Giving Handouts of Irregular Verb Giving Checklist

76 R: Menurut kamu gamesnya tadi gimana? What do you think about the games? S: Seru. Exciting. R: Seru karena? Because of what? S: Unik. It is unique. R: Uniknya karena? Why is it so? S: Ya kan pembelajarannya nggak monoton gitu lho. Udah gitu aja. Because the lessons are not monotonou s. Well that’s all. R: Hah? Kalau dibanding pelajaran yang biasanya, lebih mudah masuk mana? What? Compared to the ordinary lessons, did the games make you understand more? S: Sama aja. It is the same. R: Sama aja ya. Cuman yang ini tadi lebih seru gitu? It is the same, but the games were more fun? S: Iya. Yes. R: Makasih. Thank you. S: Ya. No problem. The only thing they were disappointed at was the rule of going backwards some steps when they got the columns that said so. R: Kamu suka games yang tadi nggak? Did you like the games? S: Insyaallah suka. Insyaalaah I did R: Kok insyaallah? Why are you like that? S: Di dunia ini tidak ada yang pasti. Nothing is sure in this world. R: Sukanya kenapa? Nggak sukanya kenapa? Wel then why did you like it and why did you not? S: Ya sukanya seru gitu lho. Nggak bikin ngantuk. Terus jadi dong. I liked it because it was exciting. It was not boring. And I understood better. R: Emangnya kalau pelajaran yang biasnya enggak? What about the usual lessons? S: Ya bosen kan gitu-gitu terus. It is boring with the monotonous lessons. R: Kalau yang ini tadi nggak gitu-gitu terus? Ada nggak sukanya nggak? The games earlier were not monotonous? There is something you did not like about the games? S: Ya jengkelnya itu kalau kalah itu lho. I hated it when I lost. R: Oh… jadi nggak suka peraturannya? Oh so you did not like the rules? S: Iya. No I did not.

b. Giving Handouts of Irregular Verb

The handouts helped the students a lot since they had not mastered all the past forms of the verbs. Past forms are not something we can memorize in a short time, so 77 having a list of past forms helps a lot. The students could look for the list in the handouts every time they did not know the past form of a verb and it helped them to be more settled and to work more efficiently. This could be seen by the less frequency of asking questions. The students rarely asked the researcher or the teacher about the verbs they were looking for. R: Tadi handoutnya jalan kan, Bu? Maksudnya efektif begitu? Was the handouts effective, Ma’am? T: Iya. Bagus. Siswa jadi ada pedomannya. Mereka kan memang nggak pernah bawa kamus. Pada nggak punya kamus. Kalau ada listnya seperti tadi kan bisa membantu. Mengerjakannya meningkat to? Yes, it is. The students had guidance. They never bring dictionary. They do not have ones. Given list like earlier helped them. Do not they improve? R: Iya, Bu. Sudah banyak yang bener jawabannya. Soalnya kan tinggal cari di daftar yang di handout tadi. Yes, Ma’am. They did it right. They could just look for the answers on the handouts.

c. Giving Checklist

The checklist helped a lot to remind the students the things that might be forgotten. The checklist gave the students chances to check their work more carefully. The result is the students write better as their work had been rechecked, and more importantly they were able to do it on their own, without being helped by the others. The checklist was not only helping them make certain that their writing was correct, but also enabling them to work more independently without the help from their peers. T: Gimana meningkat tidak tadi kira-kira? Do you think they are improving? R: Iya, Bu, saya lihat sekilas tadi sudah meningkat daripada yang cycle pertama. Yes, Ma’am. I looked it briefly, it was improving compared to the first cycle. T: Ya… Alhamdulillah. Well thank God R: Kalau checklistnya tadi membantu tidak menurut Ibu? What about the checklist, Ma’am? Do you think it helped? 78 T: Iya, membantu. Setelah mengerjakan bisa ngecek tadi iya to? Biasanya kan pada malas kalau suruh mengecek kembali. It helped. After doing the tasks, they could recheck it right? Usually they did not want to do that. R: Iya, Bu. Yes, ma’am

4. General Findings