from their teacher. In traditional portfolio, students gather their work to be assessed by their teacher in particular time which usually in the end of semester. This way simply blocks students to receive feedback from their teacher and other students. In contrast, writing is one of language skills that need two communication ways in both sides either from students to teacher and or students to students. So, using blog to facilitate both teacher and students are significantly important to provide

feedback in order to boost students’ writing skill.

Secondly, writing through blogging is extensively used in this technology expansion era. Nowadays, technology expansion surprisingly develops in many sectors including language teaching. Especially in writing, the use of technology is preffered rather than the conventional one. Its efficiency and effectivity are beyond the reasons. Moreover, writing through blogging is an innovative way to enhance writing skills because blog possess many services and features. So, it will stimulate people to be less boring and creative in conducting writing.

E.Research Hypothesis

For testing the statistical hypothesis of this research, the formulation used was

t-test. The purpose is to see to obtain the empirical evidence about the

effectiveness of blog on students’ writing of narrative text at Tenth Year Students





This chapter presents the place and time of the study, method and design of the research, population and sample of the research, instrument of the research, technique of data collecting, and technique of data analysis.

A. Place and Time of the Study

This study was conductedinSMA Negeri 3 Kota Tangerang Selatan. It is located at Jl. Benda Timur XI Komplek Pamulang Permai, South Tangerang City, Banten. The researcher chose this school because it is using Kurikulum 2013

curriculum for tenth year students. The research started on April 15th to 20th May 2015. It was done by giving pretest, treatment and posttest to the tenth year students. The writer has 4 meetings for treatment and 2 meetings for pretest and post-test.

B. Method and Design of the Research

The method usedin this research was a quantitative method. “In quantitative research the investigator identifies a research problem based on trends in field

or on the need to explain why something occurs.”1

This research directly attemps to influence a particular variable. When it is properly applied, it is the best type for testing hypothesis about cause and effect relationship. Experimental design is apllied in this research. Creswell mentions that experiment is used to establish possible cause and effect between dependent and independent variables.2

This research adopted a single-group pre and postests design to investigate the effectiveness of using blog. In this design, a single case is observed at two time points; pre-test and post-test. Changes in the end of study are presumed to be the result of treatment. In this design, no comparison group is employed. In this study,


John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research, (Boston: 2012, Pearson Education Inc.), Fourth Edition, p. 13.



the dependent variable is blog and writing skill is as an independent variable. The experiment procedure starts with a pre-test and ends with a post-test. Researcher need to analyze the findings based primarily on differences in the post-test scores of the sample group. Singh states, “The single individual or one-group experiment

is the most elementary and least rigorous design.”3

So, the researcher believed this design will meet to the objective of the research. In addition, “It consist of comparing the growth of a single group under two different sets of condition-that is, of subjecting of the group successively to an experimental and to a control

factor for equivalent periods of time and comparing the outcomes”4

In the first meeting, the researcher invited the participants to language laboratory and asked them to create an account in Blogger platform. The researcher chose that blog provided because it is easy to be used and the features support for writing. The next meeting was pretest to see their current writing skill level. The researcher asked students to write Narrative text including fable, legend, myth, fairy tales, folklore and many more. The students were asked to write at least 3 paragraphs. They are divided into 10 groups to make easier in commenting others writing. The four students who have first registered number commented to each other writing among the fourth and the following registered number will do the same. Based on the kinds of participant comment, the students were divided into two groups in analyzing peer feedback which are the elaborated and basic feedback group. Elaborated feedback refers to useful feedback which provides detail items from students and basic feedback is merely led to good or poor comments. The following weeks, the researcher started the treatment for 2x45 minutes. Then, they have been given treatment during that time. In the next week, the student did post-test using computer in the language library. The researcher picked categorized participants based on their kinds of comment to be

interviewed. Then the researcher correlated between the results of participants’

writing and interview.


Yogesh Kumar Singh, Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics, (New Delhi: 2006, New Age International (P) Ltd., Publisher), p. 141.



C. Population and Sample of the Research

The population in this research was students of SMA Negeri 3 Kota Tangerang Selatan. There were 293 students tenth year in eight classes; X MIA, X MIA 2, X MIA 3, X MIA 4, X MIA 5, X MIA 6, X IIS 1 and X IIS 2. The samples class is X MIA 5 which is consisted of 13 male and 24 female.

The technique of sampling used in this research was a convenience sampling.

“A convenience sample is motivated by analytical interest in an available body of

texts that is known not to include all texts of the population that the analysts are

concerned with.”5

The availability to select participants as a sample because of

students’ availability to be studied at school is the reason beyond the researcher

chose this sampling. The principle of the school gave permission and instructed the teacher to give English class accessibility to do research.

D. Instrument of the Research

To measure data in quantitative study, the researcher used instrument. In quantitative data, a tool for measuring, observing documenting is called instrument.6 Instrument also can be defined as device to collect data and the process of collecting data is called instrumentation. In addition, Brown emphasized that a set of techniques, procedures, or items that requires performance on the part of the test taker refers to an instrument.7

The instrument used in this research was a written test. The researcher gave instruction to write Narrative text by written test. In addition, the instruction can be seen on appendix. It is done because to see the writing ability is better to get the students write. The written test conducted in the research including pretest and posttest. The researcher gave instruction to make blog account using Blogger platform. Whether students already owned blog or not, they should create a blog account.


Klauss Krippendorff, Content Analysis: An Introduction to its Methodology, (California: 2004, Sage Publications, Inc.), p. 120.


Creswell, op. cit., p. 14.


H. Duglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices, (New York: 2004, Pearson Education, Inc.), p. 3.


Since the problem of the research is to see the students’ writing ability in Narrative text, so the instrument used is analytic scoring rubric. Moreover, peer feedback provided by the participants is also counted and divided into elaborated feedback and basic feedback both individual and in group. There was only a single group in this study and it was doing pretest and posttest. The researcher gave pretest to gather data before treatment applied. Posttest is given after treatment is applied to see the effectiveness of the treatment which given.



Table3.1Blue Print of the Research Instrument Analytic Scoring

(The rubric was adapted from Testing ESL Composition: A practical approach in Assessing Writing8)





Sara Cushing Weigle, Assessing Writing, (Cambridge: 2002, Cambridge University Press), p. 116.

30-27 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: knowledgeable • substantial

• thorough development of thesis • relevant to assigned topic

26-22 GOOD TO AVERAGE: some knowledge of subject • adequate

range • limited development of thesis • mostly relevant to topic, but lacks detail

21-17 FAIR TO POOR: limited knowledge of subject • little substance • inadequate development of topic 16-13 VERY POOR: does not show knowledge of subject • non

-substantive • non pertinent • OR not enough to


20-18 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: fluent expression • ideas

clearly started/supported • succinct • well-organized • logical sequencing • cohesive

17-14 GOOD TO AVERAGE: somewhat choppy • loosely

organized but main ideas stand out • limited support • logical but incomplete sequencing

13-10 FAIR TO POOR: non fluent • ideas confused or

disconnected • lacks logical sequencing and


9-7 VERY POOR: does not communicate • no organization •



20-18 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: sophisticated range •

effective word/idiom choice and usage• word form mastery • appropriate register

17-14 GOOD TO AVERAGE: adequate range • occasional errors of word/idiom form, choice, usage •but meaning not obscured

13-10 FAIR TO POOR: limited range • frequent errors of word/idiom form, choices • meaning confused or obscured

9-7 VERY POOR: essentially translation • little knowledge of English vocabulary, idioms, words form • OR

not enough to evaluate

25-22 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: effective complex

constructions • few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, preposition 21-18 GOOD TO AVERAGE: effective but simple constructions •

minor problems in constructions • several errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, preposition but meaning seldom obscured

17-11 FAIR TO POOR: major problems in simple/complex constructions • frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, preposition and/or fragments, run-ons, deletions • meaning confused or obscured

10-5 VERY POOR: virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules • dominated by errors • does not communicate • OR not enough to evaluate

5 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: demonstrated mastery of

conventions • few errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing

4 GOOD TO AVERAGE: occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing but meaning not obscured

3 FAIR TO POOR: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing • poor handwriting • meaning confused or obscured

2 VERY POOR: no mastery conventions • dominated by

errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,

paragraphing • handwriting illegible • OR not


The quality of instrument used in a research is very important. Validity and reliability are essential requirements should be fulfilled to ensure the instrument is qualified.

1. Validity

One of important principles in language assessment is validity. It is very important in choosing and using instruments. Validity refers to the appropriateness in examining the extent to which a test calls for performance that matches that of the course or unit of study is being tested.9 In brief, instrument should test what should be tested.

To attain the validity, the researcher used content validity. Content validity referred to requires the test takers to perform the behavior that is being measured.

The researcher did written test to examine students’ writing test through blogging. In addition, this research also registered to blog platform to support required condition in writing through blogging activity. Providing comments is available in blogging activity so, it is support peer feedback activity included in blogging in a time.

The researcher gave instruction to students to write Narrativetext through blogging activity. The test used is written test because to best way to see the

students’ writing capability is asking them to write. As the consideration of the instrument properness, the researcher had made the relevance of the topic writing; the writing instruction, the peer feedback instruction and analytical writing rubric. The lesson plan can be seen on appendix.

The activity of providing feedback is also through blogging. The students gave feedback after they wrote the Narrative text. Providing feedback is one of features of blog. So, writing and providing feedback is done through blogging.



2. Reliability

Reliability refers to the consistency in giving the same tests to the same students or matched students on two different occasions.10 In order to attain the reliability of the instrument the researcher used an analytic scoring rubric to score

students’ writing pretest and posttest and did inter rater reliabilityto ensure the reliability of the data. “Inter-rater reliability is an index of consistency across

raters calculated using correlations.”11

Analytic scoring provides more detailed information about test takers performance in different aspect of writing as content, organization, cohesion, register, vocabulary, grammar or mechanics.12 The scale of analytic composition is derived by Jacobs et. al. adopted by Sara Cushing Weigle in her book, Assessing Writing. The primary advantage of an analytic scoring is that it

provides more useful diagnostic information about students’ writing ability over a

holistic scoring. The disadvantage of this scoring is time consuming.

Moreover, the researcher also did inter-rater reliability to see the consistency of the data. This step is done to ensure that the rubric used by any scorers is reliable. So, the researcher conducted inter rater reliability to compare the scoring result by scorer 1 and 2 was not significantly different. It means that the rubric scoring is consistence. The researcher and the English teacher scored pretest and posttest using the same scoring rubric and in the same time. In case the rater gives different scores, the mean scores will be provided. Moreover, the researcher should ensure that the perception about what is being assessed between the other rater and the researcher is should be the same.The table scores can be seen on the Chapter 4.




Judy R.Wilkerson and William Steve Lang, Assesing Teacher Competency: Five Standards-Based Steps to Valid Measurement Using the CAATS Model, (California: Corwin Press, 2007), p. 243.



E. Technique of Data Collecting

After making the instrument, the researcher will collect the data by giving a test to the students. The test technique was one of the data collecting techniques in aquantitative research.13 In collecting data, the researcher conducted written test to

test students’ writing ability. There was only 1 group of students that being

researched. This group did pretest, 4 meetings of treatment and posttest. Students wrote in personal and gave peer feedback among group member. In the end of the research, students divided into 2 categories for those ones who were giving elaborated and basic feedback.

1. Pretest

On the first week, the researcher gave explanation about blog such as blog platform, how to create account and how to maintain it. The researcher conducted pretest on 22nd April or the first week of research time. The researcher gave instruction to students to write and give feedback among group member. Students were divided into 10 groups which is consisted 3 to 4 students. They did written test and gave peer feedback in language laboratory. The next following weeks the researcher did 4 times treatment on 22nd April to 13th May 2015. The lesson plan can be seen on appendix.

2. Postest

On the last week, 20th May, the researcher did postest. Posttest is given after the treatment. With the same procedure as pretest, the students were asked to write and provide feedback on blog platform. After conducting pretest, the researcher and the English teacher did score the students’ writing. This way can be referred as inter rater reliability to see the reliability of the instrument. The score describes in the following chapter.


Tim Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi FITK, Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi, (Jakarta:FITK,2014),p.65.


F. Technique of Data Analysis

The next process of the research is data analysis. The researcher analyzed data by counting pretest and postest scores. Moreover, the researcher processed

participants’ comments and analyzed the interviewed result. The researcher had the normality and homogeneity test to ensure that students’ writing was normal and homogeneous. The parametric statistic used is T-test formulation to analyze the data that gained from pretest and postest.

1. Test of Normality

The researcher used SPSS to analyzed normality to ensure that the data is normally distributed. Normality test is used to know whether the data come from the normal distribution or not. The normality test is done with Liliefors test with requirement as follows: If score of Lvalue ≤ Ltable , so the data comes from the

normal population, but if it is not fulfilled this requirement, so the data does not come from normal population. Score of Lvalue is got from Liliefors formula as



in which, Zi= normality

Xi= data from every sample

= deviation standard

̅= mean

The criteria of determining the normality of the data was:

a. If Lvalue was smaller than Ltable (Lvalue < Ltable), it means that the data were

distributed normally

b. If Lvalue greater than Ltable (Lalue > Ltable), it means that the data were not


2. Test of Homogenity

Homogeneity test is used to know whether the data come from the homogeneous variance or not. After normality test gives indication that the data is distributed normally, so it needs to do homogeneity test with Fisher test/ F test. The steps of determining homogeneity are:

a. Dividing the larger variance by the smaller one. If the variances are similar to each other, the F-value will be close to 1. The more the variances differ, the larger the F-value will be.

b. Comparing the obtained F-value to the appropriate one in the table. If the obtained F-value is equal to or larger from the table value, then the data is lack homogeneity of variance


Ho: The condition of experiment class is not different from controlled class. H1: The sample of experiment class is different from controlled class. If F < F1/2α (n1-1)(n2-2), Ho is accepted


3. Statistical T-test Formulation

The researcher conducted this test was to obtain the empirical evidence about

the effectiveness of blog on students’ writing of narrative text. The researcher calculated the data using the appropriate formula adopted one group pretest and posttest design so the formulation used below.14

t = SD =

√ SD = √ ̅

4. Statistical Hypothesis

The hypotheses of this research are:

H0 (Null hypothesis) X1 < X2: There is no effectiveness of blog on students’

writing of narrative text.

H1 (Alternative hypothesis) X1 > X2: There is effectiveness of blog on students’

writing of narrative text.

The formulation of the statistical hypothesis is as follows: H0 : tvalue< ttable

H1 : tvalue> ttable


Budi Susetyo, Statistika untuk Analisa Data Penelitian, (Bandung: PT. Refika Aditama, 2010), p. 208.





This chapter consists of data description, data analysis and data interpretation of the research.

A. Data Description

The research finding will be presented in the following description. The finding was obtained from the pretest and postest of the students.

1. The Score of Posttest and Pretest

In this research, the experimental class was the students of class X MIA 5 at SMAN 3 South Tangerang City. This class had 40 students including 16 males and 24 females. But the data that the researcher composed included only 37 students because the writing of the 3 students did not fulfill the requirements that the researcher asked.

Based on the test given, the pretest mean score achieved was 72.432.

Moreover, the students’ lowest score achieved was 57 and the maximum one was

88. In addition, the standard deviation showed 57.086 and the variance pointed 57.086. After treatment, the mean score achieved was 76.378. It pointed that the means score of posttest was higher that pretest. The students’ lowest score of posttest achieved was 60 and the maximum one was 91. In addition, the data showed that the standard deviation pointed 72.509 and the variance was 52.575.

The Calculation of frequency distribution, mean, range, variance, and standard deviation of pretest and posttest can be seen on the table 4.1 and 4.2.


Table 4.1

Frequency Distribution, Mean, Range, Variance, and Standard Deviation of Pretest

N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Variance

Final Score 37 31.0 57.0 88.0 72.432 7.5555 57.086

Valid N (listwise) 37

Table 4.2

Frequency Distribution, Mean, Range, Variance, and Standard Deviation of Postest

N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Variance

Final Score 37 31.0 60.0 91.0 76.378 7.2509 52.575

Valid N (listwise) 37

2. The Distribution of Students’ Comments

In this research, students were asked to assess and give comment among other students in a group. The participants divided into 10 groups. Each of them consist 3 to 4 students which commented to each other posts. The comments were divided into 2 kinds. The first is basic feedback which students only give statement whether the post is good or bad without any explanation beyond. Then elaborated feedback refers to useful and meaningful comments given by students. In providing elaborated feedback, usually students explain and describe errors and mistakes other students did. The table showed the distribution of pretest basic and elaborated feedback provided by the participants can be seen on Appendix.

The participants divided into 10 groups in order to make easier in giving feedback to each other. In addition, other participants of other groups were freely

commented in other participants’ post. The distribution of participants presented in the table 4.3 below.


Table 4.3 Distribution of Pretest and Post test Comments No. Pretest Elaborated Basic

1. Comments of Each Group

92 63

2. Comments of Other Groups

18 6

110 69

Total Pre Test Comments


No. Post Test Elaborated Basic 1. Comments of Each


86 60

2. Comments of Other Groups

2 1

88 61

Total Post Test Comments


The table 4.3 showed distribution of elaborated and basic feedback in pretest and postest. In pretest the data pointed 110 elaborated feedbacks which are 92 feedbacks from each group and 18 feedbacks from other groups. In addition, there were 62 basic feedbacks from each group and 6 feedbacks from other groups. The distribution of pretest feedback is greater than postest. The data presented 86 elaborated comments delivered by students each group and only 2 from other groups. Moreover, basic feedback showed 60 points in each group and only 1 comment from other group.


B. Data Analysis 1. Normality Test

The normality was tested by using Liliefors test. The result of normality test was presented in table 4.4

a. The Normality Test Calculation of Pretest Table 4.4The Normality Test Calculation of


One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Final Score

N 37

Normal Parametersa,b Mean 72.432 Std.

Deviation 7.5555 Most Extreme


Absolute .061

Positive .061

Negative -.061

Test Statistic .061

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .200c,d

The result test showed on the table 4.4 used one sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov showed Asymp, Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.200 greater than significance level α 0.05 then it can be concluded that the data is normal.


b. The Normality Test Calculation of Postest Table 4.5The Normality Test Calculation of


One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Final Score

N 37

Normal Parametersa,b Mean 76.378 Std.

Deviation 7.2509 Most Extreme


Absolute .072

Positive .065

Negative -.072

Test Statistic .072

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .200c,d .

The result test used one sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov showed Asymp, Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.200 greater than significance level α 0.05 then it can be concluded that the residual required distribute assumption is normal.


1. Homogeneity Test

The next test used is homogeneity test. The purpose is to see whether the data is distributed in homogeneous or heterogeneous way.

The criteria of the test:

H0: < : means the data is homogeneous.

H₁: > : means the data is not homogeneous. : 1.74 in the significance degree 0.05

The calculation of data presented in the following table. a. The Homogenity Test of Pretest

Table 4.6 Homogenity Test of Pretest

Based on the table 4.6, the Levene’s showed 0.025 in the significance degree 0.05. It means the researcher found H0 is accepted and stated that the variance is

same. H0 is accepted if the significant value of homogeneity test is higher than

significant value α (0.05). The result of the homogeneity test is significant value is

higher than 0.05 (0.025 > 0.05). It means that the data were homogenous. Levene's Test of Equality of Error


F df1 df2 Sig.


b. The Homogenity Test of Postest Table 4.7 Homogenity Test of Postest

Based on the table, the Levene’s showed 0.034 towards significance value

0.05. It means the researcher found H0 is accepted and stated that the variance is

same. H0 is accepted if the significant value of homogeneity test is higher than

significant value α (0.05). The result of the homogeneity test is significant value is

higher than 0.05 (0.034 > 0.05). It means that the data were homogenous.

2. Statistical Hypothesis Test

For testing the statistical hypothesis of this research, the formulation used was


Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa

F df1 df2 Sig.


Table 4.8 Students’ Gained Scores No. PRETEST

(X )


(X ) D D-D (D-D )²

1 78 76 -2 -5.95 35.40

2 62.5 85.5 23 19.05 362.90

3 80 85.5 5.5 1.55 2.40

4 69.5 83 13.5 9.55 91.20

5 75 72.5 -2.5 -6.45 41.60

6 83 76 -7 -10.95 119.90

7 64.5 70.5 6 2.05 4.20

8 77 72.5 -4.5 -8.45 71.40

9 69.5 82 12.5 8.55 73.10

10 75 76.5 1.5 -2.45 6.00

11 68 77 9 5.05 25.50

12 77 74.5 -2.5 -6.45 41.60

13 82.5 88 5.5 1.55 2.40

14 82 78 -4 -7.95 63.20

15 84.5 84.5 0 -3.95 15.60

16 60 70.5 10.5 6.55 42.90

17 81.5 84 2.5 -1.45 2.10

18 87 90.5 3.5 -0.45 0.20

19 69.5 76.5 7 3.05 9.30

20 63.5 66 2.5 -1.45 2.10

21 73 71.5 -1.5 -5.45 29.70

22 73 88.5 15.5 11.55 133.40

23 72.5 79 6.5 2.55 6.50

24 66 77 11 7.05 49.70

25 57 60 3 -0.95 0.90

26 64 65.5 1.5 -2.45 6.00

27 70 71 1 -2.95 8.70

28 70.5 70.5 0 -3.95 15.60

29 65 67.5 2.5 -1.45 2.10

30 79 80.5 1.5 -2.45 6.00

31 75 74.5 -0.5 -4.45 19.80

32 73.5 76.5 3 -0.95 0.90

33 76 79.5 3.5 -0.45 0.20

34 72.5 75 2.5 -1.45 2.10

35 70.5 74 3.5 -0.45 0.20

36 61 68.5 7.5 3.55 12.60

37 61 66.5 5.5 1.55 2.40


D= 146

̅ = 3.95

SD = √ ̅

SD = √

=√ = 6.031 SD =

√ SD =

√ = 0.99 t =

t =

= 3.989

The degree of freedom of the hypothesis used is n1-2=35 with the significance degree 0.05 or 5%. According to the significance degree and degree freedom described the Ttablevalue 1.690.

Ho: Tvalue<1.690

H1: Tvalue>1.690

Based on the data gained Tvalue 3.989 is higher than Ttable. It means that H1 is

accepted thatthere is a positive effect of using blog to enhance students’ writing skill in narrative text.

t = SD =

√ SD = √ ̅

From the calculation above can be concluded that mean of posttest first scorer is 76.38 and the second scorer 75.78. The difference of posttest statistic result significantly showed from t statistic 2.160 greater from t table 5% = 1.688.


The statistical hypotheses of this research are:

a. H0 (Null hypothesis): There is no effectiveness of blog onstudents’ writing of

narrative text at tenth year of SMAN 3 Tangerang Selatan.

b. Ha (Alternative hypothesis): There is effectiveness of blog on students’ writing of narrative text at tenth year of SMAN 3 Tangerang Selatan.

The criteria used as follows:

a. If (t0) > (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, H0 (the null

hypothesis) is rejected.

b. If (t0) < (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, H0 (the null

hypothesis) is accepted.

c. To answer the statistical hypothesis that whether there is effectiveness of blog on students’ writing of narrative text at tenth year of SMAN 3 Tangerang Selatan the researcher used t-test formula in the significance degree (α) of 5%. The result showed that ttest (to)


ttable (tt) or (0.59



C. Data Interpretation

In data description above the data was taken from 37 students in a group of pretest and postest study. Table 4.1 and 4.2 presented the pretest mean score by first scorer achieved was 72.432. Moreover, the students’ lowest score achieved was 57 and the maximum one was 88. In addition, the standard deviation showed

57.086 and the variance pointed 57.086. After treatment, the mean score achieved was 76.378. It pointed that the means score of postest was higher that pretest. The

students’ lowest score of postest achieved was 60 and the maximum one was 91.

In addition, the data showed that the standard deviation pointed 7.2509 and the variance was 52.575. In the appendix the data showed the detailed scored that students achieved during pretest and postest according to first scorer. The calculation of frequency distribution, mean, range, variance, and standard deviation of pretest and postest rated by the second scorer showed in table 4.5 and 4.6. The pretest score achieved was 71.838. Moreover, the students’ lowest score


achieved was 57 and the maximum one was 86. In addition, the standard deviation showed 71.838 and the variance pointed 64.973. After treatment given, the mean score achieved was 75.784. It showed that the means score of posttest scored by

the second scorer was higher that pretest. The students’ lowest score of posttest

achieved was 60 and the maximum one was 90. The data showed that the standard deviation pointed 7.0480 and the variance was 49.674.The distribution of pretest and postest of second scorer is presented in the following table.

The next table presented the distribution of feedback by first group of pretest. There were 12 elaborated feedbacks and 5 basic feedbacks provided among first group students in pretest. The next table is pointed the distribution of feedback presented by second group of pretest. 9 elaborated feedbacks and 12 basic feedbacks presented among second group of students. Students exclude group presented 4 elaborated feedbacks in that group. In the third group showed in the following table there were 12 elaborated feedbacks and 5 basic feedbacks within group. 3 elaborated feedback and 1 basic feedback presented by students excluded group. The next table presented students within group who provided 12 elaborated feedbacks and 6 basic feedbacks. In addition, 5 elaborated feedbacks and 2 basic feedbacks are presented by excluded students group. The table 4.13 was fifth group which provided 12 elaborated feedbacks and 11 basic feedbacks within group. Besides, only 1 elaborated feedback and 1 basic feedback provided by students excluded group. The following table showed 10 elaborated feedbacks and 4 basic feedbacks by the sixth group. There were no elaborated feedback or basic feedback excluded group. The next table presented 2 elaborated feedbacks and 5 basic feedbacks from seventh group. There were no elaborated feedback or basic feedback provided excluded group. The following table presented 5 elaborated feedbacks and 6 feedbacks within group and 2 elaborated feedback and 2 basic feedbacks from excluded group. The ninth group distribution feedback presented in the next table. There were 6 elaborated feedbacks and 5 basic feedbacks. In contrast, there were only 2 elaborated feedback provided by excluded group. The following table showed 12 elaborated feedbacks and 3 basic feedbacks. There was only 1 feedback provided by excluded group.


Distribution of Fifth Group Post Test Feedback Students Code LZ

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

MF √ √

MS √ √

MK √ √

Total 3 3

Students Code MF

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

LZ √ √

MS √ √

MK √ √

Total 3 3

Students Code MS

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

LZ √ √

MF √ √

MK - √

Total 2 3

Students Code MK

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

LZ √ √

MF √ √

MS √ √


Distribution of Sixth Group Post Test Feedback Students Code MV

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

MI √ -

MA - √

MR √ -

Total 2 1

Students Code MI

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

MV √ √

MA √ -

MR √ -

Total 3 1

Students Code MA

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

MV - √

MI √ -

MR - √

Total 1 2

Students Code MR

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

MV √ -

MI - √

MA √ -


Distribution of Seventh Group Post Test Feedback Students Code MS

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

NA √ √

PD - √

Total 1 2

Students Code NA

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

MS √ -

PD - √

Total 1 1

Students Code PD

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

MS √ -

NA - √

Total 1 1

Distribution of Eighth Group Post Test Feedback Students Code RN

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

RI √ √

RA - √

Total 1 2

Students Code RI

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

RN √ √

RA √ -

Total 2 1

Students Code RA

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

RN √ √

RI √ √


Distribution of Ninth Group Post Test Feedback Students Code RR

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

SA √ -

SP √ -

Total 2 0

Students Code SA

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

RR √ √

SP √ -

Total 2 1

Students Code SP

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

RR √ √

SA √ √


Distribution of Tenth Group Post Test Feedback Students Code SD

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

TR √ √

VR - √

YD √ -

Total 2 2

Students Code TR

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

SD √ √

VR √ -

YD √ -

Total 3 1

Students Code VR

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

SD √ -

TR √ -

YD √ -

Total 3 0

Students Code YD

Other Students Elaborated Feedback Basic Feedback

SD √ √

TR √ √

VR √ √


Appendix 5

The Data Calculation of Scorer 2

The Calculation of Frequency Distribution, Mean, Range, Variance, and Standard Deviation of Pretest Scorer 2

N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Variance

Final Score 37 29.0 57.0 86.0 71.838 8.0606 64.973

Valid N (listwise) 37

The Calculation of Frequency Distribution, Mean, Range, Variance, and Standard Deviation of Posttest Scorer 2

N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Variance

Final Score 37 30.0 60.0 90.0 75.784 7.0480 49.674

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