Review of women in India

23 marriage, rape, sexual harrasment, dowry related murders, domestic violence, and suicide. 24


This chapter discusses the methodology in conducting this study. This chapter consists of three parts. The first part discusses the object of the study. It contains a brief description of this novel. The second part presents the critical approach that is used in the study. The third part tells about the research procedure which discusses the steps done to answer two questions in problem formulation.

A. Object of the Study

Daughters of Shame written by Jasvinder Sanghera. She is a novelist and the co-founder of Karma Nirvana, a community-based project that supports South Asian women affected by domestic violence and honour-based crimes. She was born in Derby. Following the publication of her own stroy in Shame, Jasvinder has brought the issue of forced marriage into the public eye and helped the Forced Marriage Bill to go through Parliament. In 2007 she received one of the pretigious Women of the Year awards for her work. She has also received the Mc Whirter Foundation Award 2007, Best magazine Bravest Woman Award 2007, and the Inspiration Award for Women 2008. Jasvinder was made an Honorary Doctor of the University of Derby in 2008. This study uses Jasvinder Sanghera’s novel, Daughters of Shame, as the primary data. This novel consists of 290 pages. It was published in 2009 by Hodder Stoughton An Hachette UK Company. This novel consists of 32 25 chapters and each chapter tells about the process that Jasvinder do to save other women from unexpected marriages. Before saving others, Sanghera even become the victim of forced marriages. After escaping from the unexpected marriage, she promises to help others who are trapped in unexpected marriages. She adopts some girls who successfully escape from forced marriages and they are named as Sangh era’s “daughters”. They are Shazia, Sanah, Kiren, Shabana, Yasmin, Maya, Surjit, Fatima, etc. Jasvinder Sanghera’s Daughters of Shame reveals the stories of young women such as Shazia, kidnapped and taken to Pakistan to marry a man she had never met. Daughters of Shame is a novel which contains of biographical true events. The setting is in Derby, United Kingdom during this modern era. This story is told by women who have been drugged, beaten, imprisoned, raped and terrorised within the walls of the homes they called as family. Jasvinder Sanghera knows what it means to flee from your family under threat of forced marriage. She also knows how to face the terrible consequences that follow. Jasvinder is now at the frontline of the battle to save women from the honour-based violence and threat of forced marriage that destroyed her own youth.

B. Approach of the Study

In doing this study, I use feminist approach as the appropriate approach to deal with feminism revealed in Sanghera’s struggle in Daughters of Shame. By using this approach, I can analyze the life experience, the action to achieve women’s right and feminist movement represented by Jasvinder Sanghera. 26 According to Barry in his book entitled Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory. , feminist criticism accept the conventions of literary realism, and treat literature as a series of representation of women’s lives and experience which can be measured and evaluated against reality. Considering this approach, I am interested in knowing the most appropriate kinds of feminism that Jasvinder does in her novel. By using the approach, the analysis of feminism as revealed by Jasvinder Sanghera could be proven.

C. Method of the Study

In doing this study, I used library research because the data were gathered by analyzing the novel and reading books. According to George 2008 one of the goals of library research is to understand human motivations for actions. Library research is a form of structured inquiry with specific tools, rules, and techniques. It is unpredictable, sometimes frustating, but ultimately rewarding as you examine your findings, then add your own insights to make a compelling case. Library research involves identifying and locating sources that provide factual information or personal expert opinion on a research question; neccesary component of every other research method at some point. p.2-3 The primary source was the novel Daughters of Shame by Jasvinder Sanghera. The secondary sources used in conducting this research were the sources related to theory of feminism, the critical approach of feminism, the explanation of the Third World countries, the women situation in India and Pakistan, in 2000s and the ideas of the Third World Feminism. There were some steps taken in doing this study. The first step was reading the novel, Daughters of Shame. I had to read this novel first in order to have a