Observing Findings of the Second Cycle

56 3 Give students a worksheet and asked them to do the task with their partner.

c. Observing

As in the first cycle, the researcher observed the students ’ participation in the process of vocabulary learning in pre, whilst and post vocabulary activities through observation note see Table 4.2. The researcher and the teacher collaborative in observing the teaching learning process through observational notes. The condition of the class was very well after implementing vocabulary card technique; there were fewer the students who didn’t follow the rule such as do not bring the last vocabulary card and dictionary, all of the students become actively to the activity given by the teacher so the atmosphere of class make the students interested to follow the lesson. Then student could compare and recognize kind of noun, verb, adjective and adverb. The next step the researcher and the teacher collected the data for posttest 2. The result of posttest 2 showed that the average score of the class increased to 66.3 in which there were 26 students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion or KKM 60. The calculation of the mean of students’ score in vocabulary posttest 2 gained 77.2. It was derived from: n xi X   30 1990  X 3 . 66  X Then, the calculation of class percentage about the students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM: 100 x N F   57 100 30 26 x   6 . 86   Finally, the calculation of the improvement percentage is gained from the following formula: P = 100 2   y y y 100 6 . 49 6 . 49 3 . 66     6 . 33   Based on the result of the students’ vocabulary score, there was better improvement of students’ average score from the students’ vocabulary achievement in the preliminary study to the students’ vocabulary in the second cycle. The mean score of the pretest in the preliminary study was 16.6 a nd the mean score of the students’ writing on the second cycle was 60 . Means that there was 16.7 points or 33.6 of average score improvement. The students’ vocabulary improvement from the first cycle to the second cycle recapped in the following chart: 20 40 60 80 Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 2 Cycle 1 58 Figure 4.2. The Students’ Improvement in vocabulary score in the Second Cycle The students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM 60.0 were 26 students or 86.6 if it calculated into class percentage, while 4 out of 30 students 13.3 achieved bellow 60.0 of 30. It indicated that the first criterion of success which required 75 of the students who got at the same as or above the minimum adequacy criteria has been achieved. The following was the table of students’ vocabulary score.

d. Reflecting

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