Being Cooperative Learners Students’ Perception on Cooperative Learning Used in Extensive


b. Being Cooperative Learners

In order to examine students’ perceptions on the implication of being cooperative learner, the researcher proposed four main questions. The first main question is about difficult reading materials that was done with peers or friends. 36 students argued that teaching method used in Extensive Reading II class encouraged them to discuss a difficult reading material with their friends; 14 students strongly agreed 35.89 and 23 students 58.97 agreed. On the other hand, 2 students disagreed 5.12. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree pe rce n ta ge Figure 4.5. Students’ Perception on the Cooperative Learning’s Implication to Do Difficult Reading Materials with Friends “iya, dengan kita membentuk kelompok jadi kita bisa bekerja sama dengan teman lain.” R1 yes, by making a grup we can work cooperatively with other friends. “sebenarnya ini tugas pribadi tapi ya saya sering minta bantuan teman, dan juga minta pertimbangan dari teman” R2 it’s actually private assignment but I often ask friend for help and also I asked their opinion about my assignment. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 55 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree pe rce n ta ge Figure 4.6. Students’ Perception on the Cooperative Learning’s Implication to Do Difficult Task The next statement asked whether the teaching method used in class enabled the students to help others in doing the difficult task or not. 11 students 28.20 strongly agreed and 24 students 61.53 agreed to the statement. “ya,tapi di informal diskusi. Diskusinya dalam kelas dan formal tapi biasanya kita yang bikin informal dan disitulah kita saling membantu” R1 yes, but in informal discussion. The discussion is in the class and it’s formal discussion but we made it informal. . “Kita bisa bantu kalo ada hal-hal yang nggak dia ngerti, atau cara mengerjakan tugasnya kita akan saling bantu.” R2 we could help friends when he or she didn’t understand the topic, or when he or she found difficulties in how to do the asignmen. We help each other. On the other hand, 4 students 10.25 disagreed and no one strongly disagreed. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 56 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree pe rce n ta ge Figure 4.7. Students’ Perception on the Cooperative Learning’s Implication to Help Friends’ Improvement by Giving Suggestion Whether Cooperative Learning used in class encouraged the students to give suggestion for improvement on their friends’ performance or not was in the next statement. all students were in agreement; 11 students 28.20 strongly agreed and 28 students 71.79 agreed. “dosen selalu menyuruh kita untuk memberikan opini atau tanggapan pada teman yang sedang presentasi, jadi ya pastinya iya” R1 the lecturer always asked us to give opinion to friends who presented their materials.. “pas waktu presentasi kan disuruh kasih saran, kalo lagi diskusoi kelompok kita juga sering tuker saran kok sama teman.” R2 when someone presenting their materilas the lecturer asked us to give suggestion. We also give our suggestion for each member of group when we did group discussion. On the other hand, no one disagreed or strongly disagreed to the statement. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 57 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree pe rce n ta ge Figure 4.8. Students’ Perception on the Cooperative Learning’s Implication to Work Together with Friends in Completing Difficult Task The next statement examined whether Cooperative Learning used in class enabled students to work together in completing a difficult task or not. 14 students 5.12 disagreed. The other 32 students were in agreement to the statement; 14 35.89 strongly agreed and 23 students 58.97 agreed that Cooperative Learning used in class enables students to work together in completing a difficult task. “Biaanya kalo tugasnya susah tu lho mas. Kita kumpul dimana trus ngerjain bareng bareng. Sering juga si.” R1 Sometimes when the assignment is hard to do whe gathred and did the assignment together. “sering banget mas.kadang aku suka gak jelas, dan ada teman juga yang kurang jelas, trus kita datengin teman yang pinter dan kita kerjakan bareng-bareng.” R2 I often did it. When I did’t really understand the assignment I went to smarter friends who really understood and then we did the assignment together. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 58

c. Developing Reading Interest

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