The teaching method used in


b. Students Individual Skill

The result of quistionnaire and interview shows that students respond positively to the Cooperative Learning used in Extensive Reading class to improve students’ individual skill. “metode yang dipakai dosen di dalam kelas sangat bagus. Saya bisa meningkatkan kemampuan membaca saya dan juga dapat menambah pengetahuan saya.” R1 the method used by the lecturer in class is very good. I can develop my reading ability and I can enrich my knowledge “saya jadi bisa menikmati belajar dalam kelas karena tidak membosankan. Saya bisa berbagi pengetahuan dengan teman di kelas dan itu dapat memperkaya pengetahuan saya dalam berbagai hal.” R2 I can enjoy learning in class because it was not boring. I can share knowledge with friens and it enrich my knowledge of everything The first statement is the teaching method used in class helps me to complete the tasks independently. The first statement is whether the teaching method used in class helps the studemnts to complete the task independently or not. 12 students strongly agreed 30.76 and 26 students agreed 66.66 about the statement. On the other hand, only one student disagreed about the statement 2.5 . Table 4.2. Students perception on students’ individual skill in the process of Cooperative Learning No Aspects ∑ Response n People of 39 Respondents SA A D SD Students’ Individual Skill

1. The teaching method used in

class helps me to complete the tasks independently. 12 30.76 26 66.66 1 2.5 - - PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 46 No Aspects ∑ Response n People of 39 Respondents SA A D S D 2. The teaching method used in class helps me to develop my reading ability independently. 15 38.46 22 56.41 2 5.12 - - 3. I feel free to select what I want to read based on my own interest. 27 69.23 11 28.20 1 2.5 - - 4. The lecturer gives me chances to consult when I have difficulties in doing my task. 21 53.84 17 43.58 1 2.5 - - 5. The individual assignments can enrich my knowledge. 22 56.41 17 43.58 - - - - 6. The take home assignments encourage me to learn more about reading materials. 15 38.46 24 61.53 - - - - 7. The teaching method used in class helps me to develop my own learning strategy. 13 33.33 24 61.53 2 5.12 - - 8. The teaching method used in class helps me to develop my own knowledge. 14 35.89 25 64.1 - - - - 9. The teaching method used in class develops my interest to read more. 10 25.64 23 58.97 6 15.38 - - 10. The teaching method makes me understand the materials easily 8 20.5 27 69.23 4 10.25 - - 11. The teaching method used in class leads me to find that reading is interesting. 15 38.46 17 43.58 7 17.94 - - 12. It is a pleasure to learn from the teaching method used in class. 12 30.76 24 61.53 3 76.92 - - 13. I don’t feel bored to learn Extensive Reading II with this teaching method 10 25.64 24 61.53 5 12.82 - - 14. The teaching method can increase my speaking skill 16 41.02 19 48.71 4 10.25 - - PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 47

c. Students Social and Communication Skill

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