Research and information gathering Planning Developing preliminary form of product Preliminary field testing

37 five steps of RD were used in this research because this study was only designing materials. The steps are Research and Information Collecting, Planning, Develop Preliminary Form of Product, Preliminary Field Testing, and Main Product Revision. Those five steps were considered enough to carry out the research as well to answer the problem formulation.

1. Research and information gathering

In this step, the researcher applied the identification of learners’ characteristic and needs step from Kemp’s model under the research and information gathering step from RD. the researcher conducted needs analysis by doing questioners to the students in order to gather data consisting of their necessities, lack, and wants. The researcher also conducted interview with the English teacher to gather data about the students’ characteristic and find out how the classroom activities were. Based on this data the writer has consideration to construct an appropriate material for the students.

2. Planning

In this step, the researcher applied the formulating goals, topics, and general purposes, and formulating learning objectives steps from Kemp’s model under the planning step from RD. Within this step, the researcher tried to formulate specific purposes which derived from the goals and the needs analysis. After stating the learning objectives, the researcher made list of topic based on the learning objectives. 38

3. Developing preliminary form of product

In this step, the researcher applied choosing appropriate subject contents and teaching learning activities steps from Kemp’s model under the developing preliminary form of product step from RD. In this step, the researcher chose appropriate subject content, selected teaching learning activities, then developed the pre-design materials by applying the finding from the needs analysis.

4. Preliminary field testing

In this step, the researcher applied evaluating designed materials step from Kemp’s model under the preliminary field testing step from RD. In this step, the researcher conducted evaluation or pretesting of the design product. The evaluation of the product was carried out by having the expert to evaluate the product.

5. Main product revision