The Actions done by Jasvinder to Fight Forced Marriage

54 victims to call 999 and the police would protect them. She was also supported by the House of Lords from the Liberal peer, Lord Lester. She joined the second reading of forced marriage Civil Protection Act. The victims at Karma Nirvana all believe forced marriage was an inescapeable. Jasvinder expected a support from Derby‟s government to help South Asian women. First, her action could not be heard by the government, but oneday Jasvinder was called by Home Affairs Select Committee to give evidence of domestic violence, forced marriage and honour-based violence. For her, it was a good point to make the stories of the victims to be heard. Jasvinder has brought the issue of forced marriage into the public eye and helped Forced Marriage Bill to go through Parliament. In 2007, she received one of the pretigious Women of the Year awards for her work. She has also received the McWhirter Foundation Award 2007, Best magazine Bravest Woman Award 2007, and the Inspiration Award for Women 2008. Finally, Jasvinder was made an Honorary Doctor of the University of Derby in 2008. Jasvinder did preventive actions against forced marriage in some schools of her environment. Then, she campaigned against forced marriage in front of public like governmental departments, laws and bills. After that, she had a lot of opportunities to be a speaker at some international conferences. She shared about her experience and her struggles against forced marriage. Finally, she could change the sur vivor‟s life and hope. She promised that the survivors would not walk alone. She provided a refuge that was needed by the survivors. 55

B. Implications for Education

The major discussion of Jasvinder Sanghera‟s Daughters of Shame and the main problem of the Third World Feminism is gender inequality. Nowadays, this issue can be found in our life and environment including education. Gender inequality is a serious problem in education. Therefore, all teachers and educational practitioners need to know how to build gender equality in educational world. Education should not only provide academic understanding of the teaching learning material but also good moral and life values. Students should learn a lot of things about life and society. Sayan Das in his article describes is the vehicle of knowledge, self-preservation and success. Education do not only gives us a platform to succeed, but also the knowledge of social conduct, strength, character and self-respect. The greatest gift education gives us is the knowledge of unconditional love and set of values. as cited in Palupi, 2010,p.62 The example is literature. By using literary works, students can have a vivid example about life, moral, society, culture, history, etc. Paul Fairfield in his book, Education after Dewey stated that literature educates the moral imagination, social intelligence, or some similar capacity. as cited in Palupi, 2010,p.62. Regarding to what Fairfield has said, literature does not only entertain us with the good plot, characters, setting. By reading literature or other literary works such as novel, we should learn the moral and life values. Reading novel can help us to give suggestions, warnings, advice, or restrictions associated with the main ideas of the novel. One of the novels that give many values is Jasvinder Sanghera‟s Daughters of Shame. After reading this novel, the reader can find 56 many moral values and struggles which may enrich the reader‟s understanding and knowledge about life. Actually, the main point of the novel is gender inequality. The novel Daughters of Shame gives us clear explanations on how Jasvinder as the main character should take an action to fight forced marriage. Education should make students aware of gender equality. Students should learn how to respect gender earlier. Gender inequality is related to society norms, religion or cultural traditions. The issue of gender equality needs to be at the core of the development in all countries. The only solution to this is gender equality, which led women to a better life. According to Sharma in her journal entitled Gender Inequality In Education And Employment, education is the key to gender equality and to larger employment opportunities for women. Education is widely recognized as the gateway to life security and opportunity-particularly for girls and women. Education provides opportunities for women and the reasons for the inherent gender inequality in many societies p.17. One o f Jasvinder Sanghera‟s actions was when she did the preventive actions against forced marriage in schools. Jasvinder had given speeches in public especially education practitioners in order to fight against forced marriage and gender inequality. Children especially girls who had been suspected had to know their fate before it happened. School was a place to find education and knowledge. In schools, students will be taught about truth, justice, human rights and equalities.. By educating the students, the issue of gender inequality can be prevented. 57 Unconsciously, gender inequality can be happened in school although school is a place to find education, knowledge and truth. All teachers should know Sharma‟s statement and do the actions like what Jasvinder had done to prevent gender inequality in school. The suggestions for fostering gender equality are

1. Constructing Gender Equality in Teaching Material

Looking at the fact happening in some countries, there are common examples of gender inequality in school. First, the ambiguous pictures and the statements can be easily found in an assignment. It is commonly used in the teaching material for elementary school even kindergarten. For example UNIT 2 DAILY ROUTINES TASK 1 Fill the following questions with the correct answer on the right 1. __________ goes to work everyday. a. My sister 2. _________ cooks a meal every morning. b. My father 3. _________ plays football on Friday. c. My mother 4. _________ waters the flower twice a week. d. My brother