26 According to Barry in his book entitled Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory. , feminist criticism accept the conventions of literary realism, and treat literature as a series of representation of women’s lives and experience which can be measured and evaluated against reality. Considering this approach, I am interested in knowing the most appropriate kinds of feminism that Jasvinder does in her novel. By using the approach, the analysis of feminism as revealed by Jasvinder Sanghera could be proven.

C. Method of the Study

In doing this study, I used library research because the data were gathered by analyzing the novel and reading books. According to George 2008 one of the goals of library research is to understand human motivations for actions. Library research is a form of structured inquiry with specific tools, rules, and techniques. It is unpredictable, sometimes frustating, but ultimately rewarding as you examine your findings, then add your own insights to make a compelling case. Library research involves identifying and locating sources that provide factual information or personal expert opinion on a research question; neccesary component of every other research method at some point. p.2-3 The primary source was the novel Daughters of Shame by Jasvinder Sanghera. The secondary sources used in conducting this research were the sources related to theory of feminism, the critical approach of feminism, the explanation of the Third World countries, the women situation in India and Pakistan, in 2000s and the ideas of the Third World Feminism. There were some steps taken in doing this study. The first step was reading the novel, Daughters of Shame. I had to read this novel first in order to have a 27 deeper understanding, to find the important information and to know the characters well. I took notes to gain a clear description about Jasvinder Sanghera as the object of analysis. When I was interested in revealing feminism depicted in Sanghera’s actions, I needed to analyze Sanghera’s actions. Secondly, I formulated two problems. The problems could be formulated by knowing the kinds of actions that Jasvinder took to fight forced marriages. Then, the Third World feminism as reflected in her actions needed to be revealed. Thirdly, I found some significant references that could guide me to comprehend the issue. Feminism approach especially in the Third World country and the ideas of Third World Feminism were used in analyzing the novel. I also used the data from related books and internet in order to enrich the further information needed as the references. The purpose of the references was to help in answering the problem formulation. In answering the result of the study, first I identified all of Jasvinder Sanghera’s actions. Then, I classified them into some categories. After that, I matched the ideas of the Third World Feminism and Jasvinder’s actions to fight forced marriages. After finishing all steps, the result of the study was concluded. I also gave implication for education and suggestion for future research. Then, I included the appendices which contained the summary of the novel, the biography of the author, the pictures of Jasvinder’s actions in fighting forced marriage, and the testimonial. 28


This chapter is divided into two parts based on the two problem formulations. The first part analyzes the kinds of actions that Jasvinder takes to fight forced marriage. Then, the second part reveals how Jasvinder‟s actions reflect the ideas of the Third World Feminism.

A. The Actions done by Jasvinder to Fight Forced Marriage

In order to answer the first problem, I analyze the kinds of action of Jasvinder Sanghera against forced marriage. There are eight actions revealed from the novel. Those actions are :

1. Building a Charity named Karma Nirvana

Jasvinder Sanghera had a big vision to help the victims of forced marriage. Her life was called to support other women. In the past, she had a bitter experience about being forced into marriage but she could escape. Therefore, her family disowned her. After she escaped from home, she had a commitment to help other victims of forced marriage. First, she met Ayesha and she said to Ayesha that she was not the only Asian woman who had been forced into marriage. The story of Ayesha‟s life made Jasvinder become stronger to fight forced marriage. Ayesha was raped by her brother when she was eight. Her mother knew it but she pretended to know nothing. Then, Ayesha had been forced into marriage.