D. The Subject and the Object of Research

1. The Subject of Research

The subject of this research is students at grade VII of Islamic Junior High School Nurul Falah, academic year 20102011. The number of students consists of 30 thirty. It is chosen based upon the unstructured interview result with the English teacher at that class proving that they have the lowest achievement of English test especially in vocabulary among the other first grade classes. That is why they need an appropriate strategy to help them in improving their English scores by improving students vocabulary.

2. The Object of Research

The object of this research is vocabulary card technique to develop students’ vocabulary in terms of English lesson.

E. The Researcher’s Role on the Research

In this research, the researcher acts in Classroom action research is not only as the researcher but also as a teacher, a planner, and does in making pre-test, a lesson plan, post-test in each final cycles, collecting data, analyzing and reports the result of the research. Besides, the researcher is helped by the teacher who teaches that subjects and he acts as observer. On the other side, the teacher carries out the action based upon the lesson plan has been made. Therefore, the researcher works collaboratively with the English teacher. The researcher does teaching learning activity immediately and attempt to collect the data based on research focus. As a main implementer in this research, the researcher is hoped can obtain accurate data till research goal for improving students’ vocabulary of English.

F. The Research Design

The design of this research is classroom action research. It is called CAR because the research focuses on a particular problem and a particular group of students in a certain classroom. The expert defines about Classroom Action Research: “Mean by the term Action Research is a strategy is basically way of reflecting on your teaching or teacher training, or management of an English department, or whatever you doing ELT. It is done by systematically collecting data on your everyday practice and analyzing it in order to come to some decisions about what your future practice will be. ” 2 From the explanation above we can conclude that the strategy of teaching is depend on the reflection done by the researcher and her collaborator, and then it is important for the collaborator and researcher to make a relational note. In the reflection the researcher and her collaborator make the strategy to solve the problem which appears in the classroom activity. The researcher uses classroom action research Kemmis and Taggart model, which consists of four steps namely: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Improvement of the problem in this research is brought about by a series of cycles. The figure is below: Figure 3.1: Action Research Spiral, Model from Kemmis Taggart 1988 3 2 Michael J. Wallace, Action Research for Language Teacher. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, p. 4. 3 Prof. Dr. Rochiati Wiriaatmadja, Metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru dan Dosen, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2006, p. 66. The classroom action research design used in this research is a collaborative classroom action research. It means that the researcher collaborates with the English teacher of MTs. Nurul Falah as observer and collaborator. In conducting the research, the researcher ’s role is as an English teacher who teaches English vocabulary through vocabulary card, while the real English teacher’s role is as an observer or collaborator who observes the action of the research while teaching- learning activities happens in the classroom. Also she acts as a collaborator when helps the researcher in designing lesson plan, carrying out the reflection, and determining the follow up of the research.

G. Classroom Action Research CAR Procedures

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