Planning Phase Observing Phase

The classroom action research design used in this research is a collaborative classroom action research. It means that the researcher collaborates with the English teacher of MTs. Nurul Falah as observer and collaborator. In conducting the research, the researcher ’s role is as an English teacher who teaches English vocabulary through vocabulary card, while the real English teacher’s role is as an observer or collaborator who observes the action of the research while teaching- learning activities happens in the classroom. Also she acts as a collaborator when helps the researcher in designing lesson plan, carrying out the reflection, and determining the follow up of the research.

G. Classroom Action Research CAR Procedures

The Classroom Action Research using Kemmis Taggart design consists of four phases, they are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting, after doing four phases called one cycle. After finishing the first cycle, it might be found a new problem or the previous unfinished problems yet. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to the second cycle in line with the same concept of the first cycle. Here are the explanations about four phases:

1. Planning Phase

A planning phase was done a fter identifying and diagnosing students’ vocabulary problem occurred in the class proven by observing and interviewing; furthermore in this phase the planning is divided into two types. Those are general planning and specific planning. The general planning is aimed at organizing whole aspects referred to Classroom Action Research CAR. Meanwhile the specific planning is aimed at organizing the plan related to cycle-to-cycle. The organized planning will be formed into lesson planning based on the current used syllabus. The lesson plan has been prepared to be implemented in VII grade at MTs. Nurul Falah Ciputat. It has been mentioned some instructions regarding procedures of teaching, media, resources, and evaluation. 2. Acting Phase The acting phase in the principle is a realization from an act which has been planned before such as what the strategy used, what material be taught and others. 4 Acting phase is the phase where both the researcher and the teacher collaborate to carry out the planned action. The teacher uses the determined strategy as she is teaching while the researcher observes the class condition during teaching learning activity. In this phase it begins the process of going more deeply into the issue being researched, it takes two weeks within two cycles in which each cycle consists of two meetings in action it is according to Arikunto that the acting phase should be implemented at least two cycles continuously and the time period for each cycle depends on the material needs that existed in the semester or annual program designed by the teacher. 5

3. Observing Phase

In this phase, the researcher and the teacher collaboratively to write all events which is happen in the class, and also carries out observation toward implementation of the action using field note or unstructured observation sheet. The researcher observed the outcomes of the intervention and reflecting on its effectiveness. When observing, the observer should notice and note all of activities in the physical classroom. It may be about the teacher’s performance, class situation, students’ response, etc. In this phase, it also collects the data derived from evaluation or post-test.

4. Reflecting Phase

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