Building A Sisterhood between First World and Third World Countries


3. Being a Women Activist

The rule of women activisms and feminist mobilization could be the best way to create women‟s rights. For the last ideas of Third World Feminism, Jasvinder had done a lot of actions in creating a women‟s world without forced marriage like I have proven in the previous part. Firstly, Jasvinder did preventive actions against forced marriage in some schools of her environment. Then, she campaigned against forced marriage in front of public like governmental departments, laws and bills. After that, she had a lot of opportunities to be a speaker at some international conferences. She shared about her experience and her struggles against forced marriage. Finally, she could change the survivor‟s life and hope. She promised that the survivors would not walk alone. She provided a refuge that was needed by the survivors. 50


This chapter consists of three main parts. They are the conclusions of this thesis, the implications for education and the suggestion for future research. The first conclusion reviews the findings of the Jasvinder Sanghera‟s action against forced marriages. The second conclusion review how Jasvinder Sanghera‟s actions reflect Third World Feminism. The second part give necessary implications for education. The last part is the suggestions for future researchers who might be interested in conducting further studies of the novel.

A. Conclusions

Based on analysis in the previous chapter, there are two main points presented here in order to conclude the discussions concerning the formulated problems

1. The Actions done by Jasvinder to Fight Forced Marriage

Jasvinder Sanghera and her sister, Robina had bitter experiences about being forced into marriage. Jasvinder could escape and become a survivor but Robina commited suicide by burning herself to escape from her husband. Therefore, the past experience led Jasvinder to help the other victims of forced marriage. First, Jasvinder built a charity named Karma Nirvana, an organization helping south Asian women who had been the victims of honour-based violence 51 and forced marriage. She built Karma Nirvana in Derby. Karma Nirvana had a purpose to help women who had suffered from forced marriage. Second, she had to face a dilemmatic fact that she had to finish her PhD which had been offered by Gordon Riches, her tutor when she was an undergraduate at Derby University. The trouble was there were so many things to do at Karma Nirvana which had to be her priority. She thought it was best to forget PhD and go back to work. She dedicated all her time to work at Karma Nirvana. Third, Then, Jasvinder did not only provide a charity to protect the survivors but also comforting the survivors such as Shazia, Kiren, Shabana, Maya, Surjit and many more. When she was phoned by the victims, she could not procrastinate. She had to offer a help. She said that there were safe houses, refuges and people who supported her. Her daughters had grown from frightened and traumatic memories. They had rebuilt their new life into independent and optimistic women. Fourth, Jasvinder came to some schools in her surrounding. It became one of her first step in fighting forced marriage. Children, especially girls, who had been suspected had to know their fate before it happened. Some of them had no idea of where to turn for help. Therefore, Karma Nirvana took the preventive action and schools were one of their early targets. School was a place to find education and knowledge. In schools, students will be taught about truth, justice, human rights and equalities. 52 Fifth, Jasvinder did not only work at Karma Nirvana office, but she also gave presentations in front of police forces, social activists, health visitors, schools and some institutes which care about women. Jasvinder was also invited to be the speaker at the International Conferences in Dubai to share her knowledge of forced marriage with delegates from Islamabad, Mumbai and other countries. Sixth, Karma Nirvana had brought her to the world where women need freedom. Jasvinder had an opportunity to be a speaker at Women International Conferences. After being a speaker at the International Conference, Karma Nirvana began to be well-known and had the attention of people in the world. The International Conferences afterwards became the milestone of Jasvinder to go around the world and spread the action to fight against forced marriage Seventh, one of the goal of her action was the freedom of every women who had been trapped in forced marriage. She had helped many women and the most wonderful thing was when her sur vivors called her „Mother‟. Jasvinder was recognized as their mother because she could gave them the protection she needed. One of the survivors called Surjit had grown from frightened and traumatic memories. She could change into an independent and optimistic woman. She had rebuilt her new life. At that time, they could enjoy their freedom. Ja svinder became the „mother‟ of her „daughters‟. Eighth, Jasvinder‟s spirit in fighting forced marriage was continued by Shazia, one of her “daughters”. Shazia regularly addresses large audiences across the country and she became Jasvinder‟s representative. She brought to expose the cruelty and injustice of women who had been the victim of forced marriage. 53

2. Jasvinder’s Actions in Fighting Forced Marriage as A Reflection of

Third World Feminism The ideas of The Third World Feminism in the World Conferences 1990s were shown by Jasvinder‟s actions. In Third World countries, the biggest problem faced by women was gender inequality. There were a lot of gender inequalities revealed in this novel and Jasvinder had helped all of the victims. Gender inequality covered patriarchal power and domestic abuse. In Jasvinder Sanghera‟s Daughters of Shame , most of the women were controlled by the power of men especially the eldest male of the family who used their power to their own advantages. They were controlled by patriarchal power. Jasvinder had helped Sanah, Kiren, Shabana, Surjit and Maya to fight against patriarchal power. Jasvinder protected them from the power of the eldest male of their family who forced them into marriages. Besides, there were a lot of domestic abuse revealed in this novel. As the women activist, Jasvinder also opposed domestic abuse. Jasvinder had supported the survivors by providing safe houses, refuges and people to support them. Both of the survivors were Mariam and Surjit. Jasvinder knew that Third World countries especially South Asian like India and Pakistan had to find support from First World country. She built Karma Nirvana in Derby, UK. She introduced Karma Nirvana through mass media such as Marie Claire magazine. The purpose was to make her charity become well- known by the women who needed help especially South Asian women around the world. In Derby, the role of police was very important. Jasvinder could not do her actions alone without help from the police. In an urgent situation, she ordered the