Developing Reading Interest Developing Self-confidence


c. Developing Reading Interest

The first statement was about an interest in reading articles. 32 students were in agreement to the statement that stated teaching strategy used in class developed their interest in reading materials; 20 students 51.28 agreed and 12 20.76 students strongly greed. On the other hand, eight students were not in agreement with the statement; 7 students 17.94 disagreed and one student 2.5 strongly disagreed with the statement. 10 20 30 40 50 60 strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree pe rce n ta ge Figure 4.9. Students’ Perception on the Cooperative Learning’s Implication to Develop Reading Interest “kalo baca sendirian tu rasanya males, kalo dikelas kan bisa berbagi juga dengan teman teman tentang apa yang kita baca.” R1 if I read an article alone I felt lazy, but when it happened in class I am not lazy bucause we can share it with friend about what we heve read. “kadang kalo bacaannya banyak jadi males baca.” R2 if the articles were so many, I felt lazy to read it. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 59 10 20 30 40 50 60 strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree pe rce n ta ge Figure 4.10. Students’ Perception on the Cooperative Learning’s Implication to Read Much More When the researcher asked students if the teaching strategy used in class developed their interest to read much more, 34 students responded positively; 15 students 38.46 strongly agreed and 19 students 48.71 agreed to the statement. “iya, karena kita bisa cari artikel yang kita suka, dan itu mebuat kita antusias.” R1 yes, because we could search our own favorite article, and it made us enthusiastic. five students were opposing the statement; 3 students 7.6 disagreed and 2 students 5.1 strongly disagreed. “gak juga kadang kadang bosen disuruh cari atikel terus.” R2 not really, sometimes I felt bored to always search for the article . PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 60

d. Developing Self-confidence

The fourth implication – developing self-confidence, is covering four points. First point is confidence in sharing knowledge to other students. 34 students were in agreement to the statement; ten students 25.64 strongly agreed and 24 students 61.53 agreed. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree pe rc ent a ge Figure 4.11. Students’ Perception on the Cooperative Learning’s Implication to be Confident in Sharing Knowledge to Other Students “ya...karena waktu sharing itu topik yang kita kuasai, jadi ya pede aja mas.” R1 yes because we shared the topic that we mastered, so we felt confident to share it. Other five students were opposing that teaching strategy used in class encouraged them to be confident in sharing their knowledge to their friends; all those five students 12.82 disagreed and no one strongly disagreed. “gak juga....biasanya karena terpaksa maju jadi ya mau gak mau.” R2 not really, sometimes I am forced to share my topic by friends. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 61 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree pe rce n ta ge Figure 4.12. Students’ Perception on the Cooperative Learning’s Implication to be Confident in Sharing Knowledge in Class Discussion Second point was about confidence in sharing knowledge in class discussion. Thirty six students experienced that the teaching strategy used in class encouraged them to be confident in sharing their knowledge in class discussion; 12 students 30.76 strongly agreed and 24 students 61.53 agreed. “ya, soalnya kita senang dengan topik kita?” R1 yes, because we did like our own topic?. However, the other students were opposing the statement; three students 7.7 disagreed and no one strongly disagreed. “ah, sama aja mas, masih tetep grogi” R2 not really different, I still felt nervous. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 62 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree pe rce n ta ge Figure 4.13. Students’ Perception on the Cooperative Learning’s Implication to be Confident in Sharing Opinion in Class Discussion The third point was confidence in sharing opinion in class discussion. Most of the students experienced that teaching strategy used in class encouraged them to be confident in sharing their opinion in class discussion; eight students 20.51 strongly agreed and 27 students 69.23 agreed. However, the other students were not in agreement to the statement; 4 students 10.25 disagreed and one student no one strongly disagreed. “jelas..soalnya kita tahu persis topik kita.” R1 of course, bucause we did understand our own topic. “Karena keinginan dari diri sendiri aja.” R2 It is because of my own self-motivation. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 63 10 20 30 40 50 60 strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree pe rce n ta ge Figure 4.14. Students’ Perception on the Cooperative Learning’s Implication to be Involved Actively in Class Discussion The last point in this implication is confidence in involving actively in class activities. Fifty six students responded that teaching strategy used in class encouraged them to be confident in involving actively in class activities; 21 students 53.84 agreed and 15 students 38.46 strongly agreed to the statement. “ya soalnya dari tanya jawab, kita harus aktif bertanya, nah disitu keaktifannya ,mulai terlihat.” R1 yes from the question and answer session, we had to ask question. In that session we could see our activism. On the other hand, 3 students opposed that the teaching strategy encouraged them to be confident; 3 students 7.7 disagreed, and no one strongly disagreed. “itu karena aku juga pengen jadi akif di kelas.” R2 It is because I wanted to be active in class. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 64

e. Achieving goals and objectives

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