Forced Marriage Definition of Terms

11 conditioned from time to time. Women are not only physically oppressed but also mentally oppressed as cited in Setyorini,2009 p.15 Fakih 1996 explains about the feminist struggle. The most important thing about feminist struggle is finding out the equality, dignity and freedom. The ideas of feminism are: 1 Equality The definition of feminism deals with both equal rights for women and in a way to create a world for women beyond social equality. All human beings are born free, have equal dignity and rights. Men and women should have equal rights. In the equality, there is no difference between human beings. Leclerq 1942 in his book says Like the man, the woman is a human person, with all the dignity of a human being. But she is a human person in another manner than man. She has, therefore, the same right to seek after her perfection. Yet she is different, and as a consequence her personality unfolds itself under other conditions. The rule of equality between man and woman is a rule of differentiated equality. The woman not only has an equal right with the man to the full development of her being; she has an equal right to develop herself in different way. To impose man‟s manner of life upon the woman, or to give her the same status, is to violate her right, which is to be different from him p.292. 2 Liberty Women have the right to live, work and feel free. Women have their own freedom and rights to do anything they want. The main point is that women are born free and equal to men. They are supposed to be subjected to men. Therefore, women no longer put up with being dependent on men. Leclerq states that Physically the woman is smaller and weaker than the man. Nevertheless, in certain forms of activity she displays greater power of resistance, thanks to her more affective nature. Feeling plays a greater role in the woman 12 than in the man. She reasons less and feels more. This is not to say that she is less inteligent: she is intelligent in a different way. In the woman intelligence is more closely linked with feeling. It is from this that she derives her gifts of intuition, an esential trait of feminine intelligence, and this likewise accounts for her slight taste for reasoning and abstract thought p.295. 3 Women’s Right to be Herself Feminism believes that women‟s first right is to be women that they do not imitate the men when they develop their ability. Leclerq states that woman must accept her nature: her development, her happiness, her perfection, her glory lies in her woman‟s nature. 4 Opportunity of Career Feminism means freedom for all aspects of women‟s active expression. It is the elimination of all structural and psychological handicaps to women‟s independence. Feminism demands for the women equality in education and in accessing the profession. Women should have an equal role with men in achieving her satisfaction through her own abilities. The theories of feminism support the feminist ideas and also the theories of superior feeling. Actually women are not inferior as men and others say. Women have many superior characters. The feeling of superiority can make women realize their power. It is true that women are not emotional than men but they can handle their feelings. Women have good abilities in expressing their feelings. This fact makes them more realist than men. They are better in handling the bad conditions they face in their life, like starvation, exposure, fatigue, shock, and illness Montagu, 1953: p. 83-84.