Planning Findings of the First Cycle

45 After analyzing the result of preliminary study, it could be conclude that most of the students at first grade of MTs. Nurul Falah had small vocabulary size and low understanding on part of speech especially in noun, verb, adjective and adverb. So, it needs to find out the solution to overcome this problem. The researcher used vocabulary card as the technique in teaching vocabulary as an innovation in teaching learning process. The action needed to retain students’ vocabulary. The action research conducted in two cycles. Every cycle followed the procedures of action research involving planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Every cycle was conducted in three meetings. The following was the explanation of the action research results.

2. Findings of the First Cycle

a. Planning

The researcher collaborated with her collaborator in this case is the teacher planned the action dealing with preparing vocabulary card technique, instructional materials and media, and determining the criteria of success. In this phase, the researcher made a planning for the Action Research based upon the problems faced by students about vocabulary. In this case, the researcher determined selected material and exercises into lesson plan. Based on syllabus, there are some kinds of text on this term, as follows: narrative, descriptive and procedure. Procedure text was chosen as the text to be delivered for students. That was only discussing some vocabulary that consists of part of speech especially noun, verb, adjective and adverb. In the lesson plan, there were some sentences to identify part of speech. Besides of making lesson plan, the researcher also prepared observation sheet to observe the students and researcher’s activities in teaching learning process whether it was in line with the lesson plan had made before or not. And the researcher also prepared the post test 1 to 46 colle ct the data; to know there are some students’ improvement scores from pre-test to post-test. Next, the researcher and collaborator determined the criteria of success. The criteria of success were 75 of the students’ vocabulary score achieved the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM of English 60.0 or above and 75 of students participated in English vocabulary class. Besides, the researcher prepared the instruments for the research such as: posttest 1, observation checklist, and camera to take a picture of the action. And here are the summary of the researcher steps in planning phase: 1 Decide the kind of text. 2 Making lesson plan with the collaborator 6 3 Preparing model of vocabulary card using different variety. 4 Preparing materials taken from the English text book and media paper, card, marker colors. 5 Preparing student worksheet. 7 6 Preparing the instrument posttest 1 and observational note. 8 7 Determining the criteria of success with the collaborator 75 of 30 students or 22 students achieve the Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM of English 60 or above.

b. Acting

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