Implementing Board Games in Learning Grammar

74 checked; and grammar and sentence structure, including subject-verb agreement and fragments. After 45 minutes, I gave them the checklist and explain them how to use it. I told them to read their writing again while checking to the checklist. Some students said, “Udah? Cuma nyentang-nyentang gitu aja? That is all? We only give checks?” I answered, “Ya enggak, dibaca dulu tulisan kalian, dicocokkan sama yang di checklist, yang sudah ada dicentang, yang belum ya ditambahi atau dibenarkan kalau perlu. No. You read your writing first, compare it with the checklist. If it is same with what the checklist says, check it, if not, correct it. ” I asked them if they had not understood anything, and as they said they had, I told them to start to work with the checklist. I walked around the class to help them if they were confused about anything.

3. Reflection

a. Implementing Board Games in Learning Grammar

The students could learn better about past tense, subject-verb agreement, and avoiding fragments in this cycle. The problems used for the games had been simplified so the students did not find it as hard as the cycle one’s. The students had fun during the games, as the interviews say, and they could learn from their friends through discussions. This made them less bored than if they had to listen to teacher’s explanation. R: Kamu suka sama games tadi nggak? Did you like the games? S: Suka. I did. R: Kalau dibanding sama pelajaran yang biasanya? Do you prever the games or the ordinary lessons? S: Ya lebih menyenangkan yang tadi. Labih cepet masuknya. The games were more fun. It was easier to understand the materials. R: Kalau pelajaranyang biasanya kayak gimana? Ya kalau cuman dikasih kertas, terus disuruh mengerjakan gitu. What about the ordinary lessons? When you only got papers and were asked to do the tasks. T: Bukan gitu e kalau yang biasanya itu cuma suruh bikin… diajarin gini terus suruh bikin kalimat gitu. No, it is not like that. The usual lessons were 75 only us being taught the materials and the teacher then asked us to make sentences. R: Terus maju? Then you present it in front of the class? T: Iya. Terus maju terus dinilai A, A-, B, B- … Yes, it is like that. Then we are given scores A, A-, B, B- R: Langsung dinilai, nilainya langsung dikasih tau? The teacher gives the scores right away? S: Iya. Yes. R: Bagus ya nilainya ya? They are good, aren’t they? S: Dikasih contoh, terus suruh bikin, terus tes tes tes gitu. Kalau enggak ya ngerjain LKS. The teacher gives examples, then asks us to make sentences, then she gives tests. If not, we do the tasks from the LKS. R: Intinya lebih suka pelajaran yang biasanya atau yang digameskan? So, the point is, do you prefer the games of the usual lessons? S: Yang digameskan. The games. R: Karena lebih cepet masik ya? Tapi bosen nggak kalau gamesnya yang itu- itu aja? Because you can understand better? But do you not feel bored if the games were always like that? S: Ya… apa… Yak kan… apa ya… kalau games kan pastinya menyenangkan to… ya walaupun gamesnya itu-itu aja tapi kan pembelajarannya itu lho yang penting. Well, games must be more fun. Although we had the same games, the most important is that we could learn from them. R: Oh gitu… So it is like that. The most important things for them were to be able to study in a different way and to discuss with their own peers so that they could learn from them. R: Menurut kamu gamesnya yang tadi gimana? What do you think about the games? S: Bagus… Good R: Kalau nggak senengnya di mana? Do you have anything bothering you? S: Bolak-balik tempat. We have to return to the previous columns again and again. R: Nggak suka peraturannya ya? You do not like the rules? S: Hmm iya. No. R: Kalau dibanding pelajaran yang biasanya, yang dikasih kertas, terus disuruh mengerjakan, gitu lebih suka yang mana? If you could choose the usual lesson where you get papers, you do the tasks, which one would you choose? S: Lebih suka yang games. Ya lebih asik. I prefer the games. It is more exciting. R: Bisa ngobrol sama temen-temennya ya? Because you can discuss with your friends? S: Iya. Yes. R: Oke terima kasih… Okay, thank you. 76 R: Menurut kamu gamesnya tadi gimana? What do you think about the games? S: Seru. Exciting. R: Seru karena? Because of what? S: Unik. It is unique. R: Uniknya karena? Why is it so? S: Ya kan pembelajarannya nggak monoton gitu lho. Udah gitu aja. Because the lessons are not monotonou s. Well that’s all. R: Hah? Kalau dibanding pelajaran yang biasanya, lebih mudah masuk mana? What? Compared to the ordinary lessons, did the games make you understand more? S: Sama aja. It is the same. R: Sama aja ya. Cuman yang ini tadi lebih seru gitu? It is the same, but the games were more fun? S: Iya. Yes. R: Makasih. Thank you. S: Ya. No problem. The only thing they were disappointed at was the rule of going backwards some steps when they got the columns that said so. R: Kamu suka games yang tadi nggak? Did you like the games? S: Insyaallah suka. Insyaalaah I did R: Kok insyaallah? Why are you like that? S: Di dunia ini tidak ada yang pasti. Nothing is sure in this world. R: Sukanya kenapa? Nggak sukanya kenapa? Wel then why did you like it and why did you not? S: Ya sukanya seru gitu lho. Nggak bikin ngantuk. Terus jadi dong. I liked it because it was exciting. It was not boring. And I understood better. R: Emangnya kalau pelajaran yang biasnya enggak? What about the usual lessons? S: Ya bosen kan gitu-gitu terus. It is boring with the monotonous lessons. R: Kalau yang ini tadi nggak gitu-gitu terus? Ada nggak sukanya nggak? The games earlier were not monotonous? There is something you did not like about the games? S: Ya jengkelnya itu kalau kalah itu lho. I hated it when I lost. R: Oh… jadi nggak suka peraturannya? Oh so you did not like the rules? S: Iya. No I did not.

b. Giving Handouts of Irregular Verb